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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

I know but if the attackers are detected and killed 100 meters away that is always good thing to happen
according to news they entered via fake IDs..that tell you something

lets hope, we have no suprises in details this time...its a reaction for us giving a deadline of 15 days in wazristan..
He dont work for u, and its not his job to satisfy u indians at every point. The proof if any is available will be handed over to the gov that has to do the job. Unlike ur country that makes up her mind on everything that it is done by Pakistan, and then lets lose dogs like arnab to bark on media. Wait, and lets see. And one more thing, the DG said the weapons were of indian origin, no that indians did it. So whats ur issue.

No he works for you, and you will have to face the subsequent embarrassment..will be waiting for these proofs..just like we are waiting for proof of other Indian attacks in Pakistan, proof of which, will be given to us at the "right time" .
The day a PM of a nation has to ' request' his COAS to act to safe the country the nation is doomed.
Lol- dont talk rubbish phuleez-
Safeguarding of airports is the duty of local police force and ASF- not army-
If army units are needed then PM of a nation has to call COAS to provide them-
whats wrong in that?-
We must tell india, this is not the way forward, hold them responsible or else this will continue..
Whether it is CIA,KGB,RAW OR RIPE,These things hardly matters.How did the armed attackers entered the Airport premises.What were the security guards doing, groping in the dark or munching peanuts.This is not the first or last time an airport has been attacked.

Right. But they can't see beyond their hate right? Fact is Pakistanis are getting bitten by the same snake they fed all these years. When they turn against Pakistani State they become R&AW agents. Fact is Pakistan has lost control of its major cities. The more they pound these terrorists the more of them gonna pop up.
yaar WTH with Pakistanis ??? If RAW did this so what ?? That what RAW IS that what CIA is.... now for WHAT ISI is ???? do the same and give the clear answer simple.....

When our country is run by incompetent & sold out politicians, who don't want to see or recognize the enemies of Pakistan then ISI or Army can't do anything. Let me be clear here Intel Agencies had already send out warning for possible terrorists attacks to all provinces, so it was Ministry of Interiors job led by Mr. Bean to protect sensitive locations but our thousands of crappy political police is busy protecting corrupt & sold politician. Blame Mr. Bean & his team of bastards not ISI or Army.
Keep molding and folding this issue.Keep trying to create confusion but if india is involved it won't get away with it.There surely will be reaction from _____.

At first,your armed forces claimed they have recovered 'Indian weapons'..what happened now.
When our country is run by incompetent & sold out politicians, who don't want to see or recognize the enemies of Pakistan then ISI or Army can't do anything. Let me be clear here Intel Agencies had already send out warning for possible terrorists attacks to all provinces, so it was Ministry of Interiors job led by Mr. Bean to protect sensitive locations but our thousands of crappy political police is busy protecting corrupt & sold politician. Blame Mr. Bean & his team of bastards not ISI or Army.

well the army didnt see its two Colonel getting attacked in GHQ city, so lets not play partisan here.
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