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Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

A good quote that summarizes the Pashtun situation.

The crisis and politics of ethnicity in Afghanistan - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Integrated: not much different from the rest of Urdu speaking Pakistan.
Islamists: Taliban, religious extremists.
Nationalists: people like Pak-One.

so what do you want the pakistani pashtuns should do?

take out guns and fight against taliban in afghanistan?or what?

what about you why are you in netherland and making big tall claims?
oh mr genius

you are a real pashtuns but a slave of tajik and uzbek

we are fake pashtuns because of friends of punjabi

i suspect that the beghairat words applies to you even more.because you have lost afghanistan to tajik and uzbeks

look at us khyber pakhtunkhwa is still majority by pashtuns.infact more than 90%

anyway as noticed now the afghan pashtun refugees are migrating to balochistan because of being kicked by uzbeks from there own country..the %age of pashtuns in afghanistan will further decrease before the uzbeks and tajiks merge it with there respective countries uzbekistan and tajikistan

and one none of those 90% is able to speak proper pashto.
Tajiks and uzbeks are my countrymen and as an patriot pashtun I respect them and want that they should have the same right as I have but lets see if you guys receive they same treatment by your panajbis masters.
Please don't pretend that the relation between panjabized pathans and panjabis are can be called friendly because a slave can't never be friend with his master. Panjabis are your masters and you guys two choice to pretend that this is not the case or to accept the truth and librate yourselves.
tow of these on kabul in dec2014 work well :omghaha:

Secondly, transport business doesn't have high status so controlling it doesn't mean anything.

You've got to be kidding me ! They dominate the Transport Business...dominate which means all the freights...everything is dominated by the Pukhtoons ! And calling it a low status business is as ludicrous as saying that the Punjabis servicing the Agricultural Output of Pakistan don't have that 'high a status' !

If you want me to show that pashtuns are doing better than others in pakistan than you have to tell me that of 50 riches families in pakistan how many of them are pashtun? what is literacy rate among pashtuns in pakistan? how many pashtun in pakistan have access to clean water, electricity and etc? and how many pashtuns are allowed to study their own mother tongue as a school subject?

All Pukhtoons are allowed to study their own mother tongue as a school subject & as an elective in the University up til the Doctorate level.

The rest of your post is something I can't answer because I don't know about the 50 richest families of Pakistan ! :blink:

But I can tell you this, in terms of Human Development Index (which is a measure of most of what you stated !) - the HDI of much of the Pukhtoon belt is comparable to the HDI in Punjab & Sindh with the Hazara Region enjoying the HDI comparable to the Highest HDI in Pakistan baring Islamabad !

I can also tell you this that Afghanistan's HDI for 2012 stood at 0.374 which is higher than a single district in Pakistan (Tharparkar at 0.314) whilst the second lowest HDI in Pakistan at 0.422 for Musa Khel, Baluchistan which is still quite a bit higher than your country's average ! So at any rate, despite the sh*tty situation that we've been due to having a neighbor like Afghanistan - We're still far...far ahead of you & so are the Pukhtoons of Pakistan !

Terrorism is spreading in Pakistan not because of us and we have nothing to do with this. The terrorists were created/trained/financed/organized/defended by your beloved ISI. If you really want to know who is responsible for all this mess you should have a little bit wide time frame

If you widen the time-frame, you can see more countries involved in the whole affair. Yet I don't see Afghans being able to live there as refugees and insult them at the same time. They just didn't tolerate you but Pakistan supported Afghans. Sadly, you've all just forgotten that part.

Talibans are traitors and I personally don't regard them as pashtun because they are on the payroll of panjab.
They all should be eliminated as soon as possible.

Taliban are not on anyone's payroll. They are fighting the ISAF troops to get Afghanistan back. Where's Punjab in this?
You've got to be kidding me ! They dominate the Transport Business...dominate which means all the freights...everything is dominated by the Pukhtoons ! And calling it a low status business is as ludicrous as saying that the Punjabis servicing the Agricultural Output of Pakistan don't have that 'high a status' !

All Pukhtoons are allowed to study their own mother tongue as a school subject & as an elective in the University up til the Doctorate level.

The rest of your post is something I can't answer because I don't know about the 50 richest families of Pakistan ! :blink:

But I can tell you this, in terms of Human Development Index (which is a measure of most of what you stated !) - the HDI of much of the Pukhtoon belt is comparable to the HDI in Punjab & Sindh with the Hazara Region enjoying the HDI comparable to the Highest HDI in Pakistan baring Islamabad !

I can also tell you this that Afghanistan's HDI for 2012 stood at 0.374 which is higher than a single district in Pakistan (Tharparkar at 0.314) whilst the second lowest HDI in Pakistan at 0.422 for Musa Khel, Baluchistan which is still quite a bit higher than your country's average ! So at any rate, despite the sh*tty situation that we've been due to having a neighbor like Afghanistan - We're still far...far ahead of you & so are the Pukhtoons of Pakistan !

Dont burst his bubble man!
Lol... and ur pashto itself is heavily persianised..?

Its not persion but heavily persianised partly bcoz persian was the lingua franca back than..

Pashto is still the medium of instruction in rural KPK... while universities offer various course in pasto including MA,PHD,CSS(civil services) etc..

Probably as much as punjabi ... ATV,Khyber tv etc with dozens of pashto radio channels.. You guys even listen to Pakistani pashto singers .. heard Rahim Shah is very popular in afghwanistan?

Probably much more than u guys!

Lol.. even a Pashtun made Pakistan a nuclear state..and thts just one of the achievements.. what achievements do u have to show?

Ofcourse we listen to Rahim Shah and other singers who are living in a country which is wrongly called Pakistan. We regard all pashtuns as our brothers and sisters no matter where they are living

karzai please lick my A$$ in 2014 as you did before 2001 :omghaha:

And the one who says this as the following: أشهد أن لا اله الا الله وأشهد ان محمد رسول الل

as his motto

only a **** can be like this
so what do you want the pakistani pashtuns should do?

take out guns and fight against taliban in afghanistan?or what?

what about you why are you in netherland and making big tall claims?

I am not Pashtun, but I can sympathize with their problems.

Why are you in the UAE? Are you a taxi driver? :)
Ofcourse we listen to Rahim Shah and other singers who are living in a country which is wrongly called Pakistan. We regard all pashtuns as our brothers and sisters no matter where they are living

Lol kid... but arent they fake pashtuns?:omghaha: as for wrong country.... you should ask Allah why he threw u in the wrong side of the border.. or u can just pole vault into Pakistan.. but if tht means invading Pakistan.. u know where u stand... and risk losing....
and one none of those 90% is able to speak proper pashto.
Tajiks and uzbeks are my countrymen and as an patriot pashtun I respect them and want that they should have the same right as I have but lets see if you guys receive they same treatment by your panajbis masters.
Please don't pretend that the relation between panjabized pathans and panjabis are can be called friendly because a slave can't never be friend with his master. Panjabis are your masters and you guys two choice to pretend that this is not the case or to accept the truth and librate yourselves.

On what basis do you say that they are Slaves & the Punjabis are their Masters ?

Or is this just an emotional outburst coming about due to years of conditioning in trying to explain away the failed attempts of Afghans to incite Pakistani Pukhtoons in revolting against Pakistan ?
this guy is a world class clown. in "good old days" US at least knew how to pick a good puppet.
hard to bealive that he's sparked an argument 10 pages long

My Bosniak Brother ! :cheers:

Hows the wife & kids, mate ? Hows life in Bosnia treating you ? :azn:

Did the Bosniaks finally produce another Zlatan Ibrahimovic or are the Croats going to continue producing Luka Modrics & dominate Football ? :unsure:
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