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Karakorum - 8 (K-8) | Jet Trainer Aircraft.

PAF K-8P equipped head seeking AAM and 27mm canon underneath.

K-8s are tasked to be used in a variety of missions in combat such as close air support, enemy helicopter hunting, convoy escort, etc.

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PAC can work on it's own in developing K-8 Block-2 with the following features:

  • Composite
  • Improved Engine
  • Improved Avionics with Sensors
  • Landing Gears like JF-17s
    • Allowing more hardpoints on wings.
    • Nose gear retract inwards allowing space for radar sensor.
  • DSI
Though the cost will go up, but it will provide a cheaper alternative for close air support aircraft for many world militaries.
Here is one from years ago, recorded this while I was just starting high school

Also here is an aerobatics team that fields the K-8. Interesting is that, these too are a part time display team, all full-time IPs
Here is one from years ago, recorded this while I was just starting high school

Also here is an aerobatics team that fields the K-8. Interesting is that, these too are a part time display team, all full-time IPs

Nice find,they use same 9 ship formation. Almost same camo and same set of maneuvers though my vote goes to the Egyptian team.
Nice find,they use same 9 ship formation. Almost same camo and same set of maneuvers though my vote goes to the Egyptian team.
Same, I vote for the Egyptians. Maneuvers are way better and more dynamic. Watch the entire video, some of their moves are even more daring than the European aerobatic teams.
This time K8 performance was much better than last times. They tried some red arrow manoeuvres. Gotta give em that.
Same, I vote for the Egyptians. Maneuvers are way better and more dynamic. Watch the entire video, some of their moves are even more daring than the European aerobatic teams.
Here is one from years ago, recorded this while I was just starting high school

Also here is an aerobatics team that fields the K-8. Interesting is that, these too are a part time display team, all full-time IPs
I remember this, my father picked me up early from school and we went there I could piratically see them over my house.
I remember this, my father picked me up early from school and we went there I could piratically see them over my house.
I recorded this on TV as at the time they didn't allow people below 18 or so to enter the exhibition. It was the first airshow where I also saw the Rafale and the F-16 Block 60 being displayed, the Rafale guy flew an awesome demo.
I recorded this on TV as at the time they didn't allow people below 18 or so to enter the exhibition. It was the first airshow where I also saw the Rafale and the F-16 Block 60 being displayed, the Rafale guy flew an awesome demo.
Yes I used to watch it from the roundabout near the air port I remember seeing the Mig-29 doing a tail slide right on top of us.
PAF K-8P equipped head seeking AAM and 27mm canon underneath.

K-8s are tasked to be used in a variety of missions in combat such as close air support, enemy helicopter hunting, convoy escort, etc.

View attachment 623271

If it is close combat, what is the AAM for ?
Hunting helicopters in bulk ?

Anyway, K8 will need larger wings, and a more powerful engine to be of any use.

If it is close combat, what is the AAM for ?
Hunting helicopters in bulk ?

Anyway, K8 will need larger wings, and a more powerful engine to be of any use.


That short range AAM, it helps it in defending itself as a last resort, or ofcourse, heli hunting. K8s do have a good potential as an interim CS aircraft.
That short range AAM, it helps it in defending itself as a last resort, or ofcourse, heli hunting. K8s do have a good potential as an interim CS aircraft.
Shoot down by MANPADs like flies, even German/Portuguese Alpha Jets had a special EW suit pack in the back seat instead of 2nd pilot, and Chaffs/Flares

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