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-Justice Wajihuddin Claims Imran is not an Honest Man

a former judge.........hmmm

Former Presidential candidate of PTI in 2013 and a former senior Judge of SCP Justice Wajihuddin has come out all guns blazing against Imran Khan. Talking in a tv talk show he claimed Imran Khan his former boss is not an honest man.
Even the sitting judges are corrupt, what about some former judge who joined politics
He's a Pakistani judge - how honest could he possibly be. I'd rather take Nawz Sharif or Zardari opinion on the matter.

That's why he is ex PTI, probably didn't had the opportunity to warm his own pocket. Must be very unlucky man.
He's a Pakistani judge - how honest could he possibly be. I'd rather take Nawz Sharif or Zardari opinion on the matter.
I know this Judge since 1990s. Belonged to a well respected lawyer family whose father was former Senior Judge of Supreme Court himself. In late 1960s Wajihuddin Ahmed could have secured any key position being law graduate while his father was Chief Justice of Sindh High Court, but he deliberately avoided it. After the military coup in 1999 he was amongst the 6 judges of Supreme Court who refused take oath in order to avoid legal umbrella for Musharraf's regime. He was the strongest voice against Musharraf regime during the lawyer's movement in 2007. Only those who have moral courage can take stand. Those who compromise ultimately lose respect. I was informed that no one....i repeat no body had balls to meet him in home or at office for any kinda favor whatsoever.
Justice Fakharuddin G Ibrahim and Justice Wajihuddin Ahmed were amongst the most honest figures whose decisions speaks volume of their character. Miss such people.
After Bol news now Geo airing it.
Sorry to say not once I heard Nawas sharif or zardari open their speech With Koran Pak verses , Imran Khan always had tasbi in his hands ,, he has always spoken for the poor and against the thugs and feudal landlord or corruption.
He wants to make Pakistan unique and proud nation where the other 2 politicians wants power over Pakistan for their own interest.
He has won praises from world leaders for his efforts for climate change , corona virus control, speaking against Israel and India in united nation..he has driven to the town without security and has created shelter for the poor and worked hard to bring justice to people.
I live in uk the 5/7 richest country who has many issues and has high inflation.
So this filthy scumbag is nothing ..
I know this Judge since 1990s. Belonged to a well respected lawyer family whose father was former Senior Judge of Supreme Court himself. In late 1960s Wajihuddin Ahmed could have secured any key position being law graduate while his father was Chief Justice of Sindh High Court, but he deliberately avoided it. After the military coup in 1999 he was amongst the 6 judges of Supreme Court who refused take oath in order to avoid legal umbrella for Musharraf's regime. He was the strongest voice against Musharraf regime during the lawyer's movement in 2007. Only those who have moral courage can take stand. Those who compromise ultimately lose respect. I was informed that no one....i repeat no body had balls to meet him in home or at office for any kinda favor whatsoever.
Justice Fakharuddin G Ibrahim and Justice Wajihuddin Ahmed were amongst the most honest figures whose decisions speaks volume of their character. Miss such people.

Maybe he is a good man brother, who knows, he is a stranger to me, as is IK. All I know is that the judicary of Pakistan, the lawyers and the police are thoroughly corrupt.
Maybe he is a good man brother, who knows, he is a stranger to me, as is IK. All I know is that the judicary of Pakistan, the lawyers and the police are thoroughly corrupt.
I agree with you fully, except that he was amongst the rare breed. He was the key figure in PTI during PTI's days in opposition, He could have kept his mouth shut and could have enjoyed all the benefits today like many but he opted the other way. PTI was the hope even for the critics like me, but sadly things are heading from bad to worse nowadays.
Former Presidential candidate of PTI in 2013 and a former senior Judge of SCP Justice Wajihuddin has come out all guns blazing against Imran Khan. Talking in a tv talk show he claimed Imran Khan his former boss is not an honest man.
Judges are made from lawyers or liars shall I say. Almost entirely the judges take bribes. It's a disgusting profession.
I know this Judge since 1990s. Belonged to a well respected lawyer family whose father was former Senior Judge of Supreme Court himself. In late 1960s Wajihuddin Ahmed could have secured any key position being law graduate while his father was Chief Justice of Sindh High Court, but he deliberately avoided it. After the military coup in 1999 he was amongst the 6 judges of Supreme Court who refused take oath in order to avoid legal umbrella for Musharraf's regime. He was the strongest voice against Musharraf regime during the lawyer's movement in 2007. Only those who have moral courage can take stand. Those who compromise ultimately lose respect. I was informed that no one....i repeat no body had balls to meet him in home or at office for any kinda favor whatsoever.
Justice Fakharuddin G Ibrahim and Justice Wajihuddin Ahmed were amongst the most honest figures whose decisions speaks volume of their character. Miss such people.
Sounds a bit like the pope.
Judges are made from lawyers or liars shall I say. Almost entirely the judges take bribes. It's a disgusting profession.

Sounds a bit like the pope.

From 1940 to before arrival of Zia, legal profession was considered most desirable professions. Judges in those days always had poker faces, without any impressions and hardly use to pass any remarks during the legal proceeding of any cases. Delivery of justice was always slow even than...
But aaaj kay haalat unprecedented hen. We need to introduce jury system here in Pakistani courts so that adequate decisions are made by judges. English Penal code system of 1876 is still practiced in Pakistan without any significant amendments to meet 21st century criteria. Being 6th populous country in world, and with the amount of cases pending in courts, it's a ticking massive time bomb.
I know this Judge since 1990s. Belonged to a well respected lawyer family whose father was former Senior Judge of Supreme Court himself. In late 1960s Wajihuddin Ahmed could have secured any key position being law graduate while his father was Chief Justice of Sindh High Court, but he deliberately avoided it. After the military coup in 1999 he was amongst the 6 judges of Supreme Court who refused take oath in order to avoid legal umbrella for Musharraf's regime. He was the strongest voice against Musharraf regime during the lawyer's movement in 2007. Only those who have moral courage can take stand. Those who compromise ultimately lose respect. I was informed that no one....i repeat no body had balls to meet him in home or at office for any kinda favor whatsoever.
Justice Fakharuddin G Ibrahim and Justice Wajihuddin Ahmed were amongst the most honest figures whose decisions speaks volume of their character. Miss such people.
Aitizaz Ihsan was also a prominent part of 2007 lawyer's movement yet he sleeps with Zardari. Point is that we need better criteria.
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