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Kareena won't convert to Islam to marry fiance Saif

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As if Kareena will agree to if he insists --

Even Gauri did not change her religion --

But then at the top echelons they hardly care for religion --

BTW I forgot...Lakh lanat on Saif Ali Khan aka Sandeep Kapoor.....:angry:
The law should be amended to require compulsory registration of marriages under the special marriage act if either was from a different religion, even if they choose to convert or have converted at any point. That will pretty much check misuse by someone who converts only to escape the charge of bigamy and will also remove the main charge that Hindu hardliners accuse people of doing, which is that Muslim men, using provisions of their personal law marry more than one Hindu girl by converting them. This amendment that I have suggested would make it impossible for anyone to do that. A Muslim may marry a girl from another religion but since he would have to register the marriage only under the special marriage act, he would not be able to do a second marriage(without divorcing), or be previously married nor will the woman be denied her rights(maintenance etc) even if she converted, since Muslim personal law would not apply in that case. Will pretty much end all misuse of the Muslim personal law and be better for all concerned. A few individuals should not be allowed to create bad blood because of taking recourse to a more beneficial personal law for selfish reasons.
All marriages in India are now required to be registered marriages. Certificates and documents issued by religious institutions are no longer valid.

Those already married must register separately in the local panchayat.
:lol: saif isn't a real muslim to begin with!
For you may be, for muslims, religion is the first and foremost.
Cool down mate, i bet there are very few Muslims who truly follows Islam. May be 1 in 100,000.
Islam is Good religion but very difficult to follow. Even you worship for whole life 60 year for God, still you are not sure about paradise.
Mate look in the broad perspective.
Actually There is no God.
Man created Religion for the betterment of people to avoid wrong doing..
Muslims, Christian , Sikhs, Jews , Everybody promotes peace.
People created assumptions for the sake of People i.e If you do Good work, You will go in Paradise, If you are robber, Killer... you will go in Hell. That is what i am saying. People made religion for the betterment of the people and created assumptions to avoid wrong doing.
A Muslim may marry a girl from another religion but since he would have to register the marriage only under the special marriage act, he would not be able to do a second marriage(without divorcing), or be previously married nor will the woman be denied her rights(maintenance etc) even if she converted, since Muslim personal law would not apply in that case. .

One more thing -- the marriage age of girls must be enforced to be 21 and above irrespective of religion enabling the girl to think for herself and not be forced into a contract [marriage].
Who cares kareena gets converted or not.We should concentrate to build our nation rather than sneaking into her personal world. We have much harder problems to get solved yet. :angry:
All marriages in India are now required to be registered marriages. Certificates and documents issued by religious institutions are no longer valid.

Those already married must register separately in the local panchayat.

But the certificates issued by marriage halls are required to register the marriage with the Govt (Source:Personal Experience of registering my sister's marriage)
For those who had the misfortune of seeing Agent Vinod, that had to have been the end of Kareena's sex appeal and heralding of the time to move quietly into marital bliss.

And spare us from the humongous glutes and thighs and poorly hidden abdominal tyres.

Wish the couple all the very best always of course. :)
One more thing -- the marriage age of girls must be enforced to be 21 and above irrespective of religion enabling the girl to think for herself and not be forced into a contract [marriage].

Unfortunately, there have been a number of judgments which are very regressive. The courts are not even upholding the "18 years" rule.
Unfortunately, there have been a number of judgments which are very regressive. The courts are not even upholding the "18 years" rule.

Not to sound like a cliche, but the solution to all this lies in abolishing all the religion specific laws -- yes the personal laws like Hindu Marriage Law, the AIMPLB, the recently enacted Anand Karaj Act -- and introducing a religion independent Uniform Civil Code.

But unfortunately this issue of Uniform Civil Code has been turned into a communal issue with it being dubbed as a Hindutva promoting act and a section of the minorities -- the regressive fossils like Jafaryab jillani -- who have converted the temporary solutions like AIMPLB into a corner stone of their identity and hence viewing any attempt to impose the secular UCC as a threat to their Muslim identity.

Sometimes I hope our judiciary is as pro-active as the ones in Pakistan , though not THAT over-reaching, and order Govts to start working on UCC asap.
Just see what religion is doing right now so to speak. "An argument which creates divide among people"

The most important and life changing moment of my life was to turn an 'atheist' and my parents (Hindu) accepted it.

Religion creates divide. There are endless examples.
the only thing I noticed about those 2 is that Kareena has gained some weight
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