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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

Funded by Indian handlers in Afghanistan. Indian government is not involved. Indian corporations and NGOs are.
I'm not saying that RAW doesn't have operations in Pakistan that are not conducive for Pakistani security, but you guys honestly think that they were able to find Pakistani locals to carry out these attacks but not Pakistani weapons? Sigh.

They are Uzbeks not locals.
UPDATE | Intel sources say that the terrorists were providing cover for a plane hijack attempt which was thwarted by the Pakistani forces.

Washington Post.
I feel sorry for those causalities...... May their souls Rest in Peace!!!!!!!

I am not surprised to see India is blamed again.......You keep blaming India and the real culprits would roam free in your country..... You are not learning your lesson yet..... All the Best!!!!!!!
What weapons were they actually ?
They have shown rocket launchers,hand grenades. This is what I have seen through media sources till now.Definitely they will be using such weapons because their intentions were clear: Damaging airplanes and blowing up airport so that Pakistan suffers of billion dollar loss.
Observe that these 10 terrorist would have blown themselves up at a time...but they don't. Instead they were equipped with proper rocket launchers.Only three of them blow themselves up when encountered by PA and they were left with only one option:surrender. The plan was clear :damaging economy..they were much focused in it rather then shedding blood.Such plan could only be programmed by masterminds, damn it..... by proper well organized agency rather then some emotional God damn jinxed terrorist.
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They have shown rocket launchers,hand grenades. This is what I have seen through media sources till now.Definitely they will be using such weapons because their intentions were clear: Damaging airplanes and blowing up airport so that Pakistan suffers of billion dollar loss.
Observe that these 10 terrorist would have blown themselves up at a time...but they don't. Instead they were equipped with proper rocket launchers. The plan was clear :damaging economy..they were much focused in it rather then shedding blood.Such plan can only be engeenered by masterminds damn it of proper well organized agency rather then some emotional God damn jinxed terrorist.

Bad pick by Rangers. There is no need to name India. If there is a link, it has to be validated, backlinked and then we can go and kill them. Thats how it works.
how come ISI didn't know this plan before hand? They are taping all sorts of phone calls.. they have a wide intelligence network.. NWA is under proper surveillance and nobody can enter or leave without coming into the contact with security people.. yet such incidents happen? It is quite strange since we claim that ISI is the top most intelligence agency.. ??

I am quite sure that it was an inside job.. some fractions inside ISI or security are playing rats...
how come ISI didn't know this plan before hand? They are taping all sorts of phone calls.. they have a wide intelligence network.. NWA is under proper surveillance and nobody can enter or leave without coming into the contact with security people.. yet such incidents happen? It is quite strange since we claim that ISI is the top most intelligence agency.. ??

I am quite sure that it was an inside job.. some fractions inside ISI or security are playing rats...

Intelligence was shared, the attack was expected. The terrorists apparently got fake ASF IDs and managed to get in.
Bad pick by Rangers. There is no need to name India. If there is a link, it has to be validated, backlinked and then we can go and kill them. Thats how it works.
My friend. This is tit for tat strategy. Remember what indians do with us for the whole time?even though if rat shits...ISI and PA are about to be blamed.Politically they made complete attempt to prove us irresponsible and key factor of their misery.
Yes..on the other hand I agree with you.Such attempts must be stopped at both sides.
Mark my words aero...if these mahognous, shrubeous looking terrorist could have attacked India then whole PK would have been blamed.
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Intelligence was shared, the attack was expected. The terrorists apparently got fake ASF IDs and managed to get in.
Terrorists attacks on GHQ, Mehran Base, Manawan Police Academy every time terrorists wear these security uniforms.. and everytime it is suggested to monitor the shops who sell such official stuff but till now nothing happened.. the unifirm control must be under strict control of state... having said that, I am quite sure about some inside job... such attacks are not possible with inside help... there are so many high professional people in every walk of liafe who have sympathy with Taliban and support then financially in Pakistan... so that one day they will install Khilafat..
I feel sorry for those causalities...... May their souls Rest in Peace!!!!!!!

I am not surprised to see India is blamed again.......You keep blaming India and the real culprits would roam free in your country..... You are not learning your lesson yet..... All the Best!!!!!!!

Whose blaming India? Second line of yours has become a cliche for an Indian that it bores us now. PA green book recognizing Internal conflicts a bigger threat than India is an admission of this. I don't still how you conjure this thought we don't know who is real culprit and still not learning our lesson?
Military Commandos finally Call AS USUAL ***** police you're just for these ***** hukmaraan security nothing else more... Karachi Airport under attack.

and some one told me that they are well equipped with night visions and all the stuff

The only safe streets in Pakistan are where the politicians work and live and go shopping. Politicians are more important than anything else.

He further added that they are investigating... they claim to have strong evidences.However,before making final statements they will investigate more.All 10 terrorist are killed while one man caught and it is claimed that he might be one of them. 16 are killed and 12 injured.This is complete apocalypse.

Investigations? What happened to the previous ones? report will come out after many months and then it will be like any other investigation report.

Pakistan must take strong action and whosoever is involved must be dealt strictly.

Each time when something similar happens the same rhetoric and wordings are used and this time won’t be different maybe just a slightly higher degree of warning and condemnation comparing to the last event and that’s it. What else can politicians do as the people trust them more than Pakistan.
I feel sorry for those causalities...... May their souls Rest in Peace!!!!!!!

I am not surprised to see India is blamed again.......You keep blaming India and the real culprits would roam free in your country..... You are not learning your lesson yet..... All the Best!!!!!!!

Its just unprofessional of rangers to start blurting out who is involved. Its doubtful they know. Obviously if Indian connection is found it wont be by the rangers.

Its is said indian weapon was there not indians were there.... It will be ISI who will tell who was involved and that to only to PM....
My thought is that can be revange of Herat attack if ISI was involved...
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