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Karachi Circular Railway to resume operations from Nov 16: Pakistan Railways

It is no more KCR(Karachi Circular Railway) as it doesn't circle the city as the city is 8-10 times bigger now in area and in population.

And it need to be a METRO train, like all the corridors planned for Karachi BRTS need to be converted into a METRO train, except for the about to be completed Green line BRTS(Surjani to Numaish).

There are six corridors planned for Karachi BRTS and now looks an uphill task and not cost efficient and of less utility.

Need to turn these into METRO train corridors.


I'm really curious why you guys built this BRTS? IN Punjab India there's no metro , But city bus is running without any special roads . Big busses for major roads and 4 smaal roads 3 wheelers rikhshaws. Every1 is happy.

It seems a waste of money or rishwatkhori project by your betas.
what is your opinion on 50 percent of population who doesn't go to the polls for various reasons whatsoever?
50 percents who go to the polls have brought this disaster upon us.. ANd you want the rest 50 percent to bring total destruction?
50 percents who go to the polls have brought this disaster upon us.. ANd you want the rest 50 percent to bring total destruction?

By what law or logic?

They are free from even the good samaritan law for the law passed in a structure they are not part of.
By what law or logic?

They are free from even the good samaritan law for the law passed in a structure they are not part of.
i am not that sharp, therefore cannot get your point. please elaborate
i am not that sharp, therefore cannot get your point. please elaborate

50 percent of the people who go to the polls and are politically active are to be blamed more than those who don't think much of the political system.

You should ask why these enlightened politically active part of the population has achieved over past 50 years by keep voting in their insecurities.

Karachi may have a population one can protest, detest and dispute but registered vote in Karachi are too less to make a country wide impact.

Nobody in Karachi wants Mr. Rasheed to launch any train service with his given record and pending investigations in the court.
I'm really curious why you guys built this BRTS? IN Punjab India there's no metro , But city bus is running without any special roads . Big busses for major roads and 4 smaal roads 3 wheelers rikhshaws. Every1 is happy.

It seems a waste of money or rishwatkhori project by your betas.

Lahore has an estimated population of almost 12 million and 16 Karachi million. Unofficial estimates put the Karachi population at almost 20 million. Do you have cities of comparable size in Indian Punjab?

Lahore and Karachi should be compared to Delhi and Mumbai.
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50 percent of the people who go to the polls and are politically active are to be blamed more than those who don't think much of the political system.

You should ask why these enlightened politically active part of the population has achieved over past 50 years by keep voting in their insecurities.

Karachi may have a population one can protest, detest and dispute but registered vote in Karachi are too less to make a country wide impact.

Nobody in Karachi wants Mr. Rasheed to launch any train service with his given record and pending investigations in the court.
I agree
I agree
Lahore has an estimated population of almost 12 million and 16 Karachi million. Unofficial estimates put the Karachi population at almost 20 million. Do you have cities of comparable size in Indian Punjab?

Lahore and Karachi should be compared to Delhi and Mumbai.

Please delete or lock this thread

This is a complete fake news
The city which provides 60% to the country gets Repainted dabba's and locomotive of 18th century for KCR.
Lahore has an estimated population of almost 12 million and 16 Karachi million. Unofficial estimates put the Karachi population at almost 20 million. Do you have cities of comparable size in Indian Punjab?

Lahore and Karachi should be compared to Delhi and Mumbai.

Delhi had city buses running on normal road in a big way before metro happened, and they are still running just fine even after metro.
I'm just out of Iidea why you need special elevated road 4 busses. why not use smaller buses on normal roads. And use railways 4 elevated. Roads if dont want underground metro.
Updated the thread title and added a news report quoting Pakistan Railways - is that fake too?

Lets wait till 16 November then

As far as i know this is just another lollipop by Pakistan railways. On ground there is no real work to start circular railway
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