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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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These kids must be lopsided in the brain to understand such complex situations, yet innocent where they dont understand the consequences of actions like Arson, stone throwing and destruction of public property!

Do you know that in England a lot of youths vandalise a lot of property....so should they be killied because they went too far.......or should they be subdued and rehabillated in a program that helps them to become better citizens.
Peshwa I would ask you to eat some humble pie and look at a map of the Maoist and Naxalite insurgency, and your "internal" Kashmir problem. Then tell me the exact area in square feet of land that is being exploited by insurgency or militancy in both Pakistan and India. The parameters I will keep defined very loosely (as Kashmir is a freedom struggle and the Maoists are right too but that's my opinion). When you have the answer...slap yourself in the face for me. :tup:

Dear Friend,

The words in my last post were genuine.....

I truly do hope India doesnt face anything like what Pakistan is going through......
Im well aware of the Kashmiris (or else I wouldnt be talking to all of you nor would PDF exist).... and the Maoists also known as Naxals.....

See the problems for both our countries is the same......we have what you call a *** infestation....

Only difference is.....In India...its still an infestation....yours has become a full blown plague....

Sincerely....Khuda na Kare....our Maoists become like your TTP....

But just because your house is burning doesnt mean you should make yourself happy at the thought of your neighbors sewage being clogged....

You get my point?
From my opinion these kids of the ages under 10 only come out into the street because there family members our actively protesting......fair enough in that case its the parents duty........however you must at least admit that Indian paramilitary troops use too much of an excessive force in trying to disperse rioters. Such as in the case of an 8 year old where a policeman shoved his baton down his throat........come on you have to at least admit that is going too far.

Anti-Riot training is a must ....I agree our outdated methods in the subcontinent need to be improved.....

No one is denying that excessive force is not the solution, however its a human mistake....
If the rioters take to the streets under emotions, Police etc which are not as professional organizations as the army do react out in some instances when pressure by mobs.....

Sad but true....
Do you know that in England a lot of youths vandalise a lot of property....so should they be killied because they went too far.......or should they be subdued and rehabillated in a program that helps them to become better citizens.

If arrested on an individual act of vandalism, no....they can be rehabilitated

However I hope you do know that lethal force can be used if the child continues to vandalize unabated, resist arrest and assault a police officer.....yes...even in the UK!...Please check

However this was a mob.....mostly consisting of adults.....these children chose to join them....
If the mobs of adults are being fired at and a death of a child in the mob as a result of collateral damage happens I think thats something that cannot be blamed on the police

Though we never got a chance to arrest to be able to rehabilitate them....
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And then promptly provide the corruption -free UN regulated referendum that you promised them the past 60+ years.

South Asia and "Corruption free" dont go together my friend....

Mr.10% is still your Prez and our corrupt politicians have made India a joke...
If the rioters take to the streets under emotions, Police etc which are not as professional organizations as the army do react out in some instances when pressure by mobs.....

Okay fair enough police is not as professional as the army......however don't you agree that those who use too much excessive force should be punished....at least with suspension.

BBC News - G20 death Pc faces gross misconduct disciplinary action

This officer in England just pushed the victim.....and as a result he is being suspended.......shouldn't the same happen to the Indian officer that shoved a baton down an 8 year old throat.
@Peshwa you are falling in trap of GreenStar all he showed was a photo of a child been shown the batton. There is no evidence to suggest he was even hit forget about killing. We at times show slap to kids but do not hit them.
On the other hand we do use rubber bullets and it is insane to compare UK to India. GreenStar is always comparing UK to India but when we talk about UK it becomes off topic.

Not everyone can determine which country they will be in, people have to be Practical in what can be done. Before 89 Kashmiri's were happy with India and all this hatred is created by outside force also contributed by our ill management.
@Peshwa you are falling in trap of GreenStar all he showed was a photo of a child been shown the batton

First of all before you say something, have facts to bring it up.....I showed no photo to Pashwa......instead my informtion came from ejaz.....go and look for the post your self it was in this very thread, in which the article implied that an Indian security forcemen shoved a baton down a boys throat.
@GreenStar thanks for validating my point, whoever showed did showed only Photo, that too that boy was shown the stick. There is noo evidence to suggest anything else happened. So why are we defending as if we killed him. We are discussing imagination here.
read the article it clealy says that police ruptured an 8 years old lung on the second of August....its not imaginative in which you want to belive in your mind.
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