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Kabul rocked by powerful twin blasts, at least 50 Afghan forces killed and wounded by Taliban Humvee blast in Shirzad district

Why would you call movements like the Taliban and Muslim Brotherhood as Islamist ? They are not.

Please read post# 14.

You worry about indian so called "Muslims". Let the Afghans and Pakistanis worry about Afghanistan and Pakistan. It's not the problem of indians. It has NOTHING to do with you. Mind your own business.
You worry about indian so called "Muslims".

So called ? What would you have them do to become "True Muslims" ?

Let the Afghans and Pakistanis worry about Afghanistan and Pakistan. It's not the problem of indians. It has NOTHING to do with you. Mind your own business.

I am a Muslim and a Communist, so both things make me look at issues outside of India including in Muslim-majority countries.
Some people are worried that Peace deal won't work. They need to ask who is going to fund a never ending war in Afghanistan now? Americans realized it after spending trillions of dollars. While the usual blame always falls on Pakistan but when you dig deeper you realize that Afghanistan has internal problems which have nothing to do with Pakistan. Drug lords, warlords, militants, smugglers and everyone else is on sale and there is no unity for a united country. There is a reason why Americans are pissed at Ghani and apparantly want to throw Kabul regime under the bus.
So called ? What would you have them do to become "True Muslims" ?

I am a Muslim and a Communist, so both things make me look at issues outside of India including in Muslim-majority countries.

Learn how to look after your own before you worry about foreigners who have NOTHING to do with you. First thing first, indian so called "Muslim" men need to grow a pair and learn how to fight against indian hindus/rss/sanghis instead of worshipping them. indian so called "Muslim" men all seem to be castrated eunuchs.
Some people are worried that Peace deal won't work. They need to ask who is going to fund a never ending war in Afghanistan now? Americans realized it after spending trillions of dollars. While the usual blame always falls on Pakistan but when you dig deeper you realize that Afghanistan has internal problems which have nothing to do with Pakistan. Drug lords, warlords, militants, smugglers and everyone else is on sale and there is no unity for a united country. There is a reason why Americans are pissed at Ghani and apparantly want to throw Kabul regime under the bus.

So called ? What would you have them do to become "True Muslims" ?

I am a Muslim and a Communist, so both things make me look at issues outside of India including in Muslim-majority countries.

Communism is a god less ideology

You can't be Muslim and communist
Banning hijabs in European countries is part of Human right too ???
Except france, despite hatred towards Muslims, US couldn't ban Hijab/Mosques/Minerats... you have to see besides Macron, there are far right parties ruling France. Even macron himself is islamophobic. In such conditions, they impose such laws. and yes, it is against civil rights but they justify for security reasons.
First thing first, indian so called "Muslim" men need to grow a pair and learn how to fight against indian hindus/rss/sanghis instead of worshipping them.

Who is worshiping the Hindutvadis ? Maybe some misguided leaders like the Owaisi brothers are in the wrong by not allying with the Centrists, Left of Center and Leftists, thus cutting votes and indirectly allowing the Hindutvadis to win elections.

A Left-leaning Indian Muslim youth leader, Umar Khalid, had an assassination attempt done against him in 2018 most possibly by the Hindutvadis. I think at present he is in jail, charged by the Central-Home-Ministry-controlled Delhi Police on trumped up charges.

So some Indian Muslim men, and some women, are active.

I myself almost joined one of the public communist groups here. Spoke a few times with its State Secretary for my state.

Communism is a god less ideology

You can't be Muslim and communist

Who told you that being a Communist means that you have to be atheist ? Atheism is just a belief adopted by certain Communist / Socialist individuals and countries.

Below is the Google search result for "Communism" :
Communism is a philosophical, social, political and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state.Wikipedia
Do you find any mention above of compulsory disbelief in Divinity ? Do you not find the above definition to be a wonderful one that can be adopted by anyone ?

I myself believe in the supremacy of Nature, though I understand in the superiority of Monotheism when compared to Polytheism and idolatry. I especially like the simplicity of the Shahada.

I will again repost what I said in post# 14. Modern Communism is a continuance of historical progressive thought including Islam. I quote from my 2016 thread :
During the same period (1920s-30s), another (though lesser known) Islamic scholar in undivided India got smitten by the 1917 Russian revolution and Marxism.

Hafiz Rahman Sihwarwl saw Islam and Marxism sharing five elements in common: (1) prohibition of the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the privileged classes (2) organisation of the economic structure of the state to ensure social welfare (3) equality of opportunity for all human beings (4) priority of collective social interest over individual privilege and (5) prevention of the permanentising of class structure through social revolution.

The motivations for many of these themes he drew from the Qur’an, which he understood as seeking to create an economic order in which the rich pay excessive, though voluntary taxes (Zakat) to minimise differences in living standards.

In the areas that Sihwarwl saw Islam and communism diverge were Islam’s sanction of private ownership within certain limits, and in its refusal to recognise an absolutely classless basis of society.

He suggested that Islam, with its prohibition of the accumulation of wealth, is able to control the class structure through equality of opportunity.

Basically, both Sindhi and Sihwarwl had stumbled upon an Islamic concept of the social democratic welfare state.
Please read the rest of the OP of that thread and the discussion in the thread. The OP is an article by Nadeem Paracha.

:rofl::rofl::rofl:"brought into power by the Americans":rofl::rofl::rofl:

Do you think the Americans will like to leave Afghanistan with socialists / progressives in charge of the country ?
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Communism is a god less ideology
It is not godless ideology, but rulers tend to go towards it. As they rule vast majority of lands, so they prefer any superseding ideology like religion/culture must be supressed below the Communist Ideology. Like when communist party relise that selling bacon is profitable, but you cannot convince locals to breed them as locals think it is against their ideology, so rulers want communism ideology's supremacy to rule, so nobody can question their order.

Same thing happened in Afghanistan when rulers told tribal lords that women shouldn't wear veils as it hinders their work performance, plus to give tribal lands to central government, and believe in communism. It backfired massively.
What do you expect? indian so called "Muslims" also claim you can be "Muslim-hindus"

Indian muslims are muslims. If Pakistanis muslims are so great, then why they couldn't get rid of corrupt people like Zardari/Nawaz who are as tyrannical as Modi. These (our) leaders plundered Pak resources, involved in killing civilians, had extra marital affairs, kept silence on drone strikes, tried to recognise isreal, misuse Islam and blame Muslims yahoodi, sold Kashmir, drink alcohol (Zardari do at least), so don't consider ourselves practising muslims, else Pak would be heaven, We hoard in Ramzan, produce fake medicines/food, grab lands, plunder, rape, etc etc.

Same like Indian Muslims, we don't question the tyrant. Be that tyrant your local inspector, MNA, MPA, CM, PM, etc etc,,,
It is not godless ideology, but rulers tend to go towards it. As they rule vast majority of lands, so they prefer any superseding ideology like religion/culture must be supressed below the Communist Ideology. Like when communist party relise that selling bacon is profitable, but you cannot convince locals to breed them as locals think it is against their ideology. Same thing happened in Afghanistan when they told tribal lords that women shouldn't wear veils as it hinders their work performance, plus to give tribal lands to central government, and believe in communism. It backfired massively.

Indian muslims are muslims. If Pakistanis muslims are so great, then why they couldn't get rid of corrupt people like Zardari/Nawaz who are as tyrannical as Modi. These leaders plundered Pak resources, involved in killing civilians, had extra marital affairs, kept silence on drone strikes, tried to recognise isreal, misuse Islam and blame Muslims yahoodi, sold Kashmir, drink alcohol (Zardari do at least), so don't consider ourselves practising muslims, else Pak would be heaven, We hoard in Ramzan, produce fake medicines/food, grab lands, etc etc.

Same like Indian Muslims, we don't question the tyrant. Be that tyrant your local inspector, MNA, MPA, CM, etc etc,,,

I agree with your assessment and have two things to say :

1. You wrote about Afghanistan. That country did not have charismatic socialist leaders like Nasser and Gaddafi to win over a good chunk of the masses.

2. Muslims and Muslim-majority countries cannot wish away Israel. Can we dump them in the sea or nuke them ? Not practical. So the Israel-Palestine issue must be resolved peacefully, politically. And there are only two solutions : One State Solution where that region's Muslims, Christians and Jews form into a single, democratic country, or the Two State Solution with 1967-borders ( Map. Approved by PLO ).
Except france, despite hatred towards Muslims, US couldn't ban Hijab/Mosques/Minerats... you have to see besides Macron, there are far right parties ruling France. Even macron himself is islamophobic. In such conditions, they impose such laws. and yes, it is against civil rights but they justify for security reasons.
Netherland, Denmark, Austria, France and many other countries have banned hijab in their countries, im not narrow minded i believe if u are traveling to a country which culturally & religiously different then yours then stop all drama of islam & hijab bla bla bla and respect their country rules, same applies to these countries to respect Afghanistan and their rules.. Why whining??
1. You wrote about Afghanistan. That country did not have charismatic socialist leaders like Nasser and Gaddafi to win over a good chunk of the masses.
True but it is difficult to rules tribal society anyway. Look democracy/imperialism/communism of any tribal based country, it always backfire. Also see their army, it lacks professionalism.
Be that tribal country Egypt, UAE, SA, Afghanistan, Iraq. The centre always get polluted by tribal bias. So in the end it is a mixture of tribe+kingdom, or tribe+communism, etc.
Do you know King Saud had 22 wives from each of the dominated tribes? In the end, some ministry is awarded to some tribes, based on their affiliation and not on MERIT.
And yes, Afghan lacked a central popular figure like Nasser who was popular even outside Egypt.
Muslims and Muslim-majority countries cannot wish away Israel. Can we dump them in the sea or nuke them ?
Sure. Pakistan stance is:
1. Independent Bait-ul-Muqaddas
2. A solution which is acceptable to Palestinians.
and it seems to be a political one only.
Netherland, Denmark, Austria, France and many other countries have banned hijab in their countries, im not narrow minded i believe if u are traveling to a country which culturally & religiously different then yours then stop all drama of islam & hijab bla bla bla and respect their country rules, same applies to these countries to respect Afghanistan and their rules.. Why whining??
You have to understand, they enforce these laws in the name of security, which overwhelms the right to wear. like USA patriot act i think which overwhelms your privacy and can look into your personal details, tap phone, etc etc.

So yes, it is against fundamental rights to tell somebody what to wear or practice but they do it in the name to curb fundamentalism. The point is we can only boycott them and nothing else.

France is exceptional and rest of EU is ok compared to them.
People mostly here are dumb fanboys who know nothing and dont bother to read or do neutral research.
Afghanistan have been unstable since decades the MOST stable duration was that of the taliban. Yes they made mistake of being too strict. Ppl remember that stadium incident but they dnt remember the commanders kidnapping young boys and making them brides of local warlords, they dnt know how those warlords took any women they liked, or the fact they sent tons of drugs through Pakistan.
True but it is difficult to rules tribal society anyway. Look democracy/imperialism/communism of any tribal based country, it always backfire. Also see their army, it lacks professionalism.
Be that tribal country Egypt, UAE, SA, Afghanistan, Iraq. The centre always get polluted by tribal bias. So in the end it is a mixture of tribe+kingdom, or tribe+communism, etc.

Ah, I see your point. And Gaddafi too had this criticism about tribalism :
The party system is the modern equivalent of the tribal or sectarian system. A society governed by one party is similar to one which is governed by one tribe or one sect. The party, as shown, represents the perception of a certain group of people, or the interests of one group in society, or one belief, or one region. Such a party is a minority compared with the whole people, just as the tribe and the sect are. The minority has narrow, common sectarian interests and beliefs, from which a common outlook is formed. Only the blood-relationship distinguishes a tribe from a party, and, indeed, a tribe might also be the basis for the foundation of a party. There is no difference between party struggle and tribal or sectarian struggles for power. Just as tribal and sectarian rule is politically unacceptable and inappropriate, likewise the rule under a party system. Both follow the same path and lead to the same end.The negative and destructive effects of the tribal or sectarian struggle on society is identical to the negative and destructive effects of the party struggle.

Do you know King Saud had 22 wives from each of the dominated tribes?

Oh ! So this was like Mughal kings and princes marrying Rajput women.

In the end, some ministry is awarded to some tribes, based on their affiliation and not on MERIT.


And yes, Afghan lacked a central popular figure like Nasser who was popular even outside Egypt.

You are correct. Years ago I was studying in a computer institute here in India and one of my batch mates was called Jamal Abdul Nasser, named so by his parents after the Egyptian leader.
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