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JUST IN - U.S. is "ready for other options" if diplomacy with Iran does not work, Biden says after meeting with Israel's PM Bennett.

Who cares, it is between US-Iran. They can kill each other if they want.
they won't.

They did already.

In 1983, when pro-Iranian fighters in Lebanon attacked the US Marine barracks in Beirut, killing 241 US troops at once (one of the heaviest death tolls, if not the heaviest death toll suffered by the US military in a single operation since the end of the Vietnam war).

In 1988, when Iran and the US fought a war in the Persian Gulf (with the US Navy incidentally torturing to death an Iranian POW).

In 1988, when the US Navy shot down an Iranian civilian airliner, leading to the martyrdom of every passenger on board.

From 2003 to the 2010's, when Iran supplied weapons and intelligence to Iraqi resistance groups, resulting in the elimination of over 600 American occupation forces as per official US estimates.

This said, enmity in international relations is not measured by body counts. There weren't many mutual killings between the US and the USSR. The US and China are not presently killing each other's military personnel or citizens. Yet, these were / are antagonistic powers engaged in a merciless confrontation nonetheless.
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USA, Israel and Iran will never attack each other. It is a scheme to ensure long term domination of the region by Israel and Iran. Iran gets to expand and commit genocide against Muslims with aid of US coalition and Russia, while Israel expands and commits genocide against Palestinians by aid of US and Russia. The so called 'rivalry' is played up since 1979 and they never attacked each other once. Muslims are eating it up but also confused due to the deliberate games by these two kaffir groups and their backers. Muslims must understand, Iran-Al-Dajjal and Global Jewry/Israel are existential enemies of the Muslims that need to be permanently warred against. Stop being afraid of saying the truth and take initiative to protect your people, faith and interests.

Interesting that the World's only Superpower US could not attack a tag tag country Iran since 1979 or for more than 40-years ! Interesting also is that the main players of Iranian Revolution came from Paris !!
Interesting that the World's only Superpower US could not attack a tag tag country Iran since 1979 or for more than 40-years ! Interesting also is that the main players of Iranian Revolution came from Paris !!

Perhaps you wouldn't find it as peculiar if you did some additional research on the subject matter.

To start with, Iran's no rag tag country. It wields massive deterrence power against direct military aggression by the US regime. Namely:

- Latent nuclear break out capability.

- Potential nuclear and effective conventional capability (enormous and accurate ballistic missile arsenal) against the zionist occupation regime, which is known to matter more to US oligarchs than America itself.

- A network of regional allies which would wreck havoc on said zionist entity as well as on American interests across the region in case of full fledged military aggression against Iran.

- Sitting atop a strategic choke point of global energy supplies, the Strait of Hormuz, which can be mined, saturated by missiles and suicide drones and therefore blocked by Iran. Long enough to cause global economic crisis if not meltdown.

- Having a population of over 80 million and being a historically rooted and cohesive nation-state with a staunchly patriotic population guaranteed to mobilize if under attack by a foreign aggressor. Tens of millions of passionately religious citizens ready for martyrdom among them as well.

These are enough to drive up the cost of all out war against Iran to the point where it becomes politically if not economically unbearable for Washington. Countries like Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya were not in possession of any of these assets.

Which is why the US regime has been implementing every other conceivable hostile measure against Islamic Iran since 1979. No other country has in fact been subjected to a comparable combined amount of:

- US-imposed sanctions.

- CIA-backed coup attempts. As an example I would suggest looking up the failed Nojeh coup by Air Force officers right at the beginning of the Revolution. Others include Sadegh Ghotbzadeh's assassination attempt against Imam Khomeini as well as Shapour Bakhtiar's efforts.

- CIA-backed "colored revolution" attempts, such as the 2009 "Green movement".

- CIA-backed riots.

- CIA-backed subversion attempts through opposition groups, armed terrorists and separatist organizations.

- Propaganda, with between 80 and 90 Persian-language satellite broadcasters calling for regime change around the clock, as well as totally unprecedented volumes of incitement against Iran's political order on the internet.

- Non-stop pys-ops, vilification.

- Social engineering and cultural aggression on a huge scale.

- Assassinations of political and military leaders, scientists.

- Sabotage operations against infrastructures in Iran.

And so on.

As for the main players of the Islamic Revolution coming from Paris, this is not really the case. For starters, Imam Khomeini and a limited number of his aides and followers (not including any major figure) spent less than four months in a Paris suburb, which is a rather short time, knowing that the Revolution had been in full swing for some eight months already. And reason for this was that Saddam Hussein had expelled the Imam from Iraq, where he had been residing for years. Prior to that he spent years in Turkey. The Imam himself is on the record for opposing a stay in France, however there were hardly any other feasible options and his entourage convinced him to temporarily move there.

Another interesting tidbit: in "Before the Revolution", a documentary by an Isra"el"i filmmaker which shows how the zionists lost every privilege they used to enjoy under the toppled regime of the shah, given that the 1979 Islamic Revolution forced them to flee the country, the director quotes a former Mossad officer about Tel Aviv's plan to assassinate Imam Khomeini upon arrival at Tehran's Mehrabad airport.
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Interesting that the World's only Superpower US could not attack a tag tag country Iran since 1979 or for more than 40-years ! Interesting also is that the main players of Iranian Revolution came from Paris !!
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived in Habasha Kuffar kingdom for a period too!

Then moved between idol worshippers in Mekkah.
what was the question habashi asked him upon arrival and what reply the he was given?

@AgNoStiC MuSliM @Foxtrot Alpha @krash @waz one no, at-least 3 of your takfiri gang are active again
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his sahaba migrated to Christian kingdom of Aksum for a while then turned back to Mecca.

Christians were better than jews and idol worshippers of Mecca.

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am banned from Facebook for life for saying that Iranis are colluding with the "satan". bad-mouthing one another in public but on the quiet being on the same side. and also posted an old video of zalme khalilzad in which he was singing praises of chabahar and suggesting ways to sabotage Gwadar.

Yep, say that on Twitter or Facebook or even using the word Jews, you get locked out of your account. If you say on pro-Israeli pages on Twitter or the so called 'OSINT' pages run by Jewish people (Elint news for example run by Jewish British guy ) that this Iran-Israel drama is by design , they will ridicule you. Iran and Israel have to have this fake drama to achieve their long-term goals in region which they have been both achieving and on their way there since 1979, the so called anti-Israel revolution. What really happened since then is Israel annexation of Palestinian lands and Iranian defacto annexation of many Arab cities. Afghanistan was going to be next if it wasn't for Taliban victory which forced US to negotiate ceasefire and withdrawal deal during Trump adminstration.
Yep, say that on Twitter or Facebook or even using the word Jews, you get locked out of your account. If you say on pro-Israeli pages on Twitter or the so called 'OSINT' pages run by Jewish people (Elint news for example run by Jewish British guy ) that this Iran-Israel drama is by design , they will ridicule you. Iran and Israel have to have this fake drama to achieve their long-term goals in region which they have been both achieving and on their way there since 1979, the so called anti-Israel revolution. What really happened since then is Israel annexation of Palestinian lands and Iranian de-facto annexation of many Arab cities. Afghanistan was going to be next if it wasn't for Taliban victory which forced US to negotiate ceasefire and withdrawal deal during Trump administration.
again agree with all except this
Afghanistan was going to be next if it wasn't for Taliban victory which forced US to negotiate ceasefire and withdrawal deal during Trump administration.
another satanic ruse
Indians are building a base 5k km from Pakistan so maybe we can use that as an excuse to build long range missiles.

Indian "missiles" are already a good reason to do so. We won't even need that excuse. But the main thing is guts. But now when the USA is done with Afghanistan. USA have no use for us. This means we can easily get sanctioned. Still we need to give it a try. Test something for 3000 km. See the reactions, and than go for 3300-3500 km.
Interesting that the World's only Superpower US could not attack a tag tag country Iran since 1979 or for more than 40-years ! Interesting also is that the main players of Iranian Revolution came from Paris !!

Exactly , the guy was exiled in France , came off plane, executed some Iranians. Then immediately began arming militants and inciting uprisings in Iraq which led to war between Iran and Iraq. And immediately did stampede in Mecca and almost triggered war with Saudi Arabia. And aided northern alliance and facilitated northern alliance in cooperation with US during which thousands of Taliban prisoners were massacred by the Hazaras. All while Iran was a weak state and indeed was ill equipped and unable to sustain war let alone real war by US to create regime change. Iran is allowed to develop ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons program without military consequences. Any other Arab nation that tried that would get attacked. Pro-Iranians here want you to believe it's because Iranians are more military competent and can make US pay enormous price which simply isn't true. They got in 8 year war of attrition with Iraq which was poorly trained army even though well equipped. The reality is those powers want Iran to be dominant to counter Arab states, Turkey and Pakistan. Iran can at any time be used against these states. And has threatened all of them in the past and continues to, all under US and Russian military protection to protect their interests in areas like Iraq and Syria. The aim is cultural domination by Iran and Israel in the region. Taliban victory disrupted and delayed final phases of plan. And of course we get billions of articles since 1979 about how Israel and Iran on verge of war or how Israel almost authorized strike on nuclear facilities or how Iran says it can destroy Israeli army in 11 minutes(but never does for some odd reason). And the bigger agenda needed is corruption of beliefs of Muslims to allow for this Israeli /Iranian domination to happen. This is why Iranian regime is pushing and trying to shove twelver beliefs down our throats. And why West praises this belief system and tries to make it seem fascinating and why they love and praise guys like Jalaluldin Rumi who promotes shirk. And why this Ayatollah Khomeini guy took title of Nabi Allah Esa for himself and called himself Ruh Allah and his regime claiming he was in direct communication with God ..... Muslims aren't stupid anymore and going to understand sooner or later .....
again agree with all except this
another satanic ruse

Taliban steadfastness cannot be denied,but you are right this is not over and it could be bigger trap for them. They're facing lots of threats and destabilization efforts by Iranian, Indian, British, Russian , US and other intelligence agencies who no doubt are very active there and cooking something up.
Indian "missiles" are already a good reason to do so. We won't even need that excuse. But the main thing is guts. But now when the USA is done with Afghanistan. USA have no use for us. This means we can easily get sanctioned. Still we need to give it a try. Test something for 3000 km. See the reactions, and than go for 3300-3500 km.
yeah that is right, I keep writing to them to live-cast everything they do on PDF but the cowards are too scared to even reply me.

even when I tell them that there is wealth of talent here to be tapped as well it being replete with brave jihdis who will come to aide them but still no reply
so can you point me to where it says "kuffar kingdom" in the image you just posted? besides I asked you a question about the convo between Negus and the Prophet or his representative, answer that instead
Kuffar of Ahlu Ketab.

Christians that believe in 3 God.
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