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UN must play role to resolve Kashmir | Nawaz

i have a very big question to ask....
history says that some indians were rulling sub-continent..... after then they were veryyyyy badly beaten by aryans , then by turks , then by mughals , then by english and then pakistan was created in 1947.... there is no existence of independence of india in history..... SO WHY DO india celeberates its independance on 15th august.....????

Atleast Indians celebrate a real day. Pakistan simply celebrates an completely artificial day, imaging that they somehow were independent on 14th instead of the 15th.
india is still not independant and still doesnt exists..... thats my point.....
hahaha..... no man.... seems like ur eyes are still closed.....:p:
india is still not independant and still doesnt exists..... thats my point.....
So, 'mighty' Pakistani Army cannot snatch kashmir from a 'non-existent' country and begging the U.N to intervene...:lol:
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its only a time frame give to u.... may be we will snatch the whole india (depending on our mood).....:-)
Expecting anything good from a dead body (UN) is useless. It was India who went crying to US when Pakistan had started to liberate Kashmir with Pakistan.
why do u need UN or mediators like Turkey to resolve so called Kashmir issue?
Simple solution: Pakistan (state and non-state actors) , stay out of Kashmir and that's it! Issue resolved! The world will see more happier and wealthy Kashmir in next few years!

Perfect.... Same like Hyderabad Deccan, it was independent state and then INDIA invaded and occupy it. Earlier, it was part of Andhra & now it is capital of two states at the same time ANDHRA & Telangana ..... Right
The Kashmir issue is already resolved .
The Pakistanis just have not realised this yet.

Speaking to some English speaking Turkish newspaper that nobody in the world has herd of is not going to change the stats quo.

The Indians are treating your demands for dialogue has a joke because you guys are begging for outside help with mediation on a subject that is closed.

The story ended nobody is listening now

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