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Kareena won't convert to Islam to marry fiance Saif

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Cool down mate, i bet there are very few Muslims who truly follows Islam. May be 1 in 100,000.
Islam is Good religion but very difficult to follow. Even you worship for whole life 60 year for God, still you are not sure about paradise.
Mate look in the broad perspective.
Actually There is no God.
Man created Religion for the betterment of people to avoid wrong doing..
Muslims, Christian , Sikhs, Jews , Everybody promotes peace.
People created assumptions for the sake of People i.e If you do Good work, You will go in Paradise, If you are robber, Killer... you will go in Hell. That is what i am saying. People made religion for the betterment of the people and created assumptions to avoid wrong doing.

Well i think billions of people on this planet doesnt agree with you ...........

I am not going to preach you relegion here coz this is not the appropriate thread but i hope u see the light of day and come out of this darkness .

No one in this world is perfect every one make mistake do sins but then there is a thing called being ashamed of what u did and ask Allah to forgive you............... U never know when Allah is going to be happy with u.

On Topic : Having a Muslim name doesnt make u Muslims actually but being Muslim has more to do with pratical.
Mr saif doesnt care what religion orders u to do.

i wont say that he is nonmuslim coz he never said he is. but he is acting like one.
Islamically one can't marry a non-Muslim except Christian or Jew. But then they can always marry by following the law of the land. Religiously the marriage remains null and void so good for Saif if he wishes to marry a bride by following the law of the land

Now I have no intentions to discuss religion here... just telling there is no such law exists in Islamic way of life

One marries for his love not for religion. :rolleyes:

Its not Jihad.
I think saif need to revert into Islam before Kareena as such marriage will not be valid according to islam so basically he is not following islam so how can he ask kareena to convert into islam :)

He is confuse indian muslim just like many others trying to make their own version of islam like deen-e-ilahe of Mughal Akbar :P
The law should be amended to require compulsory registration of marriages under the special marriage act if either was from a different religion, even if they choose to convert or have converted at any point. That will pretty much check misuse by someone who converts only to escape the charge of bigamy and will also remove the main charge that Hindu hardliners accuse people of doing, which is that Muslim men, using provisions of their personal law marry more than one Hindu girl by converting them. This amendment that I have suggested would make it impossible for anyone to do that. A Muslim may marry a girl from another religion but since he would have to register the marriage only under the special marriage act, he would not be able to do a second marriage(without divorcing), or be previously married nor will the woman be denied her rights(maintenance etc) even if she converted, since Muslim personal law would not apply in that case. Will pretty much end all misuse of the Muslim personal law and be better for all concerned. A few individuals should not be allowed to create bad blood because of taking recourse to a more beneficial personal law for selfish reasons.

this law of muslims is being misused by hindus too. some men who cant get divorce convert to islam for sometime and fget married second time n after a while become hindu again.
One marries for his love not for religion. :rolleyes:

Its not Jihad.

Thats not for muslims because muslims have love for Allah above everything else..Islam clearly state

“And do not marry Al-Mushrikaat (idolatresses) till they believe (worship Allaah Alone). And indeed a slave woman who believes is better than a (free) Mushrikah (idolatress), even though she pleases you”

(Holy Quran)
I think saif need to revert into Islam before Kareena as such marriage will not be valid according to islam so basically he is not following islam so how can he ask kareena to convert into islam :)

He is confuse indian muslim just like many others trying to make their own version of islam like deen-e-ilahe of Mughal Akbar :P

Rajaji, how you forget that your forefathers were once Hindus only who had to go for the forced conversions by these mughals. your people even share the hindu sirnames till today. go and ask your father....
The question of conversion doesn't even come since she is marrying a non-muslim. May be its hard for indians to understand, but no muslim around the world would consider this khans muslims and that include indian muslims as well. The more I see this munafiq actions the more I become relieved that partitioned happened. Otherwise Indians would have been labeling these hindu khans as our representative. The funny thing is these khans don't want to call themselves muslims but Indians here are trying to label them as muslims. What kind of ignorant retards do that?
Rajaji, how you forget that your forefathers were once Hindus only who had to go for the forced conversions by these mughals. your people even share the hindu sirnames till today. go and ask your father....

so what? All i know is my father , grand father and great grand father, great great grand father were born as muslim. I cannot speak on behalf of peoples lived centuries ago because i don't know whether their conversion were forced or they accepted it from deep heart but i love my religion from deep heart and my love for Islam is even stronger than love for my family and when Prophet of Islam(PBUH) started islam , all peoples were converted into islam from judaism, christianity or paganism so it don't matter and last but not least islam dont oppose tribal identity of muslims :)
It doesn't really count... I remember Kareena and Saif were on a quiz show and when they were asked about the name of Eid which is celebrated after Ramadhan, Saif couldn't recall and unbelievably made a remark that its an Eid which is celebrated after observing 40 fasts.. He is only having a Muslim name and for that Kareena doest really need to embrace Islam.
I wonder which religion the children will follow? Or will it be another case of reading Quran, worshipping Allah and the Hindu Bhagwans simultaneously kinda scenario? Lol
It doesn't really count... I remember Kareena and Saif were on a quiz show and when they were asked about the name of Eid which is celebrated after Ramadhan, Saif couldn't recall and unbelievably made a remark that its an Eid which is celebrated after observing 40 fasts.. He is only having a Muslim name and for that Kareena doest really need to embrace Islam.

Whats the big deal? most christians don't know why they celebrate easter. Most hindus dont know the story behind most of their festivals. But that does not make them atheist or infidels.
What's the big deal?

Indian democracy allows marriage between any man and a woman, regardless of their religion.

Religiously speaking Kareena can't marry Saif, Saif can't marry Kareena.

Maybe, these people are not that religious? Their life = their choice!

Why the hell does this deserve to be discussed on here out of all the news out there?
Islam says a lot of things but how many Muslims follow each and everything? A lot of Muslims drink, am sure thats not allowed in Islam either. We as humans are no one to judge. We should let the uparwala decide if we committed a sin or not or if someone is a true muslim or not.

My wife is a Muslim, I didn't convert and I didn't ask her to convert either. Nothing changed :undecided:

The overwhelming majority of muslims don't even touch alcohol. That's a fact. Alcohol consumers are a minority even in the militantly secular turkey. This things are pretty clear in islam and thus
no contradiction and majority follows it.

As for that sharuk khan worshipping idols, well that's simply against the very basis of tawhid, the
core principle of Islam that entails that there is only one God i.e Allah(swt) and there is none
like or equal to him. Equating something/somebody with Allah(swt) is shirk, the most unforgivaable sin in islam and someone committing shirk is not considered muslim. Its basic really.
Drinking wine is forgivable if only Allah(swt) wills but shirk is unforgiveable unless the person
repents and come back to the fold of Islam. I don't know why people ignorantly opens their
mouth and try to act smart making a fool out of themselves.
^ point our hindu friends forgetting here is that even if a muslim do drink wine dont make wine legally acceptable as per Islamic teaching or if a Muslim want to marry mushrik woman he can marry as its his choice (right or wrong) but that don't make this marriage valid as per Islamic teaching. we are discussing the islamic validity of saif marrige as its big news for our hindu friends that Kraeena refused to convert :)
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