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Kashmir Alert: Even the Newborn's in Kashmir Asking for Independence. Thank you modi

law of karma

Isn't real.

Since you are also a brain washed

Lmao okay Krishnan, everyone is brain-washed other than Saffron nationalists. Happy?

Kashmir is Indian land, will remain so.

Prithviraj said the same thing about his kingdom lol.

Ask that newborn to come back in 2-3 billion years.. we will see then.

Nice to see you again my dude, you haven't been on here in years.
Zara zor say bolo Azadi
Cheen k lengay Azadi

Jeevay Jeevay Pakistan

On a serious note, not only IOK but almost a dozen states fighting for independence from this artificial British creation with imported/stolen name. I will give it max 1 century to return to its original form.

You are being overly generous. We will see the breakup of India in our lifetimes.

@Dubious Excellent Moderation.
By that logic, whatev er you do in your life is just bu11$h1t with premium.
I don't go around making lists I can't fill, do I?

You mentioned a dozen states that violently seek separation from India, similar to Kashmir. Bold claim, since that will encompass almost half of the states in the republic. I'm just asking you to name them.
I don't go around making lists I can't fill, do I?

You mentioned a dozen states that violently seek separation from India, similar to Kashmir. Bold claim, since that will encompass almost half of the states in the republic. I'm just asking you to name them.

Google it, I'm not yur day d to spoonfeed you. Unless you pay me to.
Google it, I'm not yur day d to spoonfeed you. Unless you pay me to.
You made a statement. The onus is on you to defend or back it up. Not me. And trying prove a point they made earlier to an unnatural extent is hardly a rare occurrence here in PDF, and it's usually free.

Since you're not doing that, I'll take it that your initial statements were made in the heat of the moment and does not accurately depict real world scenarios, or even your own understanding of the situation.
You made a statement. The onus is on you to defend or back it up. Not me. And trying prove a point they made earlier to an unnatural extent is hardly a rare occurrence here in PDF, and it's usually free.

Since you're not doing that, I'll take it that your initial statements were made in the heat of the moment and does not accurately depict real world scenarios, or even your own understanding of the situation.

You can think whatever you wish. I have posted elsewhere threads on which states fighting for independence from bharat and Google search can educate you. Now choice is yours, whether you wanna get educated or not.
Brainwashing little kids who have no concept of freedom/nationhood/religion has worked out really well in the past.
Brainwashing starts early. Isn't going to make an iota of a difference. Kashmir is Indian land, will remain so.
So was East and West Pakistan but India toot geya, am not sure when neither it will be some miracle Kashmir get separated from indian brutal occupation someday.

No, in fact i often emphasis that the Only way to solve Kashmir issue is through Dialog , no one can get Kashmir by force or without a blood shed . @Joe Shearer knows my Stand on Kashmir
Sorry to differ, there will be war and bloody one which change entire geography again, read the recent history all geographical boundary changes established after some wars. With dialogues no.
So was East and West Pakistan but India toot geya, am not sure when neither it will be some miracle Kashmir get separated from indian brutal occupation someday.

Sorry to differ, there will be war and bloody one which change entire geography again, read the recent history all geographical boundary changes established after some wars. With dialogues no.
Neither East nor West Pak were part of the Republic of India. The entity known as British India was a complex maze with its 500 + Princely States and British, French and Portuguese colonial possessions.
Neither East nor West Pak were part of the Republic of India. The entity known as British India was a complex maze with its 500 + Princely States and British, French and Portuguese colonial possessions.

You know your above posts dosent make any sense?
I see! Well, British India get separated what that make difference? you mean the ruling power wasn’t in hands of Hindus?

You know your above posts dosent make any sense?

I see! Well, British India get separated what that make difference? you mean the ruling power wasn’t in hands of Hindus?

Lol. Last I checked none of the Viceroys were Hindus.

Do you even know what you are talking about?
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