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Kashmir Alert: Even the Newborn's in Kashmir Asking for Independence. Thank you modi

This shows how the children are brain washed from childhood. How come a babby who do not know the meaning of freedom may shout Azadi. Islamic radicalization need brain washing right from childhood. If someone is grown in healthy atmosphere, he will become useless for radical radical Islamist. I pity that baby who is bought up to become a radical. Shame on those bastards who brai washes a beautiful life to become a failed piece of life like them.

and what makes you not been brain washed ? the kid may not understand the meaning of Freedom but he sure knows what living under a occupation looks like, Don't try to bring Islam into this as its more of a geographic issue not a religious one, the reason why religion is playing a role because as per the Large Muslim population the Kashmir should go with Pakistan, if that kid is been Brain washed, so is every Kid in India .

baloch need liberation. give it to them.

Which Baloch's are you talking about ? the ones who are enjoying their lives in Switzerland and EU ? or those dark skinned Gangadeshi pretending to be Balochi's ? I don't see the level of Resistance not public crowds gathering to ask for Azaadi from the State ?
and what makes you not been brain washed ? the kid may not understand the meaning of Freedom but he sure knows what living under a occupation looks like, Don't try to bring Islam into this as its more of a geographic issue not a religious one, the reason why religion is playing a role because as per the Large Muslim population the Kashmir should go with Pakistan, if that kid is been Brain washed, so is every Kid in India .

Which Baloch's are you talking about ? the ones who are enjoying their lives in Switzerland and EU ? or those dark skinned Gangadeshi pretending to be Balochi's ? I don't see the level of Resistance not public crowds gathering to ask for Azaadi from the State ?

better you improve bad condition of pakistan economy than freeing kashmir .
and what makes you not been brain washed ? the kid may not understand the meaning of Freedom but he sure knows what living under a occupation looks like, Don't try to bring Islam into this as its more of a geographic issue not a religious one, the reason why religion is playing a role because as per the Large Muslim population the Kashmir should go with Pakistan, if that kid is been Brain washed, so is every Kid in India .

Since you are also a brain washed, I will not be able to explain you what is wrong with brain washing the babies who are raised to become suicide bombers by brain washing from childhood. You may be very happy that your agents in Kashmir are doing excellent job but they are ruining the beautiful lives. As law of karma takes its own course, it has hit bak you guys more than what was intended for.
World doesn't care about Kashmir's freedom. Only country that care about Kashmir's freedom is Pakistan, and do you think it will make any difference. We will keep abusing Kashmiri race till we annihilate them from their land after that we will settle Hindu population there.
As per our own laws, anyone attempting bodily harm will face the full brunt of the law( however inept it may be). To advocate genocide against our own citizens, you sir are a well crafted troll.
May you find a well qualified psychiatrist
better you improve bad condition of pakistan economy than freeing kashmir .

so what happened to those tall claims of Baloch Freedom ? Freedom is basic right of every human , and must be given to them .

Since you are also a brain washed, I will not be able to explain you what is wrong with brain washing the babies who are raised to become suicide bombers by brain washing from childhood. You may be very happy that your agents in Kashmir are doing excellent job but they are ruining the beautiful lives. As law of karma takes its own course, it has hit bak you guys more than what was intended for.

What kind of a BS response was that ? how old are you kiddo ? everyone who is talking against the Indian occupation is Brain washed ? and suicide bombers ? how many Suicide bombers blow up Kashmiri's people ? They are attacking either Indian forces or Law enforcement agencies or some Spies , there are very little incidents of Kashmiri's attacking civilians. as for my Agent ? what does that even mean ? You and your Army is the reason their lives and Generations are ruined , raped , murdered and tortured and thousands are marching on Streets asking for Freedom , is that not a Slap on your faces that Kashmir majority doesn't want you there, and yet you have thousands of Soldiers there, occupying their land enforcing your laws on them . You can not play the Victim card here like Jews .
Ohhhh , you teach radicalization to a baby just trying to lernleto speak and you try to justify it. You should be ashamed of yourself. This reveals that terrorism and radicalization of Kashmiri youth is out of brain washing of childhood and not out of any genuine concern. Those who think that when Muslims become majority in any are has the right to demand separate state and curve out new Pakistan shall be crushed. There is no place for sepaewtis in country.

Dude you have some serious comprehension issues or you are mentally unstable . Kashmiri people are fighting a war from last 6-7 decades, no one needs to brain wash them but they see their parents, relatives , and young people been killed in fake encounters , women been raped . The only one Brain washed is here is you but I think you are not because for that you need a brain which i doubt you have .
As for your last argument , Idiot Kashmir was a Muslim Majority state which should merge with Pakistan, as per Partition rules , you took a lot of states based on this very rule but when it comes to Kashmir you are showing hypocrisy ? remind me how India took Hyderabad ?
Kashmiri people will keep fighting this war until they get what they deserve , and generation after Generation will keep struggling , neither the bloodshed in valley will stop nor India will stop bleeding .
Dude you have some serious comprehension issues or you are mentally unstable . Kashmiri people are fighting a war from last 6-7 decades, no one needs to brain wash them but they see their parents, relatives , and young people been killed in fake encounters , women been raped . The only one Brain washed is here is you but I think you are not because for that you need a brain which i doubt you have .
As for your last argument , Idiot Kashmir was a Muslim Majority state which should merge with Pakistan, as per Partition rules , you took a lot of states based on this very rule but when it comes to Kashmir you are showing hypocrisy ? remind me how India took Hyderabad ?
Kashmiri people will keep fighting this war until they get what they deserve , and generation after Generation will keep struggling , neither the bloodshed in valley will stop nor India will stop bleeding .

Ohh you teach an infant who doesn't understand anything to shout Azadi slogan and justfy it on the name of freedom movement. What a shameless fellow you are.
Ohh you teach an infant who doesn't understand anything to shout Azadi slogan and justfy it on the name of freedom movement. What a shameless fellow you are.

A kid is chanting Azaadi because he is taught by his parents that we are not Azaad and under occupation , what do you want his parents to teach him ? that don't ask for Freedom ? accept Cow as your mother , and one day you might be saved from a lynching ?
A kid is chanting Azaadi because he is taught by his parents that we are not Azaad and under occupation , what do you want his parents to teach him ? that don't ask for Freedom ? accept Cow as your mother , and one day you might be saved from a lynching ?

Certainly any perent would not like their children to be blown in bomb blast and shot on head by dragging from their home. They are much safer in India. You should worry about your country rather than IOK. We know very well the situation of Azad Kashmir and right they enjoy.
Certainly any perent would not like their children to be blown in bomb blast and shot on head by dragging from their home. They are much safer in India. You should worry about your country rather than IOK. We know very well the situation of Azad Kashmir and right they enjoy.

I just came back from Azaad Kashmir , a month ago .. Please do tell me what is the situation there ? maybe i miss an armed struggle ? or thousands of people gathering in streets ? or any police crack down ? my Guide and Driver was from Muzaffrabad .
A kid is chanting Azaadi because he is taught by his parents that we are not Azaad and under occupation , what do you want his parents to teach him ? that don't ask for Freedom ? accept Cow as your mother , and one day you might be saved from a lynching ?
They can keep on shouting for Azadi but no one is going to give them. Pakistan can't militarily take Kashmir. We won't leave voluntarily. No power in the world can force a referendum. If they pick the gun we will shoot them down. If they pelt stones we will use pellets. There is nothing you or anyone can do
They can keep on shouting for Azadi but no one is going to give them. Pakistan can't militarily take Kashmir. We won't leave voluntarily. No power in the world can force a referendum. If they pick the gun we will shoot them down. If they pelt stones we will use pellets. There is nothing you or anyone can do

and if Kashmiri's are dying so is your soldiers, maybe next Generation fighters will be more ruthless , and even attack other parts of India , and you already have half a dozen separatist movements .. eventually at some point your brutal occupation will back fire, don't fly so high because the higher you fly the harder your fall will be .
and if Kashmiri's are dying so is your soldiers, maybe next Generation fighters will be more ruthless , and even attack other parts of India , and you already have half a dozen separatist movements .. eventually at some point your brutal occupation will back fire, don't fly so high because the higher you fly the harder your fall will be .

soldiers are doing their duty , we don't have shortage of soldiers , better you keep your hands away from kashmir .
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