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K-P government decides to expel Afghan refugees after a month.

Time to throw every Afghan out. Specially the ones with fake NIC's... and that's 4,000,000+ people.... people who vouched for them + people at NADRA who made the fake NIC's also need to be hanged.
Time to throw every Afghan out. Specially the ones with fake NIC's... and that's 4,000,000+ people.... people who vouched for them + people at NADRA who made the fake NIC's also need to be hanged.

Bhai Sahib aaap ko bhiii phaiiink deiiin ? :unsure:

After all your Will says that you want to be buried in Jalalabad ! :o:
This earth belongs to Allah (SWT) and all of us are or were refugees or migrants at some time in the recent or distant past.
There are glowing examples in Islamic history - and even Quran testifies to it - that at the times of persecution believers should emigrate and the Ansars should help.
I would consider this act of forceful repatriation as Un-Islamic.
Most of those Muhajir's in Pakistan are harmless and are themselves the victims of the two wars that pillaged their country.
I would compare these Afghan Muhajirs to those helpless Bihari in Bangladesh which were persecuted and forced to live in miserable conditions in the refugee camps across Bangladesh just for saying that they wanted to remain Pakistanis and not Bangladeshis.
Come on! These Afghans are our natural allies. Our "brothers". We name our latest defense hardware on their past glorious warriors such as Ghauri, Timur, Ghaznavi and so on. Please let our Afghan brothers stay in Pakistan and let them spread homos3xuality, drugs, pedophilia and other good culture here. We want them to stay. After all they are all Islamic, unlike EVIL Hindus. :D
Most of those Muhajir's in Pakistan are harmless and are themselves the victims of the two wars that pillaged their country.

I strongly disagree with that.

The matter of fact is that a vast majority of Afghan refugees are involved in kidnapping for ransom, robberies, target killings, drug traffic, smuggling of illegal weapons and most importantly helping terrorists directly or indirectly.

Afghanistan has more area than Pakistan, so anyone who still believes in that "brotherhood" and actually wants to help them, should relocate with them and help build schools, universities, hospitals etc etc.

That would be a real and long term help for both Pakistan and Afghanistan. Empty slogans have given us only more trouble.
I will quote you soon. You will be responsible along with many corrupt people of what happens in Pakistan via a natural disaster. God is no sissy. Remember that!

He didn't help you before. Kicking everyone even though they are not criminals - God will fuc you over.

Time to pull the plug off PTI and take it from there.

Will quote you soon.

Sarcasm? :D
Some Baloch nationalists claim a 25 million Afghan population, lol.

PS: They won't leave. We are too cowardly as a nation to take such drastic steps. If Pakistan was destabilized, trust me, Afghanistani people wouldn't let a single Pakistani refugee in. They are a highly xenophobic people unlike us. We are a phattu nation. We weren't this phattu back in the day, but now we are.

Hijirat movement was a complete failure in 1920. They rejected us.

Afghan government later on closed down their frontiers when they found flood of refugees were coming would be too difficult for them to handle. Even those who have managed to enter successfully were spending miserable life and disgusted because Afghanistan was a poor country and facing many internal problems. The refugees came across so many hardships and soon they were force to take a journey back home.

So why did we accept Afghan refugees in such large scale? These Afghans are unable to reciprocate, liars and users.

There is only one thing you do to Afghanistan and that is bomb them till they are obedient. Thats what US did and set up Guantanemo Bay to teach these sub humans a lesson. They are not part of civilized world, can't treat them like they are.
This earth belongs to Allah (SWT) and all of us are or were refugees or migrants at some time in the recent or distant past.
There are glowing examples in Islamic history - and even Quran testifies to it - that at the times of persecution believers should emigrate and the Ansars should help.
I would consider this act of forceful repatriation as Un-Islamic.
Most of those Muhajir's in Pakistan are harmless and are themselves the victims of the two wars that pillaged their country.
I would compare these Afghan Muhajirs to those helpless Bihari in Bangladesh which were persecuted and forced to live in miserable conditions in the refugee camps across Bangladesh just for saying that they wanted to remain Pakistanis and not Bangladeshis.

You should go along with them and help rebuild Afghanistan.
Very good step & much needed for Pakistan but I wouldn't believe it until I see it happening practically, there are thousands in the camps & there are many through out Pakistan, none of them should be spared no matter how rich or poor they are.

ABBOTABAD / PESHAWAR: The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government has decided to expel all Afghan refugees from the province after a month, following an intelligence report that revealed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan’s deadly assault on Army Public School (APS) was controlled by militants in Afghanistan.

Nearly 150 people—more than 130 of them schoolchildren—were brutally slaughtered by members of the banned outfit, according to their claim of responsibility. The militants laid siege to the school for more than seven hours on Tuesday.

The decision to expel all Afghan refugees staying in K-P was taken on Friday in a special meeting of the provincial cabinet chaired by Chief Minister Pervez Khattak. The gathering was called to review the security situation in the province in the aftermath of the December 16 carnage.

“If presidential elections can be held in Afghanistan, its citizens in Pakistan can also go back home,” said Minister for Information Mushtaq Ahmad Ghani while briefing the media after the meeting.

Initially, a policy will be made to expel Afghan refugees from settled areas after a month. Following this, the K-P government will begin to implement the policy, he said.


According to Ghani, the K-P cabinet demanded the federal government review the country’s foreign policy and work to strengthen weaknesses. “Pakistan’s security should be the first priority, there should be no compromise on the matter,” the information minister stated.

He added the origin of the APS attack was traced back to Afghanistan and the federal government should take up the issue with the Afghan government. “If talks do not achieve the desired result, the government should take concrete steps against militants hiding across the border.”

When asked about the federal government’s extension of the stay of Afghan refugees till next year, Ghani said it was time to take action and the K-P government will take up the matter with international humanitarian organisations.

NoCs for schools

Elaborating on other decisions taken at the cabinet meeting, Ghani said after winter vacations, schools across K-P will only open after the school administration obtains no-objection certificates from the respective district administration.

“The police and district administration will visit educational institutions to inspect security arrangements. NoCs will be issued only if the officials are satisfied,” said Ghani. “Weapons licences will be issued to guards deployed at schools.”

“We demand that the federal government make the Federally Administered Tribal Areas a separate province with the consensus of its elders or convert Fata into an administrative unit,” the minister said quoting the cabinet’s demands.

Speaking about the developments in the investigation of APS attack, the information minister said audio recordings of the attackers’ conversation with their handler had been obtained and also shared with the Afghan government. He added other information cannot be shared at the moment.

On high alert

Meanwhile, IGP Nasir Khan Durrani has directed the police to beef up security at sensitive buildings across the province.

While presiding over a high-level meeting to discuss law and order, the IGP instructed all DIGs to visit jails in the respective jurisdictions and personally inspect security arrangements.

“Access routes to these jails should be closed down and alternate routes should be opened for traffic,” said Durrani. He also ordered a crackdown against anti-social elements.

Furthermore, security across Hazara Division has been heightened and additional police and elite force officials have been deployed at key locations following security threats.

Basically i am a N supporter but KP government if you done this miracle and throw these scum bags out of Pakistan then my vote will be for PTI till my death. I lived with them and i have personal experience how hypocrate they are and how much they hate Pakistan. Just for the reference check this massage from this afghan b@stard


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My reply to that b@stard :-D :-D :-D


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nikalo behn de takkon ko Pakistan se .... na kaam ke na kaaj ke , Dushman Pakistan ke ...
You should go along with them and help rebuild Afghanistan.
Shame on you, do you consider yourself human, of course no, thats why you have such thoughts

Basically i am a N supporter but KP government if you done this miracle and throw these scum bags out of Pakistan then my vote will be for PTI till my death. I lived with them and i have personal experience how hypocrate they are and how much they hate Pakistan. Just for the reference check this massage from this afghan b@stard
being a Pakistani, they hate you because what you did for these refugees, how many time you went or your family went their to educate children. you are hypocrite and its speaking in your messages. from what angle do you call yourself human/Muslim.
Shame on you, do you consider yourself human, of course no, thats why you have such thoughts

being a Pakistani, they hate you because what you did for these refugees, how many time you went or your family went their to educate children. you are hypocrite and its speaking in your messages. from what angle do you call yourself human/Muslim.
O ansar barni sahab hold your horses they were my class fellow and they were millionaire and they hate us from core of there heart. And Pakistan has given so many privileges to these scum bags did iran gave these privileges to refuges living there ? And did you check the comment of that b@stard he was abusing those kids who was massacre in peshawar APS. Taking his side mean you support his words
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