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Junior's Cafe

Restrictions to ceartain areas should be based on the number of negative points and the number of time he was banned on the forum and not on the basis of number of Posts.
Opinion Poll | Tribal areas should be made into a new province.

There are two ways to bring about a system i.e. introduce system to people or introduce people to system.

In first case system is introduced in a traditional way. Like introduction of new banking or local bodies system in a place.

In second method people are introduced to system like when they go abroad they follow rules and regulations of that country.

In traditional method people may feel uncomfortable facing new system because change and status quo are two opposites and physical atmosphere in surroundings also has role to play, unless there's some attraction. In second method new place is itself an attraction plus there's suspense element which urges people to adapt as survival instinct.

In case of FATA decades old traditions and surrounding areas are main resistance and have proved not to be fruitful but harmful. So change is inevitable either way.

Our current socio economic systems like judicial system need improvement. Introducing it to FATA is like taking a longer route. I am suggesting kind of second method. If we lease FATA to any developed country for say thirty years we will have a very different FATA.
We watch discussions in Seniors Cafe but cannot participate due to being juniors obviously. But there're some points that make us give our comments and talk about them. So in this thread we will pick the points and posts with links from there and debate here.

First is the case about comments of sir @Atanz in the thread:

India-Pakistan Trade: A Roadmap for Enhancing Economic Relations | Page 2

where the respected member talked about declaration made that 1947 was full on fiasco.

Sir 1947 was a fiasco if only two parties were involved. But there was third party the Britishers. Former two's ultimate objective was to get freedom one way or the other and they took the other. So 1947 was a complete success. If someday in future Pakistan and India get united their national monuments will still remain there reminding the freedon struggle.

One example is BD's Sher e Bangal, even after 1971 he is Sher e Bangal telling about their original and ultimate freedom struggle.


Do you really watch those discussions? How do you like them? This thread is a brilliant idea, because as we all know, the number of posts we make does not make us better or worse, and there are very many recent members whose posts are of astonishing quality.

For myself, I prefer to stay in the Seniors' Cafe, partly because the yahoos and the fanboys get filtered out to some - a minor - extent, and partly because it's nice talking to people you know and are comfortable with.

What do you do in real life? Do you teach?
while what you have created here is a logical work-around and is understandable, there is a simple solution.

the 'seniors cafe' section is undemocratic and naive :

1. it is not necessary that senior members are automatically sensible and kindly, nor is it necessary that junior members are automatically trolls and generally uneducated people... this all is proved by so many examples.

2. it is not reasonable to disallow junior members from participating in discussions where so-called senior members gather... how can cliques and stand-offish behavior be allowed in a forum that otherwise is quite lenient??

the idea of 'seniors cafe' must be abolished and what instead must be done is forcing the exit of members who are hate-mongers, war-mongers and terrorist supporters ( from any country, including mine )... this forum has potential to be recognized in offline peace creation and this can be achieved through effective policing and not through segregating members.


@WAJsal @haviZsultan @Joe Shearer

@Levina @Zibago @django

@Mentee @BDforever @Bilal9

@Spring Onion @Ammara Chaudhry

@Irfan Baloch @WebMaster

I would agree with you about expelling 'hate-mongers, war-mongers and terrorist supporters' (never mind that defining them could bring down the whole forum), but for my misgivings about one thing - free speech. This is getting to be more and more of an obsession with me, as things are getting more and more hostile to free speech in my country. I never thought that this day would come.

At least here, on a foreign forum, we should be allowed to say what we want to say, but subject to the laws of decency and avoidance of ad hominem. At least here, we have a social sanction, positive and negative ratings, and they are useful, especially the negative ratings. People may say so many things, but it stings, it is public and it makes it clear that someone, somewhere is willing to stand up and fight back.

However, until these very good things happen, I would prefer that the sanctuary of a Senior's Cafe is preserved.

We watch discussions in Seniors Cafe but cannot participate due to being juniors obviously. But there're some points that make us give our comments and talk about them. So in this thread we will pick the points and posts with links from there and debate here.

First is the case about comments of sir @Atanz in the thread:

India-Pakistan Trade: A Roadmap for Enhancing Economic Relations | Page 2

where the respected member talked about declaration made that 1947 was full on fiasco.

Sir 1947 was a fiasco if only two parties were involved. But there was third party the Britishers. Former two's ultimate objective was to get freedom one way or the other and they took the other. So 1947 was a complete success. If someday in future Pakistan and India get united their national monuments will still remain there reminding the freedon struggle.

One example is BD's Sher e Bangal, even after 1971 he is Sher e Bangal telling about their original and ultimate freedom struggle.

Incidentally, the original Sher-e-Bangal was Fazlul Haq Sahib, who was a giant towering over Bangabandhu. He towered over everybody actually.

It may come as a shock but you're more than sane enough to earn it WAJsal's way , bro!
At the very least by comparison with most of the rest of the endemic fauna ... :whistle:

;) Tay.

LOL! Endemic fauna indeed. Quite the wag, Taygibay.

There's no need to get personal. :cray:

@Taygibay suggestions are good even if they keep people like me out of any serious discussions. I don't mind. But from what I have noticed negative ratings have become kind of battle scars here. The more you have the more battle hardened you appear. Just my observation.

What do you mean? I ask because I do hand out negative ratings, and want to know what you were trying to convey. Are these becoming some kind of perverted status symbol?
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