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Karachi has rejected PTI and other terrorist sympathisers today!

Read again what you have just written

Sorry bro, he's right. I've met many Pakistanis who are no longer Muslims now, as soon as they arrive in UK, they openly claim they are no longer Muslims. Do you know the reasons? Mullahs and their continuous death cults killing people in Pakistan. Why are people dying in Pakistan? People are being killed in the name of Islam. Its a sad state of affairs, Mullahs have turned Islam into blood thirsty religion. There is no focus on actual spiritual progression just outward showing off how religious you are but no focus on the actual spiritual benefit of Islamic teachings.
Why are people who are not from Karachi burning so much about who Karachi residents chose? Do you see me lecturing lahoris on why they voted for Punjab based party? Or why KPK votes for party with Pukhtun leader? Or why Sindhis vote for sindhi leader? Or balochis vote for balochis? I am not lecturing you on who you vote for. Why are your self righteous behinds trying to lecture people of Karachi?

Kiya ajeeb hypcorites logon se wasta para hai.

@rockstar08 @pak-marine @dexter @Gazi @Jaanbaz @Musafir117

Guys, open a poll for Karachi members only and see who they would support.

@everyone else
Why do you want us to vote for parties that you like? I don't understand. You have your preferences and others have theirs. It's called democracy, you know..
MQM Phobia????

Barely, lets be honest here. MQM is an important political party, but is not a heavy weight like PTI, PPP or PML-N. They are and have never been serious contenders in forming the Provincial Government, let alone the Federal. The mere fact that they have to rely on ethnic based politics to get votes is the reason it can never be a Federal Party.

Karachi is a very important part of Pakistan's Economy but Electorally, it is largely irrelevant. There are only 18 MNA Seats in Karachi, sweeping them does not give you the mandate to form the Federal Government. To form the Federal Government, you need to win the 120 seats between Rawalpindi and Multan. Most of the Pakistani's who despise MQM is because of MQM's Bhatta Khori, Target Killing, Kidnapping and Extortion. MQM was only menacing because it had the street power to shut down Karachi, since that has been taken away they lack the numbers to be an influential voice in Pakistan's National Politics.

I am sure that you didn't read my post at all .. i never claim MQM to be a might party who can rule Pakistan ... MQM based on Karachi , lets rephrase it , our establishment never let MQM to operate outside Karachi .. but i think its enough for a party to hold and get support in Karachi cause Karachi is technically running this country ..almost 70% of revenue of Pakistan generate from Karachi ..
as for crimes you mentioned , Bhatta khori , Extortion , Land grabbing , target killing ... other parties do that too .. but i never see Pakistani's go crazy over that ... JI was harboring AQ terrorist but yet they were allowed to run their political activities .. isn't it Disturbingly stupid and Hypocrisy ? PPPP supported PAC , Zulfiqar mirza supporting PAC , and Uzair baluch claiming that PAC waas given task to kill MQM workers .. and they did , Sindh Govt issued them Gun license ..why i never see any raid on Bilawaal house ? or Qaim ali shah been arrested ...

despite everything people are voting, who they want to see ...
as far as Ethnic card is concern , look at the States of Pakistan Sindh , Baluchistan , Punjab , Khyber Pakhtoon khuwa .. don't you see any Ethnic influence here ? if not than you are either ignorant or blind ..
next thing .. Punjab is Ruled by Punjabi party , KPK ruled by Pakhtoon , Sindh ruled by Sindhi , and Baluchistan is rule by Baluchi ..

learn to respect the mandate of someone/Party ... people vote whoever they want , they will not vote for those who you like ... but i know Pakistani's is suffering from MQM phobia .. and its increasing ..
no matter how much so called Pakistani cry on social Media , MQM is celebrating their victory .. along with their Supporters ..

Why are people who are not from Karachi burning so much about who Karachi residents chose? Do you see me lecturing lahoris on why they voted for Punjab based party? Or why KPK votes for party with Pukhtun leader? Or why Sindhis vote for sindhi leader? Or balochis vote for balochis? I am not lecturing you on who you vote for. Why are your self righteous behinds trying to lecture people of Karachi?

Kiya ajeeb hypcorites logon se wasta para hai.

@rockstar08 @pak-marine @dexter @Gazi @Jaanbaz @Musafir117

Guys, open a poll for Karachi members only and see who they would support.

@everyone else
Why do you want us to vote for parties that you like? I don't understand. You have your preferences and others have theirs. It's called democracy, you know..

Brother they are suffering from MQM phobia ... they can't help it .. their desperation is visible ..
just enjoy :-)
Punjab is Ruled by Punjabi party , KPK ruled by Pakhtoon , Sindh ruled by Sindhi , and Baluchistan is rule by Baluchi ..

KPK & Punjab also had selected PPP in the past.

MQM is celebrating their victory .. along with their Supporters ..
Let us celebrate the fact that Karachi has become an over-populated shit-hole!! Thank you MQM!! :cheers:
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I am here to watch people A$$'s on fire hahahhahahhaha
they are so desperate and so hurt that they cant hide their sorrow and frustration ..

Think tanks providing wrong figures to prove his point is so Awesome ..
yet Karachi people have vote and turn out was low but enough to choose their representatives ..

Pakistani's talk about tolerance , and yet its hard for them to swallow the mandate of MQM ... this attitude give them to grow more stronger with Ethnic cards ..
first the so called Pakistani use disgusting language , Quota Systems on a certain Ethnicity along with a bloody false flag Operation in 92 , with constant allegation of Indian , Mi6 agents and so much other Bull Shit ..

the Logic of Pakistani these days are like this ..

MQM workers held crime ... see All of MQM is terrorist Party ..
Worker from PPP, PMLN , PAC,ANP caught in crime ... its just few people in party .

Karachi has done more business in Eid and Ramadan ( 2014 ) , See Rangers are working find , all people were scared of MQM now they are free ..
and than MQM win the Election .......... there PoV change , No Karachi is not free, Karachietes are Scared and hostage

MQM workers killed by Police and Rangers... he must be a Criminal
MQM worker worker kill in target killing , must be inside job ..

MQM Protest against anything ... see they are bitching all the time ..
MQM don't protest ........ see they do nothing in Karachi and just claim their mandate ..

reality is the so called Pakistani's got MQM phobia , and they are getting sick day by day ...
and i love to enjoy them in Pain in their A$$'s and burning but they have to live with the pain until next Local Body Elections .. LOL

@pak-marine @Pakistani Exile @Jaanbaz @Gazi @Patriots @batmannow you guys need to check this thread :)

I didn't care when these people criticized MQM but i got pissd off when they atart abusing Karachiites calling them terrorist sympathizers, Parhe likhey jahil and un patriotic other slangs/bullsht.

I am still in shock by the way due to attitude of people over here.

People of Karachi came out as very Siyaa ne People were wondering that MQM won't be able to win as Karachiites are fed up of MQM and other parties operating in Karachi and Karachiites are supporting rangers operation (thats true) against MQM and etc but the thing is that Karachiites wanted MQM and peace both so they voted MQM and peace will be there because people of Karachi knew that as far as Rangers are there, MQM won't act bad. So Karachi wins after all. Peace will be there and their voted party MQM too. :dance3:
Let us celebrate the fact that Karachi has become an over-populated shit-hole Karachi. Thank you MQM!! :cheers:
You should thank KPK and FATA for handling Law and Order situation in their areas so efficiently that people are moving out of their and Migrating to Karachi in a large number. :cheers:
You should thank KPK and FATA for handling Law and Order situation in their areas so efficiently that people are moving out of their and Migrating to Karachi in a large number. :cheers:

They also migrating to lahore & Islooo which are like 1000x better than Karachi.
I will personally burn down our 9 factories and encourage people to do the same and ask for independence!

Attacking Urdu Speaking people directly, the Punjab Rangers are going too far!
Calm down buddy do not take this whole FIR thing Seriously because its seems more like 9:00PM Confessional Statements during NA 246 By Elections which stopped soon after Victory of MQM.

They also migrating to lahore & Islooo which are like 1000x better than Karachi.
Most of them are related to Transport Business and Karachi is the HUB of Transportation to rest of Pakistan hence your Assumptions are wrong here.
Lol at Isloo being better

I can take Lahore being better having been to all the three cities, however Isloo "all shops close at 8" does not qualify as better
Lol at Isloo being better

I can take Lahore being better having been to all the three cities, however Isloo "all shops close at 8" does not qualify as better
There is a Sizable Population there as well but in Lahore I dont think there are many Pashtuns may be few hundred Thousands only but Karachi is a Biggest Urban Center of Pashtun in the World.
I am sure that you didn't read my post at all .. i never claim MQM to be a might party who can rule Pakistan ... MQM based on Karachi ,

Go read your post again, its as if MQM sweeped the elections country wide.

lets rephrase it , our establishment never let MQM to operate outside Karachi .. but i think its enough for a party to hold and get support in Karachi cause Karachi is technically running this country ..almost 70% of revenue of Pakistan generate from Karachi ..

Establishment? Huh

Do i need to remind you that Uncle Zia created MQM to counter PPP in Karachi. Second, if the Establishment did not want MQM to expand, why was Uncle Musharraf supporting MQM wholeheartedly and gave them ample room to grow and expand. Be honest for once in your life. MQM was expanding and had established a very solid foothold in Punjab. This all reversed after all of Pakistan was horrified when MQM Target Killers butchered lawyers in 2007. MQM's militant activity is the reason why it has failed to establish any presence outside Karachi and Hyderabad. Also, when MQM plays the ethnic card, it isolates itself from other parts of the country.

Also, stop spreading misinformation. Karachi does not generate 70% of the Revenue for Pakistan. On Paper it does because most of the Head Offices are located in Karachi. This is why taxes are filed over there, that's why on Paper it appears Karachi generates the income when in reality that income was generated all over the country.

as for crimes you mentioned , Bhatta khori , Extortion , Land grabbing , target killing ... other parties do that too .. but i never see Pakistani's go crazy over that ... JI was harboring AQ terrorist but yet they were allowed to run their political activities .. isn't it Disturbingly stupid and Hypocrisy ? PPPP supported PAC , Zulfiqar mirza supporting PAC , and Uzair baluch claiming that PAC waas given task to kill MQM workers .. and they did , Sindh Govt issued them Gun license ..why i never see any raid on Bilawaal house ? or Qaim ali shah been arrested ...

So this gives MQM a carte blance to go and perform criminal activities because others are doing it. Shaabash. This gives MQM the permit to go and burn down Baldia Town. Shabaash

despite everything people are voting, who they want to see ...
as far as Ethnic card is concern , look at the States of Pakistan Sindh , Baluchistan , Punjab , Khyber Pakhtoon khuwa .. don't you see any Ethnic influence here ? if not than you are either ignorant or blind ..
next thing .. Punjab is Ruled by Punjabi party , KPK ruled by Pakhtoon , Sindh ruled by Sindhi , and Baluchistan is rule by Baluchi ..

Do i need to remind you that PPP has ruled over Punjab and KPK in the past. Right now KPK is being ruled by a Party which is largely a Punjab based Party and KPK could be considered more of its periphery. So sorry, you're wrong here my friend.

learn to respect the mandate of someone/Party ... people vote whoever they want , they will not vote for those who you like ... but i know Pakistani's is suffering from MQM phobia .. and its increasing ..
no matter how much so called Pakistani cry on social Media , MQM is celebrating their victory .. along with their Supporters ..

Fair enough, they won and should celebrate. But its laughable how some of our MQM friends are pretending as if they won the elections in the entire country. They did not win a single seat in Punjab or KPK.
I will personally burn down our 9 factories and encourage people to do the same and ask for independence!

Attacking Urdu Speaking people directly, the Punjab Rangers are going too far!

I am a Urdu speaking Karachiite. What you said is utter non sense and betrayal of your country. Nationalists who ask for independence either Muhajirs, Baloch or Pukhtoon....I strongly oppose all.
Remember you have enmity with Punjab not Pakistan. I stand with my flag :pakistan:no matter what happens. You should too

The most mazloom party? Oh wow, then all the PML(N) and PPP members are not corrupt. A guy who shows up on tv, uses filthy language have no idea what he's saying and is even afraid to step in Pakistan is going to rule Karachi? Idk where is our sense of thinking. When the leader is corrupt then it doesn't really matter if everyone in team he works with is Saint.

Then hang AH and all corrupt, criminal people in MQM......but Karachiites voted MQM rightly as no one is interested in Karachi other than MQM.
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