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Karachi has rejected PTI and other terrorist sympathisers today!

Go read your post again, its as if MQM sweeped the elections country wide.

no i never pretend that .. .but for a hint , Karachi is Mini Pakistan , who ever control Karachi can control Pakistan..
you close Karachi for 3 days ... and Pakistan will be on its knees ....

Establishment? Huh

yes Same Establishment who let the Govt and Army to launch a False Flag Operation ..

Do i need to remind you that Uncle Zia created MQM to counter PPP in Karachi. Second, if the Establishment did not want MQM to expand, why was Uncle Musharraf supporting MQM wholeheartedly and gave them ample room to grow and expand. Be honest for once in your life. MQM was expanding and had established a very solid foothold in Punjab. This all reversed after all of Pakistan was horrified when MQM Target Killers butchered lawyers in 2007. MQM's militant activity is the reason why it has failed to establish any presence outside Karachi and Hyderabad. Also, when MQM plays the ethnic card, it isolates itself from other parts of the country.

you don't need to remind me anything ,i know Karachi way better than you :) i was born here and lived my entire life here .. along with all my relatives ..
Musharraf Supported MQM only in Karachi , MQM was spread to Punjab , but never get enough space to Operate freely .
I am always honest sir , but PDF TT's does not even know how to spell Honest ..
Target killers ? oh really .. what about Thunder Squads of JI ? giving Shelter to AQ terrorist? lol what will you call that ? what will you call their supporters ? all are terrorist ?
MQM failed to hold its place in Punjab because Punjab is hold of Punjabi , and they will never accept a Urdu speaking leader to rule them .. either you like it or not its reality ..
wake me up when Punjab is ruled by a Party lead by a Urdu speaking leader ...
and for Ethnic Card , your entire Country is divided in ethnic .. i have share it in my last post which you did not read :D

So this gives MQM a carte blance to go and perform criminal activities because others are doing it. Shaabash. This gives MQM the permit to go and burn down Baldia Town. Shabaash

No, but before you point your Guns at someone , learn to treat people with justice , A law should be equal for all .. MQM or any other party or even a General .. the day you can do that in Pakistan we will talk :)
and for Criminal activity , i repeat again All major parties are involved ... go and catch Zulfiqar Mirza first :) and investigate the 92 Operation than talk ..

Do i need to remind you that PPP has ruled over Punjab and KPK in the past. Right now KPK is being ruled by a Party which is largely a Punjab based Party and KPK could be considered more of its periphery. So sorry, you're wrong here my friend.

in past ... Pakistan was not the same as its today ... people are far more Stupid specially in Punjab , KPK and Interior Sindh .. Karachi people are far more Educated than entire Pakistan ... and you need to see who is ruling where in Pakistan, do some reading you need it :)

Fair enough, they won and should celebrate. But its laughable how some of our MQM friends are pretending as if they won the elections in the entire country. They did not win a single seat in Punjab or KPK.

you know what's more laughable ? watching people so desperate and sorrow .. MQM has won the Local Body election , they have all the right to enjoy , people who wants Karachi people to vote for what a Punjabi Dagga and KPK akhroat wants them to vote , its not going to happen :)
we vote who we want to vote .. and we clearly reject Taliban khan , JI terrorist and PPPP's Saeen ..
Karachi people are no better than the rest of the country, no one is superior to anyone. Moving on, people in Karachi vote in the name of ethnicity, i don't see how that is any better than voting for Feudalism. Again, no one is superior to anyone, or better for that matter.
I live in Karachi, BTW.

One expects MQM supporters to raise their voice against these Target killers, i have yet to see one protest by Urdu speaking community in this regard. But i agree with your point, MQM supporters are not like them.

No one is interested in Karachi except MQM so people of Karachi definitely vote for mqm. It is understandable. It doesn't mean that MQM gets vote purely on ethnicity.

Karachiites have always demonstrated against target killings. Civil society of Karachi is always active.
Go read your post again, its as if MQM sweeped the elections country wide.

Establishment? Huh

Do i need to remind you that Uncle Zia created MQM to counter PPP in Karachi. Second, if the Establishment did not want MQM to expand, why was Uncle Musharraf supporting MQM wholeheartedly and gave them ample room to grow and expand. Be honest for once in your life. MQM was expanding and had established a very solid foothold in Punjab. This all reversed after all of Pakistan was horrified when MQM Target Killers butchered lawyers in 2007. MQM's militant activity is the reason why it has failed to establish any presence outside Karachi and Hyderabad. Also, when MQM plays the ethnic card, it isolates itself from other parts of the country.

Also, stop spreading misinformation. Karachi does not generate 70% of the Revenue for Pakistan. On Paper it does because most of the Head Offices are located in Karachi. This is why taxes are filed over there, that's why on Paper it appears Karachi generates the income when in reality that income was generated all over the country.

So this gives MQM a carte blance to go and perform criminal activities because others are doing it. Shaabash. This gives MQM the permit to go and burn down Baldia Town. Shabaash

Do i need to remind you that PPP has ruled over Punjab and KPK in the past. Right now KPK is being ruled by a Party which is largely a Punjab based Party and KPK could be considered more of its periphery. So sorry, you're wrong here my friend.

Fair enough, they won and should celebrate. But its laughable how some of our MQM friends are pretending as if they won the elections in the entire country. They did not win a single seat in Punjab or KPK.
Again Tank's farts, why the hell Zia didn't pick JI over MQM? JI had a strong hold in Karachi their goons were controlling almost educational insititutes and they fully enjoyed the benefits from ministries to being in Mulla Council of Zia! And Zia create a new party to destroy his own eggs? PPP won always two three seats from Karachi their strong hold was interior Sind not Karachi.
Now as per your claim Zia made mqm to destroy JI not PPP, Genius AH arrested first time under Zia rule for months he locked up in Jail and there were first huge raily Karachi seen right after his release from prison, and still there were APMSO that time.
@Gazi long time no see! Look at these Tanks come again and again with different lies with their baseless analysis to fool public.
Again Tank's farts, why the hell Zia didn't pick JI over MQM? JI had a strong hold in Karachi their goons were controlling almost educational insititutes and they fully enjoyed the benefits from ministries to being in Mulla Council of Zia! And Zia create a new party to destroy his own eggs? PPP won always two three seats from Karachi their strong hold was interior Sind not Karachi.
Now as per your claim Zia made mqm to destroy JI not PPP, Genius AH arrested first time under Zia rule for months he locked up in Jail and there were first huge raily Karachi seen right after his release from prison, and still there were APMSO that time.
@Gazi long time no see! Look at these Tanks come again and again with different lies with their baseless analysis to fool public.

Well maybe if you wrote quality posts instead of trolling everyday, maybe one day you might make it to the ranks of TT but that would require complete objective thinking which you clearly lack. Funny thing is, i know more about the history of the party that you support. This pretty much sums up the creation of MQM:

"Nevertheless, if one were to summarise the collective thesis on the subject by academics who have written extensively on the MQM – such as Muhammad Wasim, Laurent Gayer and Oskar Vaarkaik – one can suggest that, though, there was some involvement of Zia’s agencies in the formation of the MQM, this experiment soon backfired when the MQM quickly spun out of the agencies’ orbit and became an aggressively independent entity."

Smokers’ Corner: MQM: the missing link - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

You're welcome to counter this with evidence which i doubt you could :D
I am merrily stating the facts. Overwhelming majority(80%) has rejected democracy and these parties. Say this voter turnout is a bogus(even thought MQM itself has accepted it-Haider abbass rizwi did yesterday-'kum turn out tha,' something in these lines), please compare it with LB elections of last time, last time it was in 2005, right? compare the number of votes; google search shouldn't be so hard, if you want i can do it for you. People have rejected these parties, very bad sign for democracy, sad to see. On the plus side, good to see good number of Urdu speaking people boycotting elections.

I congratulate MQM, i never supported PTI. I am only stating the facts, if this percentage of people do not vote what does it mean? they simply do not believe in these parties, or are boycotting the elections. Question yourself, i am only stating the facts.

Jiye Altaf, Jiye Muhajir. BTW to all MQM supporters, according to media and their sources(can't say for credibility) 'Red warrants will be issued for Altaf Hussain and other MQM members stated in the FIR.' If it happens i'll be partying all night.
@haviZsultan ....
You only crying on low turn out, as I said there are various factors regarding with low turn out its not mean mqm losing ground, a two years massive anti mqm media trial arresting hundreds of their supportes killed dozens in extra judicial ways and dozen of still missing, the result is MQM still there SEE and watch after this LG elections if mqm team get all their benefits from fed and provincial govts They 1000% spent their energy on progressive projects to built Karachi, and here you go a more strong and polpar mqm as usual.

Well maybe if you wrote quality posts instead of trolling everyday, maybe one day you might make it to the ranks of TT but that would require complete objective thinking which you clearly lack. Funny thing is, i know more about the history of the party that you support. This pretty much sums up the creation of MQM:

"Nevertheless, if one were to summarise the collective thesis on the subject by academics who have written extensively on the MQM – such as Muhammad Wasim, Laurent Gayer and Oskar Vaarkaik – one can suggest that, though, there was some involvement of Zia’s agencies in the formation of the MQM, this experiment soon backfired when the MQM quickly spun out of the agencies’ orbit and became an aggressively independent entity."

Smokers’ Corner: MQM: the missing link - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

You're welcome to counter this with evidence which i doubt you could :D
Where I'm trolling? I already read that article long ago which is not count as evidence but speculations, can agree with you that may be Zia give " chara " bate to AH( APMSO) but they didn't accept it, Zia took power in 1977 MQM formed in 1984 wow (^_^) come up with some new thing that Zia's kale kartoot nothing relate with mqm formation.
PTI six seats won myth in Karachi is open secret now, two form Sohrab Goth Two form Afghan Basti one from kemadi ( I doubt ) one from
BHENS colony Landhi :rofl: :omghaha:
Ungrateful piece of shit. Jiss thali mein khatay ho wahin ched kartay ho? Country that gave your great grandfathers refuge from Indian banyas, you want to break that apart as well. Why not do this, do a reverse migration to bihar or something.

@Oscar @Irfan Baloch, someone ban this Indians account.

I will personally burn down our 9 factories and encourage people to do the same and ask for independence!

Attacking Urdu Speaking people directly, the Punjab Rangers are going too far!
Ungrateful piece of shit. Jiss thali mein khatay ho wahin ched kartay ho? Country that gave your great grandfathers refuge from Indian banyas, you want to break that apart as well. Why not do this, do a reverse migration to bihar or something.

@Oscar @Irfan Baloch, someone ban this Indians account.

Be careful from false flag clowns. Plenty of them are active on social media from a neighbouring country pretending to be Baluch, Pushtun, Urdu Speaker or even Americans. I have some great stories of catching Indians pretending to be from Baluch to Pushtuns.:rofl:
We have two such Pashtuns on this forum....... :D

Be careful from false flag clowns. Plenty of them are active on social media from a neighbouring country pretending to be Baluch, Pushtun, Urdu Speaker or even Americans. I have some great stories of catching Indians pretending to be from Baluch to Pushtuns.:rofl:
Again Tank's farts, why the hell Zia didn't pick JI over MQM? JI had a strong hold in Karachi their goons were controlling almost educational insititutes and they fully enjoyed the benefits from ministries to being in Mulla Council of Zia! And Zia create a new party to destroy his own eggs? PPP won always two three seats from Karachi their strong hold was interior Sind not Karachi.
Now as per your claim Zia made mqm to destroy JI not PPP, Genius AH arrested first time under Zia rule for months he locked up in Jail and there were first huge raily Karachi seen right after his release from prison, and still there were APMSO that time.
@Gazi long time no see! Look at these Tanks come again and again with different lies with their baseless analysis to fool public.

Their logic is hilarious though, Zia the religious fascist supported the formation of an openly secular party that led to the downfall of his own supporters JI, a religious party. Hassan Nisar said it right, inhay ilzam laganay bhe nahi ata.
There is nothing wrong with MQM as long as their militant wing remains in check.
Ungrateful piece of shit. Jiss thali mein khatay ho wahin ched kartay ho? Country that gave your great grandfathers refuge from Indian banyas, you want to break that apart as well. Why not do this, do a reverse migration to bihar or something.

@Oscar @Irfan Baloch, someone ban this Indians account.

You are a member of PDF from a long time ... i am sure now you can differentiate between a Pakistani and a Wanna be Pakistani ,India troll ... ignore him and than ban him Simple
Ungrateful piece of shit. Jiss thali mein khatay ho wahin ched kartay ho? Country that gave your great grandfathers refuge from Indian banyas, you want to break that apart as well. Why not do this, do a reverse migration to bihar or something.

@Oscar @Irfan Baloch, someone ban this Indians account.
So Muhajirs are Indians according to you
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