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Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

The number of muslim in the colonial army of Angreez were much higher than their share of the population so what is your point if pashtuns are overrepresented in the **** army if panjabis is making them to kill their own people for the interest of Panjab,

Is that why they are also forming Aman Lashkars on their own initiative ? And how many of them have you seen killing their Punjabi colleagues unlike your lot in the ANA popping two into some Trainer or even Afghans themselves almost every other week !
Please update your facts, we have two official languages Pashto and Dari(a dialect of Persian) which makes sense since half of our population is speaking in fact Persian

Lol... and ur pashto itself is heavily persianised..?
but what I don't understand why the national anthem of your country is in Persian.

Its not persion but heavily persianised partly bcoz persian was the lingua franca back than..

Furthermore are you guys allowed to study in pashto?

Pashto is still the medium of instruction in rural KPK... while universities offer various course in pasto including MA,PHD,CSS(civil services) etc..

how many pashto tv channels do you have?

Probably as much as punjabi ... ATV,Khyber tv etc with dozens of pashto radio channels.. You guys even listen to Pakistani pashto singers .. heard Rahim Shah is very popular in afghwanistan?

how many pashto books have been printed/written by so called pakistani pashtuns?

Probably much more than u guys!

It is truth that the number of those who are claiming to be pashtuns( including panjabized ones) more than the pashtuns in Afghaanistan but you guys never have been in any filed more advanced and successful than us and this despite the fact that we have been at war for more than 35 years. In the next ten years, we all will see where you wil be standing ( bowed to a panjabis) and where we will be.

Lol.. even a Pashtun made Pakistan a nuclear state..and thts just one of the achievements.. what achievements do u have to show?
before leaving the thread to watch a movie

if you think me being or any pakistani being pashtun should support you guys blindly because you people are pashtuns despite you guys responsible for spreading terrorism(which end up killing pashtuns in kpk mostly) in pakistan or killing our soldiers..than no i dont need fake or true pashtun certificate from afghan pashtun whom dont even count 10% of the world pashtun population now and each day more and more afghan pashtun refugees are coming to pakistan

overall i am wazir and you are well aware of them whether they are real or fake pashtun..dont need any explaination

and no personal hate against any Afghan including non pashtuns
How are the number of Pukhtoons decreasing ? Last I checked Pukhtoons are dominating the transport industry & many other business of Pakistan, are in the millions in every single big Pakistani city & are progressing by leaps & bounds in every sector of Pakistan !

Come to think of it we've got between 4-6 million of you guys in Pakistan to living off Pakistani hand-me-downs & still biting the hand that feeds them !

Firstly we were talking about the number of pashtuns in Afghanistan.
Secondly, transport business doesn't have high status so controlling it doesn't mean anything. If you want me to show that pashtuns are doing better than others in pakistan than you have to tell me that of 50 riches families in pakistan how many of them are pashtun? what is literacy rate among pashtuns in pakistan? how many pashtun in pakistan have access to clean water, electricity and etc? and how many pashtuns are allowed to study their own mother tongue as a school subject?
The number of muslim in the colonial army of Angreez were much higher than their share of the population so what is your point if pashtuns are overrepresented in the **** army if panjabis is making them to kill their own people for the interest of Panjab,

Can same be said abt ANA fighting AFGHAN PASHTUN TALIBAN?
before leaving the thread to watch a movie

if you think me being or any pakistani being pashtun should support you guys blindly because you people are pashtuns despite you guys responsible for spreading terrorism(which end up killing pashtuns in kpk mostly) in pakistan or killing our soldiers..than no i dont need fake or true pashtun certificate from afghan pashtun whom dont even count 10% of the world pashtun population now and each day more and more afghan pashtun refugees are coming to pakistan

overall i am wazir and you are well aware of them whether they are real or fake pashtun..dont need any explaination

and no personal hate against any Afghan including non pashtuns


Terrorism is spreading in Pakistan not because of us and we have nothing to do with this. The terrorists were created/trained/financed/organized/defended by your beloved ISI. If you really want to know who is responsible for all this mess you should have a little bit wide time frame

Can same be said abt ANA fighting AFGHAN PASHTUN TALIBAN?

Talibans are traitors and I personally don't regard them as pashtun because they are on the payroll of panjab.
They all should be eliminated as soon as possible.
before leaving the thread to watch a movie

if you think me being or any pakistani being pashtun should support you guys blindly because you people are pashtuns despite you guys responsible for spreading terrorism(which end up killing pashtuns in kpk mostly) in pakistan or killing our soldiers..than no i dont need fake or true pashtun certificate from afghan pashtun whom dont even count 10% of the world pashtun population now and each day more and more afghan pashtun refugees are coming to pakistan

overall i am wazir and you are well aware of them whether they are real or fake pashtun..dont need any explaination

and no personal hate against any Afghan including non pashtuns

It make me very fkin angry when some twit from another country pops up and starts questioning our loyality ... we dont need to prove shyt to them!
What in the seven hell karzai is thinking? Afghan nationalism doesnt appeal to Taliban. You cant move a talib by saying 'hey i am your fellow kandahari and pakhtun', they are beyond ethnicity and nationality.
Taliban are already engaged with Pakistan through its extension TTP, still Pakistan is not their primary goal. Right now they focused on Foriegn forces, then would be against Afghan governament and then may be country with islamic bomb...if taliban gets hold of karzai, they would simply hang him like najibullah.

Terrorism is spreading in Pakistan not because of us and we have nothing to do with this. The terrorists were created/trained/financed/organized/defended by your beloved ISI. If you really want to know who is responsible for all this mess you should have a little bit wide time frame

Talibans are traitors and I personally don't regard them as pashtun because they are on the payroll of panjab.
They all should be eliminated as soon as possible.

And yet they control more than 80% of ur country? without local support? very unlikely isnt it?
A good quote that summarizes the Pashtun situation.
The fragmented state of the more than 35 million Pashtuns in Pakistan and Afghanistan is a key factor in this crisis. Perceiving them as a formidable ethnic group, the Pakistani establishment has savvily played a role in keeping them divided. Pashtuns in Pakistan can broadly be categorised as the integrated, the Islamists, and the nationalists.

The crisis and politics of ethnicity in Afghanistan - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Integrated: not much different from the rest of Urdu speaking Pakistan.
Islamists: Taliban, religious extremists.
Nationalists: people like Pak-One.
This should be a lesson to the Duffer officer corps of the so called Pakistan army -- Had they delivered punishment, had they ensured that the Afghan can respect and fear the response of the Pakistani nation, these kinds of things would not be happening - some of our knee jerk specialists, the cheer leaders of Dufferism, point with pride that the army that runs away to fight another day, inflicted one, count, yes, one casualty, (while suffering two) -- net result, safe behind the Americans Mr. Karzai calls for attacks on Pakistan, while the army that runs away to fight another day, uses the very same American trainers. What's wrong with this picture?

Are you still on about this? How many times have you been told that what you're saying is completely false and you need to stop spreading false rumors. Pakistan didn't run away, it fought back, it killed a ANSF personnel member who was firing at Pakistani soldiers.

When will you get off your high horse and stop pretending to be Pakistani, when we all know you're a troll in disguise.
so, Karzai's actual masters want to see a dogfight t b/w pak and afghan like Iran-iraq war to weaken pakistan?:what:
i was wondering can any afghan member comment.
since this information could come handy in my friend case

does afghanistan university/colleges has reserve seats for pashtun pakistanis?the one with kpk domicile

in medical colleges of afghanistan or not..
@Adamkhel TTP also has panjabis,uzbeks,afghans etc ... yet i never saw evil panjabi army being lenient to them? but if Pak army kills ttp scums some afghani twit gives it a racial color.. u afghwans are funny... no wonder ur own people i.e hazara,tajiks dislike you..
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