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K-P government decides to expel Afghan refugees after a month.

Some Baloch nationalists claim a 25 million Afghan population, lol.

PS: They won't leave. We are too cowardly as a nation to take such drastic steps. If Pakistan was destabilized, trust me, Afghanistani people wouldn't let a single Pakistani refugee in. They are a highly xenophobic people unlike us. We are a phattu nation. We weren't this phattu back in the day, but now we are.
More than that they form one of the richest segment of KPK society thanks to black money from smuggling and illegal activities. The posh areas of Peshawar house more afghans than locals. One can always doubt the practicality of the claim made by khattak. Its a bit too late to do that.
More than that they form one of the richest segment of KPK society thanks to black money from smuggling and illegal activities. The posh areas of Peshawar house more afghans than locals. One can always doubt the practicality of the claim made by khattak. Its a bit too late to do that.

Before Afghan war, Peshawar was a predominantly hindko speaking city like Abbottabad. The "old Peshawar" is still Hindko dominated, from where Bashir Bilours(Hindkowans) win. A lot of "locals" of Peshawar are actually people who were street smart enough to bribe their nationalities. Only a few months ago, a nadra official in Quetta was caught to have sold some 30,000 cnics to Afghans. Now this guy was caught, imagine the persons who don't get caught...

There's a rising hatred against Afghans in Attock, Chakwal, Islamabad suburbs and Rawalpindi districts. Some journalist interviewed the local villagers and according to her, a lot of people resorted to swearing when asked about Afghans.
Basically i am a N supporter but KP government if you done this miracle and throw these scum bags out of Pakistan then my vote will be for PTI till my death. I lived with them and i have personal experience how hypocrate they are and how much they hate Pakistan. Just for the reference check this massage from this afghan b@stard

One thing i have noticed is that Afghanis muhajirs speak/write very good urdu. On the other hand my cousin who visited FATA said he met many people who didn't know urdu. But i am yet to meet any Afghani who don't know urdu, seem like most of them have been muhajirs yet hate Pakistan.

I even meet once Afghani muhajir from Faisalabad who spoke perfect punjabi like any native, it was very surprising.
One thing i have noticed is that Afghanis muhajirs speak/write very good urdu. On the other hand my cousin who visited FATA said he met many people who didn't know urdu. But i am yet to meet any Afghani who don't know urdu, seem like most of them have been muhajirs yet hate Pakistan.

I even meet once Afghani muhajir from Faisalabad who spoke perfect punjabi like any native, it was very surprising.
Yes they are very sharp and fast learners but my point was they hate Pakistan more then indians do.
I strongly disagree with that.

The matter of fact is that a vast majority of Afghan refugees are involved in kidnapping for ransom, robberies, target killings, drug traffic, smuggling of illegal weapons and most importantly helping terrorists directly or indirectly.

Afghanistan has more area than Pakistan, so anyone who still believes in that "brotherhood" and actually wants to help them, should relocate with them and help build schools, universities, hospitals etc etc.

That would be a real and long term help for both Pakistan and Afghanistan. Empty slogans have given us only more trouble.

I have posted only according to the 'Quranic perspective' which prescribes us to give refuge not just to be believers but any person who wants it:

But as for those who seek refuge with people with whom you have a treaty, or who come over to you because their hearts shrink from fighting against you or against their own people, God could have given them power over you, and they would have fought you. So if they withdraw and do not fight you, and offer you peace, then God gives you no way against them. (4:90)

and yes, there may be some who are involved in crimes but this just could be a result of their circumstances. Poverty breeds crime! And we are instructed to help them, even when we are angry at them:

Those who have been graced with bounty and plenty should not swear that they will [no longer] give to kinsmen, the poor, those who emigrated in God’s way: let them pardon and forgive. Do you not wish that God should forgive you? God is most forgiving and merciful.(24:22)

And believers are asked to help each other otherwise 'great corruption':

The disbelievers support one another. If you do not do the same, there will be persecution in the land and great corruption. (8:73)

This may be empty slogans for you, but this is what 'The Book' says in which I firmly believe; the wisdom of Allah (SWT) is far higher than any of His creations; and yes I do spend - whatever is possible - on the disenfranchised.
I am not sure what to think of this deportation of Afghan refugees back to Afghanistan, to be honest, so I am going to think out loud, as it were, in this post.

Here is the first thing that comes to mind: I was living in the United States at the time of 9/11; should people from Muslim countries have been deported back to their countries after 9/11?
As it happens, there were special rules imposed on people from Muslim countries, and people protested even over these; can we seriously protest over such rules in the wake of terrorist attacks in the West, when we are taking such drastic steps with regard to refugees in our own countries?
It's going to be an uphill task for sure......

I guess people are taking notice of the expulsion deadline.

Article here, excerpts below:

PESHAWAR – The Afghan refugees are strongly worried about their forcible expulsion from Pakistan after the neighboring country issued a month long deadline to the refugees residing in its northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

The refugees asked the Afghan government to discuss the issue with Pakistan's government and help them stay in Pakistan. “We don't accept this deadline because it is impossible to us,” said Meyakhil, a refugee in Peshawar. “It is very hard for a person who lived here for a decade to collect all his stuff and shift his business within a month.”
I am not sure what to think of this deportation of Afghan refugees back to Afghanistan, to be honest, so I am going to think out loud, as it were, in this post.

Here is the first thing that comes to mind: I was living in the United States at the time of 9/11; should people from Muslim countries have been deported back to their countries after 9/11?
As it happens, there were special rules imposed on people from Muslim countries, and people protested even over these; can we seriously protest over such rules in the wake of terrorist attacks in the West, when we are taking such drastic steps with regard to refugees in our own countries?

Actually right after 9/11 many Pakistanis were deported back, those who were living for over decades with just $1000 each. Pakistan is going through very tough times and tough time requires tough measures. I will not talk about muslims in general as being muslim has more to do with religion than nationality but rather one nationality Pakistanis. You guys don't curse US or talk about its breakup etc. The day you do you will be flushed out. make no mistake about it. Afghans even though decades of hospitality extended to them, only returned the favour by backstabbing Pakistan where ever possible. Just take example of Karazi. Afghans are nothing but snakes, each and everyone of them. There is no exception whether he's a taxi driver or some one on FB, they all spew the same kind of hatred and venom against Pakistan.
We as a country have suffered a lot under failed pretext of bhai chara and Ummah crap. Its time we get rid of this trash.
Kick all of these Afghans out. They have never been able to reciprocate. They are sub human rats and have infested Pakistan. Deport them or kill them.

Hijrat movement was launched against the aggressive policies of British government and for the restoration of Ottoman Empire. World War 1 broke out in the year 1914 between Allied forces and Germany. The Ottoman Empire was very weak and made alliance with Germany. Muslims of the Indian sub-continent had spiritual attachment with Ottoman Empire and refused to join Britain in their war against Ottoman Empire. British government promised that they will fight only against Germany and no harm would be done to the Ottoman Caliphate. When Allied forces defeated German the promise was broken. In the Treaty of Serves the territory of Ottoman Empire was distributed between French and Britain and small portion to Turkey. Khilafat Movement was launched for the restoration of the Ottoman Caliphate, Congress supported the movement and mass mobilization was at its peak. The British government issued Rowlett Act in 1919, indefinitely extending emergency measures to control public unrest and root out conspiracies. The British government became more aggressive due to mass mobilization and arrested Muslims leaders including Ali brothers and Azad. Around thirty thousand Muslims were detained. In the meanwhile Jallian Bagh incident occurred whose purpose was to demand the release of Muslims prisoners. Hijrat movement was the result of intolerable behavior of British government.

When Khilafat movement was at its peak, in the meantime a voice arose from Lucknow declaring the India sub-continent as Dar-ul-Harb (home of war), urging the Muslims to migrate from their homeland on the plea of few Ulama of India as a result of their inability to compete against the aggressive steps of the British, they ought to go somewhere else. Moulana Abdul Kalam Azad, Moulana Abdul Bari Farangi, Moulana Muhammad Ali and Moulana Abdul Majeed Sindhi issued a Fatwa which declared migration from India Dar-ul-Harb (home of war) to Dar-ul-Aman (home of peace) desirable for the Muslims of India after World War I. Nazims were appointed in every big city and a central office was established in Delhi known as Khuddam-ul-Muhajireen to motivate Muslims for migration. Giving importance to the announcement of Ulema most of the Muslims decided to migrate to the nearest Muslim country Afghanistan, which was thought a suitable for their shelter. Muslims of the Indian sub-continent were unable to spend their life according to teachings of Islam and Islamic culture under British rule. Hijrat movement was considered such an important virtue that the Muslims were not even made to hear a minor word in opposition of the movement and it became so dominant that even Non-cooperation Movement paled before it.

Muslims sold their property and headed for Kabul. A group of 750 Muslims Muhajireen form Sindh set out for Kabul under the leadership of Barrister Jan Muhammad Junejo. This group of Muslims received an enthusiastic reception at every train station it passed; this enhanced the vigor for migration amongst the Muslims of Punjab. The popularity of movement can be determined from the fact the more than thirty thousand Muslims had left for Kabul in the second week of August 1920. The movement spread out to the Frontier province and locals became more active to surpass other in this sacred cause. The movement was undertaken as religious significance. The rural areas of N.W.F.P province such as Peshawar and Mardan were the worst affected areas. The local Hindus motivated Muslims for migration and started buying their land and cattle at throw-away price. A land worth of ten thousand was sold for one hundred and a Bull worth of two hundred was sold for forty rupees only. The carvans of emigrants who were moving towards Afghanistan via Peshawar and Khyber Pass were brought up and nourished by the locals. A proper setup was made for their hospitality, donations from locals and dedicated their time and energy for the help of refuges. A Sarai at Namak Mandi Peshawar was reserved for the stay and hospitalization of the emigrants. Majority of Muslims leaders from N.W.F.P were in the favour of Hijrat movement including, Abdul Ghaffar khan, Abbas khan, Muhammad Akbar khan and Ali Gul khan and they themselves migrated to Afghanistan with common refuges.

The migration took place at a large scale, a very large number of people majorly from lower class of society, the common people, the poor people left from India to Afghanistan. The emigrants carried out their journey on foot and carts because sources of transportation were not that mush developed at that time. In the beginning the Afghanistan government welcomed Indian Muslims and King Amanullah ruler of Afghanistan appointed Muhammad Iqbal Shedai as his minister for refuges. Afghan government later on closed down their frontiers when they found flood of refugees were coming would be too difficult for them to handle. Even those who have managed to enter successfully were spending miserable life and disgusted because Afghanistan was a poor country and facing many internal problems. The refugees came across so many hardships and soon they were force to take a journey back home. Some of the refugees went to Soviet Union and Europe.

Hijrat movement was an emotional and ill advised movement and it had no potential to have constructive result. Majority of Ulema and leaders of public opinion did not approve, including Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Habib-ur-Rehman, Hakeem Ajmal khan, Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum khan and Alama Inayatullah khan. Hijrat movement ended in misery for the Muslims because it was unplanned and was based on the emotions and had not taken into account the realities of Afghanistan. It was an unwise act of Muslims of Sub-continent lost their lives, home, crops and cattle. It was act of serious blunder of Muslims not looking into consequences and made them from poor to poorer.
Great initiative if this actually materializes. Hopefully Afghan filth is cleared from Karachi too.

ABBOTABAD / PESHAWAR: The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government has decided to expel all Afghan refugees from the province after a month, following an intelligence report that revealed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan’s deadly assault on Army Public School (APS) was controlled by militants in Afghanistan.

Nearly 150 people—more than 130 of them schoolchildren—were brutally slaughtered by members of the banned outfit, according to their claim of responsibility. The militants laid siege to the school for more than seven hours on Tuesday.

The decision to expel all Afghan refugees staying in K-P was taken on Friday in a special meeting of the provincial cabinet chaired by Chief Minister Pervez Khattak. The gathering was called to review the security situation in the province in the aftermath of the December 16 carnage.

“If presidential elections can be held in Afghanistan, its citizens in Pakistan can also go back home,” said Minister for Information Mushtaq Ahmad Ghani while briefing the media after the meeting.

Initially, a policy will be made to expel Afghan refugees from settled areas after a month. Following this, the K-P government will begin to implement the policy, he said.


According to Ghani, the K-P cabinet demanded the federal government review the country’s foreign policy and work to strengthen weaknesses. “Pakistan’s security should be the first priority, there should be no compromise on the matter,” the information minister stated.

He added the origin of the APS attack was traced back to Afghanistan and the federal government should take up the issue with the Afghan government. “If talks do not achieve the desired result, the government should take concrete steps against militants hiding across the border.”

When asked about the federal government’s extension of the stay of Afghan refugees till next year, Ghani said it was time to take action and the K-P government will take up the matter with international humanitarian organisations.

NoCs for schools

Elaborating on other decisions taken at the cabinet meeting, Ghani said after winter vacations, schools across K-P will only open after the school administration obtains no-objection certificates from the respective district administration.

“The police and district administration will visit educational institutions to inspect security arrangements. NoCs will be issued only if the officials are satisfied,” said Ghani. “Weapons licences will be issued to guards deployed at schools.”

“We demand that the federal government make the Federally Administered Tribal Areas a separate province with the consensus of its elders or convert Fata into an administrative unit,” the minister said quoting the cabinet’s demands.

Speaking about the developments in the investigation of APS attack, the information minister said audio recordings of the attackers’ conversation with their handler had been obtained and also shared with the Afghan government. He added other information cannot be shared at the moment.

On high alert

Meanwhile, IGP Nasir Khan Durrani has directed the police to beef up security at sensitive buildings across the province.

While presiding over a high-level meeting to discuss law and order, the IGP instructed all DIGs to visit jails in the respective jurisdictions and personally inspect security arrangements.

“Access routes to these jails should be closed down and alternate routes should be opened for traffic,” said Durrani. He also ordered a crackdown against anti-social elements.

Furthermore, security across Hazara Division has been heightened and additional police and elite force officials have been deployed at key locations following security threats.


$tupid and kneejerk reaction like other fiascos that come of hairbrained IK.

How on earth you can expel millions? They will end up in FATA where situation is already tough for Pakistan army.

I mean who needs Taliban when PTI $tupid Taliban khan is there to increase load on our law enforcement agencies when that's the last thing they need in the middle of this gad-awful war.

Oh man, I pray that God gives Aqal to this Taliban Khan, or at least takes him away to UK where he trully belongs.
$tupid and kneejerk reaction like other fiascos that come of hairbrained IK.

How on earth you can expel millions? They will end up in FATA where situation is already tough for Pakistan army.

I mean who needs Taliban when PTI $tupid Taliban khan is there to increase load on our law enforcement agencies when that's the last thing they need in the middle of this gad-awful war.

Oh man, I pray that God gives Aqal to this Taliban Khan, or at least takes him away to UK where he trully belongs.

Bhai if they start working now to send Afghani muhajirs back home then it will take few years before all of them are gone. By that time i hope Pak fence border and increase security. Otherwise sending them back will be useless.

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