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Karachi has rejected PTI and other terrorist sympathisers today!


Please define that?

(i) Is it the original pre 1947 population who voted Sindh into Pakistan?
(ii) Is it the 1947-50 migrants from India.
(iii) Is it the post 1950 upcountry migrants?

don't come to Karachi

Which of the (above) groups listed "owns" it?

Karachi who can feed whole Pakistan.

Wrong. I am sick f hearing this. It is rest of Pakistan that feeds Karachi. What is so special about Karachi. It has nothing but sand and desert. What made it special was when British linked it with rail to upstream provinces. What is now Pakistan become hinterland for this port.

The geograhical location and the huge hostage market of nearly 200 million means this is money making franchise. Whatever 200 million import is going go through this port. Whatever 200 million export goes to this port making this a lucrative money making franchise.

It matter nought if the residents of Karachi were Sindhi, Punjabi, Pashtuns or from Bihar in India. If any of these groups thing they are so special why not check the condition of the places where they came from. That will reveal how special they are and how special location of Karachi is.

In addition to having hostgage export/import of 200 million people Karachi also retained certain latent advantages from the early capital phase. Take Pak steel is juat outside Karachi. It is there because of location. It gets bailed out by central government despite having monopoly inside Pakistan with 200 million market. Compare it with Indian steelmakers. Pak Steel is just a money making parasite that gives plenty of useless people employed.

Then take PIA. All of Pakistan is hostage to PIA and is forced to use it. PIA HQ is in Karachi. again plenty of well paid jobs. The textile mills again leach of the cotton crop grown in upper country. Again they are inefficient.

Point being despite Karachi enjoying unique geographic advantage with 200 million hostage market to the port is compares teribly with Mumbai. At least before 1947 it was well know fact that Karachi was one of the cleanest, well kept, orderly city in all of South Asia. Look at some old images of Karachi and see if anybody has doubts.

Karachi belongs to the people of Sindh. It was them who voted to join Pakistan in 1947. Why not check out the Sindh Assembly vote. This something people need to bear in mind before starting to act like Isreali settlers by thinking it was empty no mans land before 1947 because it was not.

And anybody within Pakistan has right to migrate to it. They have as much right to it as any other migrants. After all 90% of Karachi is migrants except for the minority pre 1947 population. Above all it is high time people regarded Karachi as Pakistan and not anybodies assets. For if that argument is made then similar to how Palestinians claim their rights supersede the latter Jewish settlers which they are native then using that rationmale Sindhi's could claim their rights to Karachi spersede everybody else as it was their native city and native Sindh.

The sooner everybody accepts this then we might have peace return to this city. It is not private property. In addition unlike the Jews it is not even conquered territory. The natives voted to join Pakistan. Only then did everybody come and sought refuge.
Its unfair that Pakistan's Financial hub is being controlled by just one ethnicity and their ethnic Political party.
Industries and financial institutions should move out of Karachi. Hopefully Gwadar will not be a Mohajir city like Karachi and we wont have to give the Tax called Bhatta for doing good business.
  1. The Qadianis seems themselves to be the sympathizers. They are targeting Jamaat Islami which was supporting PTI. MQM also has created militancy in Karachi. Nobody is innocent here.
If Punjab can elect a traitor (attacked Supreme Court, Messed up with COASs) and highly corrupt people who love to have relation with arch enemy even in hostile times and list goes on and on, then yes its better to elect small thief in pool of so many big thieves in Pakistani politics, at least they have worked for the city others only wanted to eat up resources.


Most professional, populated, most civilized, most educated, biggest middle class, most diversified (mini Pakistan) city understand much more then rest of Pakistan what is good for them. Rest of Pakistan is way behind in above said and they think Karachiates are stupid. Shame on you people.

All of those who think Karachiates are stupid then please live wherever you are and don't come to Karachi for your bread and butter, its Karachi who can feed whole Pakistan.

Punjab has in the past elected the Bhuttos many a times

We in Punjab don't vote along ethnic lines

People in Punjab continue to vote for dumb/corrupt politicians but not foreign agents and this is the basic difference.

Your victim mentality is nauseating and no one buys that sh!t anymore

I could say a lot more but would refrain out of respect for many of the more sane members from Karachi

IK tends to go bonkers himself and make stupid decisions at times.
I was talking to a PTI guy today

Apparently Imran left the pre-election rally in Pindi in anger out of nowhere because he got sick of people showering rose petals at him

Its an election rally for God sake...What are you expecting???
I could say a lot more but would refrain out of respect for many of the more sane members from Karachi

I feel the same. The problem is I detest MQM and it's supporters but also know that there are some great people from Karachi. So it can be difficult because I don't want to hurt them but it is so frustrating to read day after day some people who themselves are probably children of migrants ( as 90% of Karchi is ) acting like they own it and they made it great. They remind me of Jewish settlers who claim they made the desert green in Palestine. The reality is Karachi is part of Pakistan thanks to those Sindhi's who voted to make it part of Pakistan in 1947. If they had not there would have been no place for the migrants to go to.

Now like I said because Karachi is the only port in Pakistan it has become a money making franchize. I take issue when one set of migrants think they have more rights then another set of migrants.

Karachi belongs to Pakistan. Any Pakistani from anywhere has right to move there be they from Waziristan, Baltistan, Balochistan or Chitral. If you must insist on making proprietery claims then rest assured by all measures Karachi belongs to those who voted in 1947 to join Pakistan - the Sindhi.

And if any migrants can appropriate that claim why can't another wave of migrants do the same? Of course the more saner thing to do is accept it as city for all.
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Karachi was nothing in 1947. Carry on with your delusions of thinking it was great before 1947, when it was the hard work of educated migrants who made it what it was, considering it had no development whatsoever with uneducated people there
  1. The Qadianis seems themselves to be the sympathizers. They are targeting Jamaat Islami which was supporting PTI. MQM also has created militancy in Karachi. Nobody is innocent here.
You classic moron, u cant live a second without dragging Ahmadis in the mess that you guys have created after "jointly" pushing Ahmadis out of the system. Ahamdis cant even vote for any "sarkari" muslim, how the heck are Ahmadis even relevant in this mess u sicko!
Ahmadis are literally fighting each day for their identity, blaming Ahmadis for every or any mess is lame and stupid
dragging Ahmadis in the mess

Qadianis are targeting Jamaat Islami which was supporting PTI when they refer to "sympathisers" in this thread title. Don't use colorful quotes from Mirza Qadiani Kazzab's books here.
Rangers operation has brought peace to a few outlying areas at best, there is no peace anywhere else

People love a good story though.

Snatching, crime, etc, is as high as ever, even higher as Pashtuns know Rangers won't stop them from committing crimes
Lol so all stats(and my relatives) are lying and only mqm is true
Lol so all stats(and my relatives) are lying and only mqm is true
MQM tried to be in mainstream politics but failed badly now going back to theior etnic roots .they should change theior name again Mohajir Qumi movement again left only in karachi & hyderabad .they gained advantage by delimitation of riding boundries during Mush era if they got fixed they will cut to size .what theior actual mandate is 10 to 15 seats that it .its not good for MQM neither for karachi but cut them to theior actual size that the is .
Just to add a perspective. we all love to bash ones who don't like or follow as we do. I wonder if this is going to be the future or are we going to change ourselves for the future of our generations. There are a thousand factors for me to hate MQM and thousands to love. But this party is being chosen by the largest and most educated city again and again. The question is "Why". I also want a political power that represent a united Pakistan and is a power to reckon with in federation. but why are we being divided. why are we hating on the people who are going to stand next to us in the moment of adversity.
MQM won the elections because the city of Karachi doesn't gets its fare share from federal or provincial govts, and run by incompetent fools from interior sindh. MQM based their campaign on this factor adding the ethnicity as the reason and won because there is truth to this to some extent. We have examples of developed countries on how they educated their citizens, developed infrastructure and progressed. Why do we have to waste precious time and resources to learn the obvious. The chief executives of developed or developing countries are not engaged in building roads, public transport projects or bridges. They are busy selling their products all over the world and bringing home the investment and opportunities.
Briefly the people of Karachi have chosen what they think is right. Now the duty of the federation is to ensure the concerns of the citizens are taken into account and their is a proper division of resources and opportunities from Karachi to Kashmir. If MQM performs good under these conditions that it will be best for Pakistan and if not then citizens of Karachi will definitely have one less reason(a major one) to vote for MQM.

Rangers ??

Let me tell you on a security level Rangers did really well, they almost achieved what they intended too, but on a political level it is a disaster, it helps mqm hugely, the guys who hate mqm months ago are now posting the pics of their dirty thumbs on facebook with the tag of #voteforKarachi :D
I like the "almost achieved" phrase. because they couldn't do anything about the PPP and its wild dogs. That is what helped MQM.
Qadianis are targeting Jamaat Islami which was supporting PTI when they refer to "sympathisers" in this thread title. Don't use colorful quotes from Mirza Qadiani Kazzab's books here.
JI ( un Islamic party ) hated by vast majority of Pakistan umm seems all Pakistan is ahamdis,keep TCing mulla party who were even against creation of Pakistan ( u don't care coz u not even a Pakistani ) now go back to your cave where u belong.
This is what you get when you make alliance with JI that too in Karachi.

I don't what PTI leadership is smoking these days? The same JI refused to make alliance with PTI in KPK, and instead fielded candidates against PTI. Same JI made alliance with PML-N against PTI in Punjab, but still PTI went tits up and made alliance with JI in Karachi?

Nothing can be done if you yourself decide to go suicidal, PTI is well on course to destroy itself.
Tells about their desperation.
This is what you get when you make alliance with JI that too in Karachi.

I don't what PTI leadership is smoking these days? The same JI refused to make alliance with PTI in KPK, and instead fielded candidates against PTI. Same JI made alliance with PML-N against PTI in Punjab, but still PTI went tits up and made alliance with JI in Karachi?

Nothing can be done if you yourself decide to go suicidal, PTI is well on course to destroy itself.

Told you before you are wasting your time and energies by supporting PTI.

And as for the sake of stability, peace and unity................ if I was given the job I will make most people of Karachi leave that city immediately. This mentality "Karachi hmara hay" is dangerous. This community thing is harmful and these people need to be settled all across Pakistan, strict inter community marriage program needs to be implemented, ban on marriages within a community needs to be introduced, this the most nonviolent policy that can save Pakistan, otherwise there is no saving of Pakistan from Pakistanis. Karachi should be left to working class people there and not their useless burden of Kachra producing extended families @MastanKhan sir ???

And For Karachiites "Here a recap of reality From an Ex Karachiite........ Reader Discretion is Advised If you Cannot Accept the Truth Don't Read Beyond This Point"

And for brilliant people of Karachi (Pathan Mohajir sindhi or whatever they call themselves) cut the crap you are pan chewing, gutka eating burden on that city, given the potential and opportunities Karachi as a city had, the maximum you could produce is......... that you are known for Indian trained target killers, political parties that are best explained as mafias and gangsters, an unending evil of street crimes (you will kill a person for cellphone worth PKR 2,000), congested abadis, slums, corrupt populace, tanker mafia, injustice, china cutting, worst planned city, unrest, chaos, bhatta, kidnapping, rape, heaps of garbage, the water you drink is full of your own piss and shit, electricity theft. And then you have the audacity to claim that you are the most educated and civilised lot of Pakistan. You are gutka eating cowards who hide behind their ethnic banners, you are cowards who cannot call spade a spade, you never deserved a city like Karachi, your ancestors would be feeling ashamed of you. Brilliant people my foot look at your rulers and party heads Qaim Ali Shah, Shahi Sayed, Altaf Hussain, PTI’s jokers………………….. These are the best you could produce you most educated, civilised lot? Karachi kissi kay Baap ka nahi hay get it through your thick skulls and contribute something and then claim to be civilised and most educated lot. Next time you visit rest of Pakistan leave your shitty mentality and this gutka stinking superiority complex behind because you have nothing to be proud of.
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