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Karachi has rejected PTI and other terrorist sympathisers today!

All parties do the above, even PTI has target killers.

There is no Doodh ki Dhulli party here

I hope PTI is banned soon
Unsubstantiated argument. Karachi is a city where the political power is fixed so everyone has to grab other's share for expanding political cult. MQM, however, is the pioneer of political power. Even denies other parties from expanding network in her own areas.
Again90 percent people dident vote headline should be khi people rejected terror sympthoisers but voted bigger killer terrosists mqm
The problem is that other political parties either don't understand the issues facing people of Karachi or just ignores them fearing that they will lose support in their core areas in northern Pakistan if they raise them. That is the reason that we have monopoly of MQM in Karachi.
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If this is what Karanchi people wants then bet it, next time if they will whine about Punjab or another stuff we should ask them to Shut up and demand everything from their provincial parties and don't blame federal government for anything.

Next time if Federal Govt asked us TAX we will give them a BIG Shutup Call and asked them to get it from Punjab and other places
Next time if Federal Govt asked us TAX we will give them a BIG Shutup Call and asked them to get it from Punjab and other places

We are talking about Sindhis, not any muhajirs who don't belong here.:lol:
We are talking about Sindhis, not any muhajirs who don't belong here.

Yor are just another brainless idiot !

Sindhis doesnt even contribute to overall Pakistan Revenue Generation on the first place.

They Sindh province exluding Karachi does contribute to the Revenue but they receive more than what they give. Karachi alone produces 80% of Federal revenue from the Sindh province.
The voter turn out was mere 22% for local body election , the majority of Karachi 78% trusted no one !
The voter turn out was mere 22% for local body election , the majority of Karachi 78% trusted no one !

The 78% did not vote since they knew who is going to win. The PML, PPP and PTI have either not understood nor does not want to raise the issues faced by the people of Karachi. These political parties were taking part in the Karachi elections for show only not for getting elected.
The 78% did not vote since they knew who is going to win. The PML, PPP and PTI have either not understood nor does not want to raise the issues faced by the people of Karachi. These political parties were taking part in the Karachi elections for show only not for getting elected.
The reason y MQM win is not just because they understand issue's of karachi they won due to Muhajir Card they play every time, at the moment Karachi is 100 times in better position then any time since MQM rule from creation till 2013. MQM is not part of solution but a problem itself next mukti bani.
The reason y MQM win is not just because they understand issue's of karachi they won due to Muhajir Card they play every time, at the moment Karachi is 100 times in better position then any time since MQM rule from creation till 2013. MQM is not part of solution but a problem itself next mukti bani.
Not every Vote to MQM is Muhajir(Ethnic) Vote there are Karachi(Regional) Vote as well contribute to their Victory and those Regional or Karachi Votes are driven by their Political Slogans of Removing Quota, Karachi Province and Giving due share of Resources to Karachi for Development which is something no other Party is brave enough to raise their voice on and there are Liberal Vote Bank as well as Minority ones due to their support in the past so MQM Vote Bank is not based on few aspect their are many Aspect to it which are not Ignored deliberately by media due to Potential Political Backlash caused by them.
The reason y MQM win is not just because they understand issue's of karachi they won due to Muhajir Card

The issues of Karachi are complex including nationalization, quota system and settlement of unemployed from northern Pakistan in illegally occupied private and public lands. The Bhutto's 1970s nationalization destroyed the industrial and business class in Karachi who had built factories and banks and they were taken over by feudal landlords whose lands were never distributed to landless peasants. Bhutto won on socialism but never implemented the main aim of socialism i.e. distribution of feudal lands to the landless peasants. These nationalized industry and banks were looted and later sold to other people and never returned to their original owners. The quota system was implemented to stop the educated people with skills getting the jobs on merit but now it was where your parents were born as the criteria for the jobs. Then even the professional colleges were under quota system to stop qualified students to get admission to these colleges. Then unemployed people from all parts of Pakistan are being dumped in Karachi. Peshawar is closer to Rawalpindi, Lahore and Faisalabad but the unemployed Pakhtuns come and settle in Karachi. The 1970s gave rise to a movement that culminated in MQM in the 1980s.
The issues of Karachi are complex including quota system and settlement of unemployed from northern Pakistan in illegally occupied private and public lands. The Bhutto's 1970s nationalization destroyed the industrial and business class in Karachi who had built factories and banks and they were taken over by feudal landlords whose lands were never distributed to landless peasants. Bhutto won on socialism but never implemented the main aim of socialism i.e. distribution of feudal lands to the landless peasants. These nationalized industry and banks were looted and later sold to other people and never returned to their original owners. The quota system was implemented to stop the educated people with skills getting the jobs on merit but now it was where your parents were born as the criteria for the jobs. Then even the professional colleges were under quota system to stop qualified students to get admission to these colleges. The 1970s gave rise to a movement that culminated in MQM in the 1980s.
People living in karachi enjoy more employment rate than any other part of Pakistan , yet they always cry foul for quota system, everything is reversible the quota system , the looted money etc etc any thing but how will u bring those life's back taken by MQM goons in name of ethnicity?? My whole life is spend in this city i also know who is who n what is what. Real issue of karachi is law and order and that can only be solved through permanent presences of Rangers and LEA's.
People living in karachi enjoy more employment rate than any other part of Pakistan

They had employment because factories and banks were established and built by the business class in Karachi. The real criminals and goons were the people that destroyed this city starting in the 1970s. Bhutto destroyed it by nationalizing industry and commerce. If you read about socialism and Karl Marx they talk more about the nationalization of the agricultural land and distributing it to the landless peasants. Did Bhutto nationalize agricultural lands and distribute to peasants in Pakistan ? No. He instead choose to destroy the growing small Pakistani business class that was creating jobs and new middle class. These feudals kept their lands but also took over the industry and the banks. Then they implemented quota system to stop qualified people getting jobs in the government. Then took the next step and implemented quota system in professional colleges to stop qualifies students even getting admissions.
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