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JUST IN - U.S. is "ready for other options" if diplomacy with Iran does not work, Biden says after meeting with Israel's PM Bennett.

I don't share your ideology, West is not the 'Musaytar', Allah(SWT) is. Also there are plenty of good people in the West, and no difference between East/West peoples/cultures. They are very similar in all their norms and beliefs. Some in each hemisphere are more/less religious, more/less democratic. I follow Islam, and what God said is the right path. Life is not about political victories or ignoring travesties/intentional ill-behavior and justifying it by claiming 'West want this and that'. You are a hypocrite if you try to justify oppression, deception and wrongdoings with these lame and ancient talking points of yours. Support your God for once and all(at least in words).
And Islam and Allah is also saying that don't spread hates, and what Arab coalitions doing in Yemen tell me that, is Yemenis is not Muslims (Shia) and humans lol

you're not following Islam but spreading racism and hates, even Islam preaches don't speaks hate and racist comments on non Muslims, you're not following Islam even in words lol
Btw, that is a lie, you are a Twelver Shia. We aren't stupid. Stop trying to act as leaders of Islam/Muslims or people meant to educate Muslims. We don't take education from Persian supremacists and their servants and their hilarious attempt at being a leading voice for Muslims that are supposed to look up to. We don't look up to you or take you seriously. You are just acting up lately because international powers backing and interventions on your behalf. And because of widespread moral corruption in which Muslims are beginning to forget calling out evildoings.
You're acting like a supremacists Not me or Iran, and how do you know I am shia, do you know my background, heritage??? and I am not Wahabi like you dude, and what is you Arab friends doing right now, sitting on the lap of Israel one by one
Allah commands to fight evildoers and evil ideologies everywhere. Persian supremacy which is attacking Islam(Prophet's wife, Sahaba, saying Quran is incomplete, saying Ali is God, asking religious figures for acceptance from Allah rather than thru Allah himself), attacking Muslims everywhere(Saudi Arabia Mecca stampede, Iraq civil war and Iran-Iraq war, US war on Iraq and handing over of Iraq to Iran, Afghanistan and northern alliance against Taliban/Pashtuns, Kuwait bombins, Bahrain, Lebanon, Syria, etc...), has established itself as enemy of Islam and Muslims thru its actions. We are not spreading hate, Persian supremacists are spreading hate and warring against Muslims. We are responding to their hate.

I don't support Saudi coalition in Yemen. Meanwhile you support Iran 666 campaigns which is aided by Russia and US coalition all across the ME and Asia region. Your hypocrisy is on display for everyone to see. People like you should be banned off forums for promoting Persian supremacy and justifying conflicts and wars against Muslims.
LOL you're blind, all in the world Iran is Evil and Iraq did nothing wrong and West destroyed your country with Uranium plated shells are innocent and angel lol
This is not your Imam Kharamani playground to throw around derogatory insults to Sunni Muslims. You are better suited in a Imam Kharamani forum and not a Pakistani Sunni Muslim one.
Neither do I care about Khamenei nor do I know which „Sunni Muslims“ you hang around with since I don’t think most Sunni Muslims would agree that calling you as „Baghdadi“ for spreading ISIS-like rhetoric is a „derogatory insult to Sunni Muslims“.
This is kind of insults and true feelings you share of Taliban, but your govt has to be play nice now in public.
What does this have to do with the Taliban?
You are doing me favor by showing your true Persian supremacist leanings, and also your cowardice by refusing to put your Iranian flag up.
'Prideful' and 'superior' Iranian Persian refuse to put his flag up, trying to pass himself off as ethnic German, just like Jews try to pass themselves off as white people in America. And how both these ethnicities demonstrate their 'superiority' by having US and other superpowers come intervene on their behalf to keep up the farce of their 'superiority' and so called 'strategic' and 'technological' expertise.
Interesting how you bring up Persian supremacism and Jews in America out of nowhere just because I made a joke about you for your ISIS-like rhetoric. Never did I claim to be a „prideful and superior Persian“. In fact, I am half German, half Iranian (Sunni, western Iran), born and raised in Germany. Therefore the German flag.

Basically all of what you wrote is complete gibberish.

Good night Baghdadi.
LOL you're blind, all in the world Iran is Evil and Iraq did nothing wrong and West destroyed your country with Uranium plated shells are innocent and angel lol

Once again, you are misconstruing my views. I make it clear over and over again, the whole world is following anti-God path and fighting against pro-God path/lifestyle. As for the thread, I am exposing the fake drama between two dominant powers of region. It's normal they get more scrutiny. Especially for their inclination towards deception and attachment to ethnic supremacy(Jewish nation and Iranian nation). Arabs and Pakistani's, Afghani's, etc.... Do not have these obsession with ethnicity and ancient civilizations. We consider ourselves as Muslims, Islam makes up most of our identity.
I'm a pro-God supremacist. Islamic lands should be lands that obey and express love to our Creator. They should not be playground for racial supremacist atheists like Iranian regime or Israeli regime. Or secular regimes like the Arab ones. Islamic lands should be pro-God and will be pro-God when Allah's promise arrives. I can easily assess your Twelver Shia background based off your political views on this forum. Are you serious dude? You think it's hard? It's extremely easy. Why are you trying to hide it? You should defend your beliefs if you truly believe in them. Instead of pretending to be something you aren't. I believe in my beliefs and in God and stand up for them all the time on this forum.
lol you're saying you following the Islam and prophet does Islam and Prophet preaches hates and racism to Muslims and to non Muslims

Neither do I care about Khamenei nor do I know which „Sunni Muslims“ you hang around with since I don’t think most Sunni Muslims would agree that calling you as „Baghdadi“ for spreading ISIS-like rhetoric is a „derogatory insult to Sunni Muslims“.

What does this have to do with the Taliban?

Interesting how you bring up Persian supremacism and Jews in America out of nowhere just because I made a joke about you for your ISIS-like rhetoric. Never did I claim to be a „prideful and superior Persian“. In fact, I am half German, half Iranian (Sunni, western Iran), born and raised in Germany. Therefore the German flag.

Basically all of what you wrote is complete gibberish.

Disobeying God is not a game. There are nationalist and ethnic supremacist's running all over region, committing abuses and advancing worldly interests in the name of God. They all must be exposed and called out for their behavior. God says in the Quran he will terrorize the disbelievers. God will terrorize the disbelievers(truth in words is one of these) who making grave mistakes, using his revelations to justify their oppressive rule and chasing after treasures of this world, disgustingly passing it off as obedience to God and making it seem as if God agrees to them. Disgusting disrespect to God by all regimes and anti-God people of region and world. God will terrorize them. God is the best of planners and knows how to expose them and dispose of them. I am sick of games of Iranian, Israeli, Arab, Turkish and all other regimes and parties(even Islamist ones). Who are not submitting to God fully or worshipping him sincerely. And who arrogantly behaving as if they are when the truth clearly shows otherwise. I won't allow them to feel good about themselves or delude themselves.

Praise the Lord and his wise judgement to inflict terror into the heart of disbelievers who reject him and seek victory for themselves and their cultures. One of ways is words of truth spoken.
Once again, you are misconstruing my views. I make it clear over and over again, the whole world is following anti-God path and fighting against pro-God path/lifestyle. As for the thread, I am exposing the fake drama between two dominant powers of region. It's normal they get more scrutiny. Especially for their inclination towards deception and attachment to ethnic supremacy(Jewish nation and Iranian nation). Arabs and Pakistani's, Afghani's, etc.... Do not have these obsession with ethnicity and ancient civilizations. We consider ourselves as Muslims, Islam makes up most of our identity.
And you don't love your ancient history we have the same, every citizen love their country, if Iranian regime doing bad with its neighboring countries does we blame to common people of Iran??? so what so special about it

You're not even a Muslims lol
Members are requested to respect religious sensitivities of each other and avoid sectarian arguments. Criticism of any country is acceptable in arguments otherwise.

I am not Shia as you think, i am just a neural guy, The west wanted to to divide Muslim world with different sects you fell into it, And your country was not the angel country in Arab world, please do tell us Who started the Iran/Iraq war lol, reported again for spreading hate
Islamic sectarian issues predate modern world politics. The member in question is Palestinian American; not Iraqi.
This is not your Imam Kharamani playground to throw around derogatory insults to Sunni Muslims. You are better suited in a Imam Kharamani forum and not a Pakistani Sunni Muslim one. This is kind of insults and true feelings you share of Taliban, but your govt has to be play nice now in public. You are doing me favor by showing your true Persian supremacist leanings, and also your cowardice by refusing to put your Iranian flag up.
Please avoid Flamebaiting others. I have removed the post you responded to on same grounds but I felt that you need a reminder as well.

You can phrase your arguments in a better way.
Review of US options:

1.Unilateral lift of all sanctions to encourage the diplomacy (a wise choice)
2.A strong speech against Iran in UNSC (a desperate choice)
3.Biden vows to start every morning with rhetorics against Iran (Obama choice)
4.producing better and more body bags for US soldiers in ME (A necessity in case of above choice)
5.Evacuating more US bases in ME (mandatory option, will happen anyway)
5.US will further boost ISIS moral by providing top US whores (Trump's daughter is also accepted)
6.US will attack Iran in third episode of Top Gun (I will enjoy watching it for free)
7.US will attack Iran in the next "Battle field" game (again)
8.US will gift a copy of its next generation RQ180 to Iran (Interesting choice, if they don't plan to ask it back from Iran)

wow, so many options

War seems especially unlikely given how they are just getting out of Afghanistan (especially how chaotic that is). I don't see Biden being able to convince his power base for a new war in the middle east even if ge wanted to, and especially given the rise of China.
Review of US options:

1.Unilateral lift of all sanctions to encourage the diplomacy (a wise choice)
2.A strong speech against Iran in UNSC (a desperate choice)
3.Biden vows to start every morning with rhetorics against Iran (Obama choice)
4.producing better and more body bags for US soldiers in ME (A necessity in case of above choice)
5.Evacuating more US bases in ME (mandatory option, will happen anyway)
5.US will further boost ISIS moral by providing top US whores (Trump's daughter is also accepted)
6.US will attack Iran in third episode of Top Gun (I will enjoy watching it for free)
7.US will attack Iran in the next "Battle field" game (again)
8.US will gift a copy of its next generation RQ180 to Iran (Interesting choice, if they don't plan to ask it back from Iran)

wow, so many options
You are SO right,they`re literally spoiled for choice.... :azn:
Sadly tho`,you can almost always count on them to make the worst one possible.:tsk:
FB profile if want to know.
am banned from Facebook for life for saying that Iranis are colluding with the "satan". bad-mouthing one another in public but on the quiet being on the same side. and also posted an old video of zalme khalilzad in which he was singing praises of chabahar and suggesting ways to sabotage Gwadar.
am banned from Facebook for life for saying that Iranis are colluding with the "satan".

I received multiple death threats from activists belonging to or sympathizing with US-funded Iranian exile opposition groups, as well as from American citizens, for making statements in defence of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Almost every regular user of "social media" with pro-Iranian views has faced some form of censorship. As an example, when general Soleimani was cowardly assassinated on orders of US president Trump, Instagram systematically deleted every picture of the martyr uploaded by Iran-friendly accounts. Others have had their accounts closed multiple times.

Western regimes took off air Iranian news broadcasters such as Press TV more than once. Numerous Iranian websites had their domains seized by the US, the latest instance of which occurred no longer than some weeks ago.

and also posted an old video of zalme khalilzad in which he was singing praises of chabahar and suggesting ways to sabotage Gwadar.

You certainly mean the same Indian investment project at Chabahar which never really took off because New Delhi was wary of antagonizing the US, correct? The same project which, even if it had fully materialized, would still have represented a drop in the ocean compared to the sum of trade and investment opportunities Iran got deprived of during the past 42 years as a consequence of innumerable US-imposed sanctions? I guess that must be the one.
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