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Afghan refugees oppose Pakistan's repatriation deadline


Jan 20, 2013
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United States
United States
I guess people are taking notice of the expulsion deadline.

Article here, excerpts below:

PESHAWAR – The Afghan refugees are strongly worried about their forcible expulsion from Pakistan after the neighboring country issued a month long deadline to the refugees residing in its northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

The refugees asked the Afghan government to discuss the issue with Pakistan's government and help them stay in Pakistan. “We don't accept this deadline because it is impossible to us,” said Meyakhil, a refugee in Peshawar. “It is very hard for a person who lived here for a decade to collect all his stuff and shift his business within a month.”
KPK government can not expel legal registered Afghan refugees until expiry date in 2015
KPK government can not expel legal registered Afghan refugees until expiry date in 2015

You are probably right but do remember that the Punjab government restricted KPK IDPs from entering Punjab (who are Pakistani Citizens).

They can make life miserable in other ways by passing provincial laws and ordinances -- for example in the US, states have passed laws which have made life miserable for people without status.

In a county near me (not even a state but a county) they've passed a law that any government service center can ask for a proof of residency if they are *suspicious* -- guess who gets asked for proof of residency (not white folks) -- it could be argued that the law is even unconstitutional -- but for now it is being enforced.
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With relations improving between Pak-Afghanis. Its very important that muhajirs go back and be pro Pakistanis in Afghanistan. Imagine 4-5 millions muhajirs who will support Pak interests in Afghanistan :blink:
so much pride for Afghani peoples ,don't want to go into their own sacred land... time to go Afghani , Afghanistan is more peaceful than Pakistan...
so much pride for Afghani peoples ,don't want to go into their own sacred land... time to go Afghani , Afghanistan is more peaceful than Pakistan...
Hijrat has nothing to do with lack of pride. Did your folk also lacked pride when they migrated from U.P and Bihar?
With relations improving between Pak-Afghanis. Its very important that muhajirs go back and be pro Pakistanis in Afghanistan. Imagine 4-5 millions muhajirs who will support Pak interests in Afghanistan :blink:

Karzai was our guest in Quetta, REMMBER how pro pakistan he was once in Afghanistan. Sorry the amount of trouble these guys created for us, it's about time they went back home. There isn't a crime they are not involved in through out pakistan.
I knew it that you were an Afghan. Out of Pakistan you Aghanese fool, before it's too late. This time none of them ungrateful fools should be left back alive! :mad:

KPK government can not expel legal registered Afghan refugees until expiry date in 2015
I knew it that you were an Afghan. Out of Pakistan you Aghanese fool, before it's too late. This time none of them ungrateful fools should be left back alive! :mad:
Facts are facts. Ask UNHCR

I knew it that you were an Afghan. Out of Pakistan you Aghanese fool, before it's too late. This time none of them ungrateful fools should be left back alive! :mad:
By the way your hindostani buddy was saying that pashtun women are very horny, and you were posting smileys in response to that. Are you even a pashtun?
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