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Karakoram province or Gilgit-Baltistan

Iran has 30 provinces, Afghanistan has 23 provinces, India has 28 provinces (India split punjab and created Haryana).
Netherlands is same size as Sindh and it has 12 provinces. Turkey has 81 provinces, France has 22 Regions, Thailand has 75 provinces. Why can't Pakistan have 15 provinces?

NWFP split into 4 smaller provinces.

Pakistan should divide 4 into 15 multi-ethnic provinces. I think it would be great for Pakistan. We need divide the provinces and rename them, remove the sindh, punjab and balochistan.


Some people also suggested that Punjab should be split into North, South Punjab and Bhawalpur

Make more province in States, please!! we pakistanis are already fade-up from corrupt government and you want to make more governments.. so we have to pay Rs. 400/liter petrol.. similarly others utility things.

I think we should remove province, and improve nationalism.
just think after creating new province ,how much expedenture increased ,how much bureaucratic power and privilage and prestiges will increased .how much corruption will incresead.just see the sectarian tension grown up in Gilgit -baltistan after annouching the schedule of election,see how Government is in hurry to bring PPP led government in gilgit -Baltistan.no census is conducted and they are going to conduct election.
Make more province in States, please!! we pakistanis are already fade-up from corrupt government and you want to make more governments.. so we have to pay Rs. 400/liter petrol.. similarly others utility things.

I think we should remove province, and improve nationalism.

Why don't we remove all the provinces and call it Punjabistan.
Who the hell selected corrupted leader? Japanese? or Chinese? Pakistani people selected them and now they will know what Demo-Crazy means.
Zardari is going to sell Pakistan to American. Frangi will come steal the Nuke and bomb the hell of out Pakistan. Do you think Zardari care about Pakistan? Zardari and his cronies will be enjoying billion of dollars they stole from Pakistan in London.

Musharraf who has done something good for the country (economy was booming, foreign investment, Gawder development) now everyone is after him. Why?
Why don't we remove all the provinces and call it Punjabistan.

Now what this line means? What is the problem with Pakistan (Clean Home or Place)?

Who the hell selected corrupted leader? Japanese? or Chinese? Pakistani people selected them and now they will know what Demo-Crazy means.

Look more into the meeting happened in between Musharaf, and BB back in 2007, where NRO got signed off in front of State's representative..

Musharraf who has done something good for the country (economy was booming, foreign investment, Gawder development) now everyone is after him. Why?

OLD NEWS, now agreement has been made and everyone is shut... Not everyone, just PML N and NS, i find only two reasons, why they were after Musharaf, 1. Personal Revange, 2. They need some issue to move people minds from improving corruption, rise of daily utility prices, electicity prices, etc, to move people minds from the main cause of issues i.e. USA, who was also involve in protecting 1st zardari, now Musharaf. And also working in destablizing pakistan while sended black water.. helping TTP (which not intercept by PA), BLA etc, and holding the media to spread as much hater, misconceptions, dissatisfaction, and propagting their Ideas...
Pakistan should create 15 smaller provinces.


14.Mansora or Mansura
15. Gwadar
16.Karakoram (northern Area)

I agree regarding dividing provinces into smaller provinces. But in the above map i see alot of ethinic problems e.g.Peshwar , Mardan and DG Khan province have more punjab speakers then the pushtu.Sukkur and Larkana will have Sindhis more then Baluchis. Quetta will have Pustun in majority. Baluch will left with 1 province. Overall i see 2 Sindhi 7 Punjabi 2 Urdu speaking and one each Baluchi and PUstun. I think they should instead declear all divisions as provinces instead
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I agree reading the dividing provinces into smaller provinces. But in the above map i see alot of ethinic problems e.g.Peshwar , Mardan and DG Khan province have more punjab speakers then the pushtu.Sukkur and Larkana will have Sindhis more then Baluchis. Quetta will have Pustun in majority. Baluch will left with 1 province. Overall i see 2 Sindhi 7 Punjabi 2 Urdu speaking and one each Baluchi and PUstun. I think they should instead declear all divisions as provinces instead

Its Hindco speakers not Punjabi speakers in Peshawar province. :coffee:
Every 50 km. the dialect change, dialect of Punjabi in Lahore is different from all the towns around it at 50 km radius. that is no augument to divide Pakistan.
We already have local govts., divisional govts. more provinces is an illogical idea.
We should not forget that present govt. and friendly opposition both want to abolish local govts. in such circumstances the idea of new provinces raise many doubts about its purpose.

My question is why such issues are surfacing after 60 years and only in a political govt.?
Pakistan is facing much more pressing issues like, shortage of water and power.... zero performance from the ministries but no accountability!
Govt. should focus more to its primary job which is to serve the people better than previous govt. but unfortunately present govt. has dedicated its energies to make anti Pakistan states happy.
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Which is a dialect of Punjabi. BTW its Hindko

Hazarawall are not Punjabi's and don't want to be called Pastoon khawa too, they always vote for PML(N) and never vote for ANP (that's way PML doesn't support name changing of NWFP)

Hindko (هندکو /Hindkoŭ/), also Hindku, Hinko,[2] part of the Lahnda group of languages [3] is an Indo-Aryan language spoken by Hindkowans in Pakistan and northern India[4][5], as well as by the Hindkoi people of Afghanistan. The literal meaning of the word "Hindko" is "Mountains of India"---a name the Persians gave to the entire Himalaya Mountains. The word "Hind" is the Persianised reference to the regions associated with the Indus River immediately to the east of Persia and "Ko" means mountains[6]. The word Hindko has also been interpreted to mean the language of India.[7] The term is also found in Greek references to the mountainous region in eastern Afghanistan and northern Pakistan as Καύκασος Ινδικός (Caucasus Indicus). The language is spoken in the areas of the North West Frontier Province (including Hazara), Punjab (including Attock), and Azad Jammu and Kashmir by an estimated 2.2 to 4 million people.[1]

There is no generic name for these people because they belong to diverse ethnicities and tend to identify themselves by the larger families or castes. However the people of the largest group in the districts of Haripur, Abbottabad and Mansehra are sometimes recognised collectively as Hazarawal, named after the defunct Hazara Division that comprised these districts. In Peshawar city they are called Peshawari or "Kharay" by Pashtuns meaning City-dwellers or Hindkowans.

Hazarawa - Yahoo! Canada Search Results

My In laws are from Abbottabad (green eyed and fair ) and they are not Punjabi's :coffee:
My Grand parents are from Abbottabad and I am Punjabi Pakistani :)
The corrupt elite can only divide so they can rule. People stop fighting against each other. Instead raise your voices against the corrupt elite independent of their cast color or creed beacuse in the end they are all vampires sucking the life and blood out of our prescious country just to have twenty more tables thirty more seats fifty more convoys and the list goes on and on.:pakistan:
The corrupt elite can only divide so they can rule. People stop fighting against each other. Instead raise your voices against the corrupt elite independent of their cast color or creed beacuse in the end they are all vampires sucking the life and blood out of our prescious country just to have twenty more tables thirty more seats fifty more convoys and the list goes on and on.:pakistan:

We need to let the local government (provincial government) make decision about their development. Where is the money going?, no new investment in Karachi, and other part of the country (Gilgit, northern area).

The provincial governments are primarily responsible for public schooling (educated the children, NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND), health and social services, highways, the administration of justice and LOCAL GOVERNMENT (through municipalities), creating jobs and investment opportunity for both local and foreign investors.
Which is a dialect of Punjabi. BTW its Hindko

:) i am impressed by wrong interpretation of Hindko and Hazara division's locals.

Guys first of Peshawari Hindko is not at all dilect of Punjabi. Most of the people who speak Hindko in Peshawar and its sourrounding villages are called Khaliswal rooted from word Khalisa.

And they are not Punjabis.

The Hindko spoken in Hazara division has more infulence of Sunskrit :) Many words are still part of Hazara Hindko which are spoken in India. mainly due to reason that this area was under Sikhs and also mainly due to this area was home to Hindus and Sikhs along with Muslims.

Besides the language spoken here hazara hindko resembles more with Pothohari.

The people in Hazara are not at all Punjabis not even one per cent.

The area is having mostly Swatis, Syeds, Kashmir origion people and also Gujjar community in Kohistan.
Here is another suggestion based on this map.

Pakistan should create 16 smaller provinces or 16 "Super districts".

late Dr. Mahbub-ul-Haq who had been arguing for a much more elaborate scheme that woud end with there being 16-25 different provinces. Over the years I have become more and more sympathetic to his developmental argument: that creating smaller provinces will also de-centralize power and localize opportunities - each provincial capital requires a provincial capital infrastructure and create local employment and opportunities and therefore development opportunities get spread around the country rather than being centralized in a few locations.


16 "Super districts"

1-Gilgat (Shia Muslim-majority, Urdu, Shina language (with several dialects), Balti dialect, a sub-dialect of Ladakhi)

2-Kashmir [Azad Kashmir , Kashmir Valley, Jammu and Aksai Chin]
(74.16% Muslim, Hindus, 23.72%, and Buddhists, 1.21%) (Urdu, Punjabi, Hindko, Mirpuri, Pahari, Gojri, Pashto and other languages)

3-Mardan (99% Muslim, Pashtu, Hindko, Pothwari, Seraiki, Punjabi (In Kohistan area - Dardic peoples including the Shina, Kohistani, Torwalis))

4-Peshawar (99% Muslim, Pashtu, Hindko, Seraiki, Urdu, Punjabi and Balochi)

5-Lahore (99% Muslim, Punjabi, Seraiki, Urdu, Pashtu)

6-Sarghda (99% muslim, Seraiki, Punjabi, Pashtu, Balochi, Urdu)

7-Fasialabad (99% Muslim, Punjabi, Seraiki, Urdu, Balochi, Pashto and Sindhi)

8-Multan (99% Muslim, Seraiki, Punjabi and Balochi)

9- Dera Gazi Khan (99% Muslim, Seraiki, Balochi, Pashto, Brahui, Punjabi, Muhajir (Urdu speaking), (1% -> Hindu, Christian and Ahmedi)

10-Sukkar - (98% Muslim, Sindhi, Seraiki, Balochi, Punjabi, Pashto, Brahui, Muhajir (Urdu speaking), (2% -> Hindu, Christian and Ahmedi)

11-Queta - ( 99% Muslim, Pashtun are in Majority, around 20% Hazaras, 25-30% Baloch and rest are Brahui, Punjabi, Muhajir (Urdu speaking), Afghan Refugees, Hindus).

12-Larkana (will have Sindhi, Balochi and some Baruhi living together)

13-Nawabshah (Sindhi, Urdu, Balochi, Punjabi, Pashto)

14-Hydrabad (Sindhi, Urdu, Punjabi, Pashto)

15-Karachi (Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi, Pashtu, Baruhi, Balochi)

16-Gwadar (90% Balochi, Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi)
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