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Karachi has rejected PTI and other terrorist sympathisers today!

We need MQM because Rangers won't protect us from ANP terrorists along with PTI target killers. We need MQM to counter them
They had employment because factories and banks were established and built by the business class in Karachi. The real criminals and goons were the people that destroyed this city starting in the 1970s. Bhutto destroyed it by nationalizing industry and commerce. If you read about socialism and Karl Marx they talk more about the nationalization of the agricultural land and distributing it to the landless peasants. Did Bhutto nationalize agricultural lands and distribute to peasants in Pakistan ? No. He instead choose to destroy the growing small Pakistani business class that was creating jobs and new middle class. These feudals kept their lands but also took over the industry and the banks. Then they implemented quota system to stop qualified people getting jobs in the government. Then took the next step and implemented quota system in professional colleges to stop qualifies students even getting admissions.
As i said quota system can be reversed/obsolete any time but how will u bring back lives taken by MQM? Just remove Rangers for few days and these goons will start target killing of common people of karachi that do not support MQM. If people of Israel gives vote to Natanyahu , and people of india gives vote to Modi, does that mean they r free from their crimes?? Because certain group of people on basis of hate vote them, same is case with MQM and the muhajir card they always play.

We need MQM because Rangers won't protect us from ANP terrorists along with PTI target killers. We need MQM to counter them
Too much sarcasm !
Yor are just another brainless idiot !

They Sindh province exluding Karachi does contribute to the Revenue but they receive more than what they give. Karachi alone produces 80% of Federal revenue from the Sindh province.

And you are just a psycho with your love for afghans written all over your traitor forehead, don't ever quote me again or i'll whoop your ***.
I am a Urdu speaking Karachiite. What you said is utter non sense and betrayal of your country. Nationalists who ask for independence either Muhajirs, Baloch or Pukhtoon....I strongly oppose all.
Remember you have enmity with Punjab not Pakistan. I stand with my flag :pakistan:no matter what happens. You should too
Enmity with Punjab? What do you mean?

Is Punjab responsible for the mess in Karachi? MQM and PPPP are.

in past ... Pakistan was not the same as its today ... people are far more Stupid specially in Punjab , KPK and Interior Sindh .. Karachi people are far more Educated than entire Pakistan ... and you need to see who is ruling where in Pakistan, do some reading you need it :)
I think that karachiites have some kind of superiority complex. But I will give you a hint: Over 35 (different) universities are functioning in Lahore only. Don't tout your education level.

you know what's more laughable ? watching people so desperate and sorrow .. MQM has won the Local Body election , they have all the right to enjoy , people who wants Karachi people to vote for what a Punjabi Dagga and KPK akhroat wants them to vote , its not going to happen :)
we vote who we want to vote .. and we clearly reject Taliban khan , JI terrorist and PPPP's Saeen ..
And you chose MQM bhatakhors and target killers. Great choice.
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Enmity with Punjab? What do you mean?

Is Punjab responsible for the mess in Karachi? MQM and PPPP are.

I think that karachiites have some kind of superiority complex. But I will give you a hint: Over 35 (different) universities are functioning in Lahore only. Don't tout your education level.

And you chose MQM bhatakhors and target killers. Great choice.

The secret report of IB , which suggested & already executed the demarking of elctoral constituencies in Karachi & regestiring illegal voters before general elections of 2013 & in LB elections in Karachi ?
to steel MQM ,s political mandate from Karachi & urban sindh ?
is a heavy proof of the conspiracies launched & done by both PPP & PMLN ,& were supported by PTI/JI with full knowledge
We want to know , under whom IB works ?
Under MQM ?
Even after of their stupid , work MQM bounced back from no where ?
& its just not Urdu speakers who voted them heavily , its all others ?
So from 90 till 2015 , all of the political elites from punjab to sindh tried their best to let MQM go down?
Shame on IB , Shame on federal govts of PPP & PMLn .
This whole factual tele-report shows the popularity of MQM is beyond the knowledge of inteeligence agencies & MQM is supported by all of the communities living in Karachi .
politically motivated & headed
Intelligence agencies & their biased prapoganda , dirty tricks for their political masters have always failed miserably to win against the popular support of MQM?
That's a hard reality , which peoples needs to understand once & for all ?
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The secret report of IB , which suggested & already executed the demarking of electoral constituencies in Karachi & registering illegal voters before general elections of 2013 & in LB elections in Karachi ?

That is why there are 1000 daily migrants arriving in Karachi to change the demographic balance. The land mafia with the cooperation of the government is occupying the public and private lands to settle these migrants and they are encouraged and forced to vote for the certain political parties to decrease electoral strength of MQM.
I think that karachiites have some kind of superiority complex. But I will give you a hint: Over 35 (different) universities are functioning in Lahore only. Don't tout your education level.

still better than daggay and Akhroats :D

And you chose MQM bhatakhors and target killers. Great choice.

better than supporting Taliban and their Sympathizers
That is why there are 1000 daily migrants arriving in Karachi to change the demographic balance. The land mafia with the cooperation of the government is occupying the public and private lands to settle these migrants and they are encouraged and forced to vote for the certain political parties to decrease electoral strength of MQM.
& then what happened ?
Even the ones migrated & been pushed into voting system , also voted for MQM?
That's epic , tragedy to the federal govt & its political secret agencies ?
MQM hits new highs in last LB elections ?
We need MQM because Rangers won't protect us from ANP terrorists along with PTI target killers. We need MQM to counter them

well you can always spit special Altaf swine blood ghutka on killers face and blind him!!

ohh no wonder MQM people dont die and manage to kill innocent poeple easily!
Enmity with Punjab? What do you mean?

Is Punjab responsible for the mess in Karachi? MQM and PPPP are.


if some nationalists have beef with Punjab, then people may not find problem in it but if some one is against Pakistan and working against her beauty, joining hands with enemy then people should get piss off ad they will.

No, Punjab is not responsible for mess in Karachi. You already mentioned who are responsible/culprit. The mafia in these parties should not be tolerated and should be hanged immediately. Our strength lies in our diversity not division.

@WebMaster, am shocked at the racist comments being allowed

Wasn't like this when I was here 4 years ago
if some nationalists have beef with Punjab, then people may not find problem in it but if some one is against Pakistan and working against her beauty, joining hands with enemy then people should get piss off ad they will.

No, Punjab is not responsible for mess in Karachi. You already mentioned who are responsible/culprit. The mafia in these parties should not be tolerated and should be hanged immediately. Our strength lies in our diversity not division.

So then name of punjab should be changed & would be divided into many smaller provinces ?
When there is peace, prosperity and jobs people don't complain much. Karachi has lost all three in last three decades. Bhutto's nationalization started the ruin and continued by all the parties including the MQM. Then we have huge migration of unemployed but both the federal and provincial governments are not funding the municipality to build the infrastructure. People just complain about MQM without understanding and solving the core issues. I do not support the MQM but I have tried to understand the issues which many political leaders have not done. Many people are foolish to think that the problems will be solved with putting Rangers at every street corner.
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