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#Kashmir Atrocities Live Call of Qaid-e-Inquilab Syed Ali Geelani.

then why u expect from us to don't do anything....... Phir apni zayyati ko chupana k liye Kashmiri ko pura india ma terroist ki tarha pash karta hoa..... jab k asal ma tumhari fauj terroist hai.......
We don't expect anything else from you guys ... and we don't give two hoots about world's opinion about our part of Kashmir. It's as clear as crystal.
Some people are just crazy when it comes to their ridiculous, unscientific obsession with religion and their symbols. Spread a rumour and idiots are ready to die and kill, real uncouth behaviour. Heck 25 pakistanis died when somebody made a film in America and pakistanis decided to protest, does that mean pakistanis are victims of atrocities at the hand of their army???

Crazy people need to check their behaviour and not freak out after believing in rumors to begin with. There's nothing others can do if you decide to be unreasonable and violent.

Geelani is better off mourning his hero Osama, we know what he stands for and feel no need to give such horrible uncivlised mentality any recognition.
You are not a Kashmiri you dumb. You are a Pakistani, and I don't care what you think. Pakistanis are brainwashed into believing the Kashmir is disputed and all that blah blah. Kashmir is integral part of India and when I mean Kashmir it includes P-O-K and GB. The only thing that is remaining with regard to Kashmir is when is Pakistan going to revert P-O-K and GB back to India

Anyway I am done with this thread.

go see the history of in 1947 the legitimate representor of Kashmir Muslim Conference decided to go with Pakistan..... even indian in UN also agreed to hold referendum in Kashmir to whom they want to join......
yes u Indians are only true and Kashmirs are lair we do Drama everyday and Indian army is army of Saints.....

I never said indian army are saints, but somethings are believable and some are not.. BSF firing is digraceful, I agree. But I cant think why they will barge into a random mosque, beat up the imam and leave just like that.
A portion of Kashmiri's beleive they want to separate from India because they are Muslims. Now since if they say this, it will sound ridiculous, so they cover up with other things. Now not many people will join them so how to get them to join? They started using propaganda. This is how they start propaganda.
Step 1 Call for band or procession on some reasons. Example lie that Quran was disrespected, that is quickest way to get started.
Step 2 Create trouble by throwing stones and wait for security forces to make mistake. E.g. A child got killed by tear gas, everyone knows tear gas is not agressive.
Step 3 Distort things to make Indians look bad, does not matter how much you need to falsify. Example declare vigins as raped.
Step 4 add more fire to protest try you level best to increase killed counts.
Step 5 Create propaganda materials, photoshop etc to make the incidence look bad. Spread it to recruit terrorist.

In all this innocent Kashmiri and armed personal gets killed. But its OK because I get paid.

How to fool people with strong religious beliefs.
@Fahad Khan 2- Shaikh Abdulla wanted Indian Army to kick out the tribal savages out of kashmir instead of cease-fire so all Kashmir could join India.

And you call yourself a Kashmiri :lol:
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go see the history of in 1947 the legitimate representor of Kashmir Muslim Conference decided to go with Pakistan..... even indian in UN also agreed to hold referendum in Kashmir to whom they want to join......

Hmmm..who was this legitimate representative?
Send young kids to throw stones and become terrorists while his son and daughter in law practice surgery overseas and live a lavish lifestyle. :lol:

stop spreading lie he was not given VISA of US because of his criticism on US Iraq war policy..... Our Quaid is Gilani not his son and daughter in law.........
go see the history of in 1947 the legitimate representor of Kashmir Muslim Conference decided to go with Pakistan..... even indian in UN also agreed to hold referendum in Kashmir to whom they want to join......

you go see the present, legitimacy or not we were here before baba Adam grew his first pubes and will gonna be here long after Armageddon !!!
@Fahad Khan 2- Shaikh Abdulla wanted Indian Army to kick out the tribal savages out of kashmir instead of cease-fire so all Kashmir could join India.

And you call yourself a Kashmiri :lol:

Shaikh Abdulla was never a true representor of kashmir...... there would have been no problem if he represented Kashmir... Thats why indian Army occupied Kashmir why dont Indian Army occupy Mumabi.....
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