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Karachi has rejected PTI and other terrorist sympathisers today!

It is not private property.
Take your own advice, this is what we've been telling you for decades.

Given authority? What do you mean? So they are not given it already? The thing is we don't want to see betterment, because we are immune to this system and state of living. :)
I don't think you know how government in Pakistan works (lmao 'works'), this isn't USA.
In last! Don't believe the house aka Tank Shank majority of them anti mqm and PTI pro They never give you an honest opinion regarding Karachi and mqm.
I am merrily stating the facts. Overwhelming majority(80%) has rejected democracy and these parties. Say this voter turnout is a bogus(even thought MQM itself has accepted it-Haider abbass rizwi did yesterday-'kum turn out tha,' something in these lines), please compare it with LB elections of last time, last time it was in 2005, right? compare the number of votes; google search shouldn't be so hard, if you want i can do it for you. People have rejected these parties, very bad sign for democracy, sad to see. On the plus side, good to see good number of Urdu speaking people boycotting elections.
Well low turnout speaks that Karachi'ites seems to be more interested in alternate system because if law and order situation is getting better then it is due to efforts and decisions of army. so 80% that didn't voted can be assumed that are willing to have an alternative system in Karachi. @WAJsal
I congratulate MQM, i never supported PTI. I am only stating the facts, if this percentage of people do not vote what does it mean? they simply do not believe in these parties, or are boycotting the elections. Question yourself, i am only stating the facts.
Take your own advice, this is what we've been telling you for decades.

I don't think you know how government in Pakistan works (lmao 'works'), this isn't USA.
Jiye Altaf, Jiye Muhajir. BTW to all MQM supporters, according to media and their sources(can't say for credibility) 'Red warrants will be issued for Altaf Hussain and other MQM members stated in the FIR.' If it happens i'll be partying all night.
@haviZsultan ....
Take your own advice, this is what we've been telling you for decades.

I don't think you know how government in Pakistan works (lmao 'works'), this isn't USA.
I do know, not perfectly. But I do. :)
MQM even doesn't have funds to spend on Karachi. You can't expect something good and great for country/city when you tie the hands of a person/leader. MQM was given authority in Musharraf era and see what they did under Mustafa Kamal. I also don't like Altaf Hussain. MQM has bad reputation and some militant groups and some agents on indian payroll but that doesn't mean whole MQM and its suporters are like of them. :pakistan:

:-) Not new to Internet but newbie on PDF, joined this site recently. I love this site and each and every Pakistani member on it. I feel very greatness, optimism and patriotism over here. So, i decided to join this holy patriotic club :pakistan:

Every militant party who has extreme ideology or militant group should be kept under strict scrutiny. Be it ASWJ or MQM.
Yes, Moulvi masjid me hi ache lagte hain :cheers:

Political parties except MQM, JI and PTI are not interested in Karachi. Thats the problem. People went for MQM and rejected others.

As long as rangers is there, MQM won't even think of militant wing

The most mazloom party? Oh wow, then all the PML(N) and PPP members are not corrupt. A guy who shows up on tv, uses filthy language have no idea what he's saying and is even afraid to step in Pakistan is going to rule Karachi? Idk where is our sense of thinking. When the leader is corrupt then it doesn't really matter if everyone in team he works with is Saint.
I am here to watch people A$$'s on fire hahahhahahhaha
they are so desperate and so hurt that they cant hide their sorrow and frustration ..

Think tanks providing wrong figures to prove his point is so Awesome ..
yet Karachi people have vote and turn out was low but enough to choose their representatives ..

Pakistani's talk about tolerance , and yet its hard for them to swallow the mandate of MQM ... this attitude give them to grow more stronger with Ethnic cards ..
first the so called Pakistani use disgusting language , Quota Systems on a certain Ethnicity along with a bloody false flag Operation in 92 , with constant allegation of Indian , Mi6 agents and so much other Bull Shit ..

the Logic of Pakistani these days are like this ..

MQM workers held crime ... see All of MQM is terrorist Party ..
Worker from PPP, PMLN , PAC,ANP caught in crime ... its just few people in party .

Karachi has done more business in Eid and Ramadan ( 2014 ) , See Rangers are working find , all people were scared of MQM now they are free ..
and than MQM win the Election .......... there PoV change , No Karachi is not free, Karachietes are Scared and hostage

MQM workers killed by Police and Rangers... he must be a Criminal
MQM worker worker kill in target killing , must be inside job ..

MQM Protest against anything ... see they are bitching all the time ..
MQM don't protest ........ see they do nothing in Karachi and just claim their mandate ..

reality is the so called Pakistani's got MQM phobia , and they are getting sick day by day ...
and i love to enjoy them in Pain in their A$$'s and burning but they have to live with the pain until next Local Body Elections .. LOL

@pak-marine @Pakistani Exile @Jaanbaz @Gazi @Patriots @batmannow you guys need to check this thread :)
So we see Punjabis rejecting the mandate of Karachites again,why haven't we learnt anything from 1971?
I congratulate MQM, i never supported PTI. I am only stating the facts, if this percentage of people do not vote what does it mean? they simply do not believe in these parties, or are boycotting the elections. Question yourself, i am only stating the facts.
well, low voter turnout is trending in karachi after 2013 election. Bye elections and then local body. They(Karachi'ites) are not taking part in political campaigns either. Mqm followers just not take it against their selves its state matter, well Pakistani politicians don't care much about low turnout when their party wins. even Nationalist and religious political parties failed to show any resistance that reflects that neutral voters don't expect anything from them.

@rockstar08 I would like to know your fully detailed opinion regarding to Karachi operation after this LB election.
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Incorrect. This is exactly what Jews say about Isreal. You know "we made the desert bloom". And Karachi was everything for it gave home to millions of refugees. That is opposite of "nothing". It gave life and home.

All thanks to "fathers" of Sindh who had elected to join Pakistan in 1947.
Jews are right too
Ireality is the so called Pakistani's got MQM phobia , and they are getting sick day by day ...
and i love to enjoy them in Pain in their A$$'s and burning but they have to live with the pain until next Local Body Elections .. LOL

MQM Phobia????

Barely, lets be honest here. MQM is an important political party, but is not a heavy weight like PTI, PPP or PML-N. They are and have never been serious contenders in forming the Provincial Government, let alone the Federal. The mere fact that they have to rely on ethnic based politics to get votes is the reason it can never be a Federal Party.

Karachi is a very important part of Pakistan's Economy but Electorally, it is largely irrelevant. There are only 18 MNA Seats in Karachi, sweeping them does not give you the mandate to form the Federal Government. To form the Federal Government, you need to win the 120 seats between Rawalpindi and Multan. Most of the Pakistani's who despise MQM is because of MQM's Bhatta Khori, Target Killing, Kidnapping and Extortion. MQM was only menacing because it had the street power to shut down Karachi, since that has been taken away they lack the numbers to be an influential voice in Pakistan's National Politics.
There are only 18 MNA Seats in Karachi, sweeping them does not give you the mandate to form the Federal Government. To form the Federal Government, you need to win the 120 seats between Rawalpindi and Multan. .
Another reason of low voter turnout, Karachi might never get a chance to have a fair share in Federal government in current system, then provincial government also want to impose their own agenda due to which Karachi is suffering.
Karachi is important city and economic hub of Pakistan, generating thousands graduates every year but still we are not so important when it comes to at least governing our own city.
Please define that?

(i) Is it the original pre 1947 population who voted Sindh into Pakistan?
(ii) Is it the 1947-50 migrants from India.
(iii) Is it the post 1950 upcountry migrants?

Which of the (above) groups listed "owns" it?

Wrong. I am sick f hearing this. It is rest of Pakistan that feeds Karachi. What is so special about Karachi. It has nothing but sand and desert. What made it special was when British linked it with rail to upstream provinces. What is now Pakistan become hinterland for this port.

The geograhical location and the huge hostage market of nearly 200 million means this is money making franchise. Whatever 200 million import is going go through this port. Whatever 200 million export goes to this port making this a lucrative money making franchise.

It matter nought if the residents of Karachi were Sindhi, Punjabi, Pashtuns or from Bihar in India. If any of these groups thing they are so special why not check the condition of the places where they came from. That will reveal how special they are and how special location of Karachi is.

In addition to having hostgage export/import of 200 million people Karachi also retained certain latent advantages from the early capital phase. Take Pak steel is juat outside Karachi. It is there because of location. It gets bailed out by central government despite having monopoly inside Pakistan with 200 million market. Compare it with Indian steelmakers. Pak Steel is just a money making parasite that gives plenty of useless people employed.

Then take PIA. All of Pakistan is hostage to PIA and is forced to use it. PIA HQ is in Karachi. again plenty of well paid jobs. The textile mills again leach of the cotton crop grown in upper country. Again they are inefficient.

Point being despite Karachi enjoying unique geographic advantage with 200 million hostage market to the port is compares teribly with Mumbai. At least before 1947 it was well know fact that Karachi was one of the cleanest, well kept, orderly city in all of South Asia. Look at some old images of Karachi and see if anybody has doubts.

Karachi belongs to the people of Sindh. It was them who voted to join Pakistan in 1947. Why not check out the Sindh Assembly vote. This something people need to bear in mind before starting to act like Isreali settlers by thinking it was empty no mans land before 1947 because it was not.

And anybody within Pakistan has right to migrate to it. They have as much right to it as any other migrants. After all 90% of Karachi is migrants except for the minority pre 1947 population. Above all it is high time people regarded Karachi as Pakistan and not anybodies assets. For if that argument is made then similar to how Palestinians claim their rights supersede the latter Jewish settlers which they are native then using that rationmale Sindhi's could claim their rights to Karachi spersede everybody else as it was their native city and native Sindh.

The sooner everybody accepts this then we might have peace return to this city. It is not private property. In addition unlike the Jews it is not even conquered territory. The natives voted to join Pakistan. Only then did everybody come and sought refuge.

Please go to a doctor and stay away from topic which is out of your league, it will make you feel better in your sickness.

PML(N) have maintained a strong foothold in Punjab province for a long time and it is popular due to its investment in development projects. I am not a supporter of PML(N) but I am not blind to its accomplishments in Punjab.

However, PTI is slowly but surely gaining its foothold in Punjab province. But this will take time because it is not easy to defeat the mechanisms of dynasty politics at grassroots level.

Excuse me?

You should take a tour of Lahore and Islamabad; the best cities of Pakistan [so far]. B/W Both Elite and Middle Classes are actually visible in Lahore; not just in claim.

Karachi is relevant due to its location. It will meet its match in Qwadar City in the future by the way.

Yes, they are. They are slaves of Altaf Bhai.

Karachi feeds whole of Pakistan? Joke of the century. It is a city where even basic necessities are not properly available to people (e.g. water).

Ever heard of Karakorum highway?

Most corrupt people live in Punjab (check out Banks NPLs from all over Pakistan),

Instead of addressing the points I made you instead go personal. As regards my malady at least I can get a cure. You on the other hand suffer from something beyond what any doctor can cure. Your are irretrievably afflicted from malignant retardness.

Oh not to worry. I will placate you. Karachi is your grandads personal fiefdom.
First !
finish all , the stupid provinces named on ethnicity ?
Then come & lecture others on pakistaniyat ?
so muhajir is province name now or ethnicity?
i think i need to tell you know what meaning of word muhajir immigrant in english?
a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.
its not race or ethnicity.
or do you want create a new ethnicity call muhajir or want change the name of Karachi to muhajir land?
tell you are a muhajir or Pakistani?
Instead of addressing the points I made you instead go personal. As regards my malady at least I can get a cure. You on the other hand suffer from something beyond what any doctor can cure. Your are irretrievably afflicted from malignant retardness.

Oh not to worry. I will placate you. Karachi is your grandads personal fiefdom.

Hazrat Ali (RATA) don't argue with illiterate people because they can not rise to your level therefore they will bring you down to their level to fight.
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