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JY-27A radar spotted in Pakistan

No radar system can detect F-22 at a distance of up to 500 KM. Claims such as these are completely unsubstantiated. Detecting an F-22 even around 50 KM mark is suspect in reality.

Similar variant was installed in Syria as well but Israeli F-35 made short work of it in one of the raids in nighttime conditions. FYI: https://defence-blog.com/news/sourc...se-made-radar-during-airstrikes-in-syria.html

The radar system was eventually repaired but it did not make much difference.

Nevetheless, no harm in testing and fielding new types of radar systems, if accessible. WE need to improve our defenses in whatever ways possible but no need for overhype.

America is not God, repeat...
America is not God, repeat...
US does not need to be one to leave others in the dust in the matters of technology. US put a man on the moon in the 1960s, how many countries have since?

Even a powerful airborne AWACS will not notice jets (with small rcs) around 500 KM mark. Not even close.


The americans are there because they are afraid China may get their hands on Block-52s. China isn't afraid of americans being in Pakistan. We have the americans in a sardine can, tucked away in Jacobabad.

As for China sharing high tech radar with Pakistan is concerned, most Pakistanis don't realize the true strategic depth of Sino-Pak Alliance.
What's in Jacobabad ?
This is a good addition to our army but we need more SAMs to protect the country. A multi-layered defense, especially for the major cities like India has deployed .We also need a good anti-ballistic missile SAM. A system that provides protection from both Exo and Endo earth atmosphere. This is a big need to close the air gap.
Hinds suck. India is retiring Hinds and getting Apaches and we r getting Hinds and dreaming about our zulus

IAF Hind's are ageing, hence helos in one squadron are being replaced with Apache's. For the remainder fleet, i.e., another squadron, they recently ordered Ataka ATGMs.

My post from February 2019:

In last one year or so, more insurgent activity has been observed in Balochistan compared to FATA/KPK. COIN operations in Balochistan are lead by FC with assistance provided by ISI / MI officers & soldiers.

Infantry formations under XII Corps are not much involved, but now with the Mi-35M's based at Quetta, the Army is expected to provide troops insertion (SSG/LCB) as well as gunship support to FC. This augurs well for Pakistan's efforts to stabilize the security situation in Balochistan for CPEC.

During wartime, the Mi-35M's with 8x ATGMs each can be used in the anti-armour role on the eastern border, redeployment from Quetta to a new location (like Pano Aqil) is possible in 2-3 hours. By arming Mi-35M's with L-UMTAS and the fire-and-forget UMTAS, the capability can be further enhanced.

Edit: PAA Mi-35M's will likely be armed with Ataka or Vikhr ATGMs.
US does not need to be one to leave others in the dust in the matters of technology. US put a man on the moon in the 1960s, how many countries have since?
Can USA do it right now?
Even a powerful airborne AWACS will not notice jets (with small rcs) around 500 KM mark. Not even close.
What does it have to do with VHF radars?
US does not need to be one to leave others in the dust in the matters of technology. US put a man on the moon in the 1960s, how many countries have since?

Even a powerful airborne AWACS will not notice jets (with small rcs) around 500 KM mark. Not even close.



Keep worshipping them, they are brilliant but not infallible. I'll worship God.
What does it have to do with VHF radars?
Nothing. He perhaps is overlooking the fact that VHF radars operate on lower frequencies and longer wavelengths and have different reflective dynamics and characteristics than conventional frequency radars. Due to which the Low Observable aircraft gets detected comparatively earlier than the conventional frequency radar. But that does not automatically mean it will detect non-stealthy aircrafts at longer distances.
Nothing. He perhaps is overlooking the fact that VHF radars operate on lower frequencies and longer wavelengths and have different reflective dynamics and characteristics than conventional frequency radars. Due to which the Low Observable aircraft gets detected comparatively earlier than the conventional frequency radar. But that does not automatically mean it will detect non-stealthy aircrafts at longer distances.
I am no expert, but every source on internet says that VHF will detect stelathy aircrafts but won't be able to track them which means providing info about distance, direction and speed. That's why these are called early warning radars. Russia has built a system which uses both VHF, UHF radars simultaneously. VHF will detect then UHF will search that particular area.
I am no expert, but every source on internet says that VHF will detect stelathy aircrafts but won't be able to track them which means providing info about distance, direction and speed. That's why these are called early warning radars. Russia has built a system which uses both VHF, UHF radars simultaneously. VHF will detect then UHF will search that particular area.
That is a different discussion to which I responded to. For tracking you need distance, altitude, direction and speed i.e. to triangulate an exact location of the target for possible weapons launch.

But, even though that triangulation is not achievable in a straight forward way, fore-warned is said to be fore-armed.
I am no expert, but every source on internet says that VHF will detect stelathy aircrafts but won't be able to track them which means providing info about distance, direction and speed. That's why these are called early warning radars. Russia has built a system which uses both VHF, UHF radars simultaneously. VHF will detect then UHF will search that particular area.
But Chinese researchers make the impossible possible already.
Keep worshipping them, they are brilliant but not infallible. I'll worship God.


The USA is inherently a God fearing country---. Where US is today---it is with the blessing of God---the same God that is God of Moses Jesus and Mohammad pbuh.

America is not God, repeat...

But it exists with the blessings of GOD---.

I have said it plenty of times that there is nothing stopping Pakistan from buying whatever it wants from China. But the keyboard warriors insist that there are these "Imaginary Restrictions" on some so called 'top secret Chinese weapons', and the funny part is that they have no proof that such restrictions even exist.


Thank you---.
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