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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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The Security Apparatus that is deployed in Kashmir is not well trained in Riot Management. There are Rapid Action Force units esp. to handle riots active. I used to see them always deployed near Charminar in Old City - Hyderabad. Some one like that would be better equipped than guys with guns or lathis, in handling the Intifada style stone throwing crowd.

Having said that, it is sad what is happening in Kashmir. There should many steps taken, esp. that will ensure respect for Human rights and civil liberties of people. There is so much political drama that keeps on going, that any drastic steps in Kashmir are seen as unpatriotic. A more pragmatic approach is necessary for ensuring peace in the valley, throwing security forces by numbers will only create/strengthen a police state.
Again your comparing the mindset of a child to that of an Adult.......you know what I'm gonna ask this to other English people and espicallly law and psychology students and see what they say.....because its simply laughable in which you say that its okay for a soilder to kill a kid if he goes against the troops. Instead of killing him educate him.....its your fault in why he is like that.....its as simple as that.

I have a degree in Psychology.....and I am surprised at how hard you're trying....
Secondly....I dont need English approval to justify Indian actions...this aint colonial India....

Anyways....I think you should read one of my other posts to you and answer ther question I posed there....

See below:

You fail to understand Buddy....

Im drawing parallels between:

The act of killing violators of law....some kids in this case by the Indian govt.
The act of kiilling kids who are Taliban by the Pakistani army, US and UK forces....

Again....both are govt mandated operations.....

I question your compassion towards the Kashmiris but not to the kids in the Taliban since you seem to have a bias in one situation over the other....

The question you asked was..."How can the Indian Army Kill kids"
The answe is....the same way the Pakistanis, the Americans and the Brits do it....
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The weapon aside, my point is law is equal for all....especially when you deal with the laws of the country......the child disobeyed Indian law....pelted the state forces of India....and got shot in defence.....

Wow I'm astounded.....your actually comapring the mindset of a kid to that of a Adult..haha....that is just too funny. Psychology students will rip you to shreds......do you know why, because they will it say it was the states job to educate these people......and how long have you had Kashmir over 60 years....so you have failed in this regard. Oh yiou have a psychology degree then you know that from reports.....a child does not comprend in knowing what he does at a young age.

So instead of booasting about you got this weapon and you got that weapon....first educate your people so that....8 year old don't have to come out on to the street.
So lets assume that Kashmir is granted independence from India and Azad Kashmir will be formed.

Ok but then wt wld be its future??

A land locked country between two nuclear powers with no resources. Don't forget Chinese on the east too.

How would they earn their bread and butter, tourism, no? wt else.
Wt sort of trade and commerce will they have. Remember, u have Afghanistan, again a land locked country and not to mention about its past, present and future. It would be matter of time till it collapses.

Here is the plight of land locked countries in the world. Doest it have a better model to follow?

Landlocked country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wow I'm astounded.....your actually comapring the mindset of a kid to that of a Adult..haha....that is just too funny. Psychology students will rip you to shreds......do you know why, because they will it say it was the states job to educate these people......and how long have you had Kashmir over 60 years....so you have failed in this regard. Oh yiou have a psychology degree then you know that from reports.....a child does not comprend in knowing what he does at a young age.

So instead of booasting about you got this weapon and you got that weapon....first educate your people so that....8 year old don't have to come out on to the street.

You're going into Tangential arguments....none had anything to do with the other....

I have given you a sequential and organzied manner in which I think....

Your tender age seems to have caught up with you.....Now you're brinking on emotions which is clear from your attempts at trying to put me down...

Anyways, its a bloody friday and Im out of here......

But think up some rational arguments and I will respond to them in the am....
So lets assume that Kashmir is granted independence from India and Azad Kashmir will be formed.

Ok but then wt wld be its future??

A land locked country between two nuclear powers with no resources. Don't forget Chinese on the east too.

How would they earn their bread and butter, tourism, no? wt else.
Wt sort of trade and commerce will they have. Remember, u have Afghanistan, again a land locked country and not to mention about its past, present and future. It would be matter of time till it collapses.

Here is the plight of land locked countries in the world. Doest it have a better model to follow?

Landlocked country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are many land-locked, small and non-influential states in the world formed out of similar situations. Did they abandon their hopes for independence based on a hastily done cost-benefit analysis? You can't put a quota on freedom.
nothing will happen,india will never afford the integrity threat
Your tender age seems to have caught up with you.....Now you're brinking on emotions which is clear from your attempts at trying to put me down...

Anyways, its a bloody friday and Im out of here......

But think up some rational arguments and I will respond to them in the am....
Peshwa is online now Report Post Reply With Quote

Pashwa i have no reason to put you down.....i'm just putting across my opinion.....anyway enjoy your late night friday.
IF the Pakistani army or America or even the UK have killied kids...then I feel its completely wrong......did you know when such reports surface in the UK media...there is a backlash that the politicians face by the people...inquiries are set up in why such cases happened.......now has India done this......I think not.....have you gone to the goverment and complianed....I think not.
Futhermore Taliban is not a goverment.....so an extremists group is expected to do something stupid, such as using children. However like I said before India is a proper goverment.......so when you compare India to Taliban, it maks me laugh because your actually comparing your goverment to a bunch of animals.
Futhermore Taliban is not a goverment.....so an extremists group is expected to do something stupid, such as using children. However like I said before India is a proper goverment.......so when you compare India to Taliban, it maks me laugh because your actually comparing your goverment to a bunch of animals.

Seriously GreenStar....I shouldnt have to explain this 50 times....Lemme write this as simply as I can...

Children in the Taliban = Children in the mob in Kashmir

Pakistani army operations casulaties resulting in Talibani Childrens death = Indian Police operational casualties resulting in death of children in mob

You show a major bias and hypocricy when you criticize the Indian Police for their actions but not the Pakistani army for a crime against a "child" when both are doing it to maintain peace and order in their respective countries...

Where is the disconnect?
Anyways...you seem stubborn not to understand....
Im going to stop here....
Better Kashmir's understand Independence is not an option for them else they are one who will suffer.

Spoken like a true dictator........and India calls itself a democratic country.
Seriously GreenStar....I shouldnt have to explain this 50 times....Lemme write this as simply as I can...

Children in the Taliban = Children in the mob in Kashmir

Pakistani army operations casulaties resulting in Talibani Childrens death = Indian Police operational casualties resulting in death of children in mob

You show a major bias and hypocricy when you criticize the Indian Police for their actions but not the Pakistani army for a crime against a "child" when both are doing it to maintain peace and order in their respective countries...

Where is the disconnect?
Anyways...you seem stubborn not to understand....
Im going to stop here....

Taliban dont have children even if they have they r used as suicide bombers and are mostly 18 and above to 23.
And on the otherside u kill youth armed with STONES OF MASS DESTRUCTION.

Pathetic comparison.
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