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Kashmir is disputed territory, not part of India: Pakistan tells UN

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May 21, 2006
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UNITED NATIONS, Oct 23 (APP) Pakistan Monday rejected an Indian claim that Kashmir is a part of India, saying United Nations resolutions have recognized the Himalayan state as disputed territory. “Jammu and Kashmir is not 'an integral part' of India, nor has it ever been,” Pakistani delegate Ahmad Raza Kasuri told the General Assembly's Fourth Committee, which deals with decolonization questions. Kasuri was exercising his right of reply to an earlier statement by Indian delegate Rameshwar Oraon claiming Kashmir to be a part of India, and insisting that Pakistan's call for self-determination for the Kashmiri people was “unwarranted and completely irrelevant” to the Committee's work. Ahmad Raza Kasuri pointed out that numerous UN Security Council and United Nations resolutions stated that the territory's future would be determined by a referendum. Those resolutions remained to be implemented, he said, adding that no electoral exercise could substitute for a free and impartial plebiscite, Kasuri said while responding to Oraon's assertion that occupied Kashmir had a democratically elected government. (Posted @ 12:40 PST)
- DAWN - Latest Stories; October 23, 2007
Let's see whether the UN has any backbone. India going to the UN and saying that Kashmir is an integral part of India is the height of autocracy and stupidity, when it is contravening international law, UN resolutions, the instrument of partition, the basic human right to self-determination (something the demoncratic nations repeat often enough), and more importantly, the wishes of the Kashmiri people.
Ahmad Raza Kasuri pointed out that numerous UN Security Council and United Nations resolutions stated that the territory's future would be determined by a referendum. Those resolutions remained to be implemented, he said, adding that no electoral exercise could substitute for a free and impartial plebiscite,

There goes the Indian theory that Pakistan does not feel the UN resolutions relevant anymore :cheers:
three dimensional pressure on Indian govt, political,international,insurgency. Now see how long Indian govt wants to see bleeding Kashmir..
Democracy for Kashmiris, let them vote on their own future. India still hasnt grasped the concept of "democracy".
Democracy for Kashmiris, let them vote on their own future. India still hasnt grasped the concept of "democracy".


We have to learn it from Pakistan, right? ;)

Pakistan is the ideal to follow, what ho?
I hope the Kasmir issue would be settled peacefully between Pakistan and India.

We have to learn it from Pakistan, right? ;)

Pakistan is the ideal to follow, what ho?

I knew you would totally miss the point like usual and point to Pakistan. What a valid reason to deny the Kashmiris democracy. Kashmiris would have a lot more freedom in Pakistan, which is why they celebrate the independence of Pakistan and boycott the Indian one.

And let me guess, in response to this you will throw in some GDP figures to settle the dispute?
Go on..you know you want to.
I hope the Kasmir issue would be settled peacefully between Pakistan and India.

Except for the small fact that china occupies one-third of kashmir - aksai chin and other region, whatever name, that Pakistan gifted china.
Yeah, I wonder why Pakistan never protests against China in the UN, as even they have occupied parts of Kashmir.

Also, simply donating a strip of Kashmiri land to China is not the mark of sincerety in solving the issue.
Yeah, I wonder why Pakistan never protests against China in the UN, as even they have occupied parts of Kashmir.

Also, simply donating a strip of Kashmiri land to China is not the mark of sincerety in solving the issue.

The UN and the Chinese didnt oppress/kill/rape Kashmiris. Pakistan is in this for the people of Kashmir, and the survival of the rest of Pakistan, since the Indus river runs straight through Kashmir and then to the rest of Pakistan.

Unlike India, Kashmir effects Pakistan in a lot of ways, its not just about "more land".
The UN and the Chinese didnt oppress/kill/rape Kashmiris. Pakistan is in this for the people of Kashmir, and the survival of the rest of Pakistan, since the Indus river runs straight through Kashmir and then to the rest of Pakistan.

Unlike India, Kashmir effects Pakistan in a lot of ways, its not just about "more land".

You are totally beside the point.

If the territory of Kashmir is broken up amongst 3 nations, technically all 3 of them are responsible to solve the problem.

Then why isn't the role of China also taken into consideration?

About the Indus river, too bad, that is no excuse to take Kashmir. Brahmaputra flows through China. that doesn't mean India will start to claim Chinese territory.

The importance of Kashmir to India isn't about "more land". Its about maintaining the integrity of India as envisaged by our founders, and ensuring that the union of disparate peoples remains united.
The UN and the Chinese didnt oppress/kill/rape Kashmiris. Pakistan is in this for the people of Kashmir, and the survival of the rest of Pakistan, since the Indus river runs straight through Kashmir and then to the rest of Pakistan.

Unlike India, Kashmir effects Pakistan in a lot of ways, its not just about "more land".
No denying what you say, but then that single episode show how much Pakistan is sincere, doesnt it? you say "Kashmir's land is for kashmiri's to decide" and on the other hand gift away their land. It definitely puts somethings into perspective.

If it is only about the indus river, we didnt violate iwt even during 1971 for god's sake, with all your fears, so what exactly do you want to give the kashmiris except taking away their water?
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