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Junior's Cafe

I thought you know Pashto, however.... it means....

You will learn it.....all you need to do is pay attention...... it is not that hard (to learn Pashto)..... :-)
I know meanings of some words in Latin. That does not make me a Roman
suggestions are good even if they keep people like me out of any serious discussions. I don't mind.

Thanks but it only depends on the lower limit chosen by our brass, mate!
BTW, how come you don't have a single positive? I thought the first one
came almost automatically, as a result of full inscription or intro or something?
I'll check on that.

As for battle scars, that is ridiculous even though I'm afraid you are right on it.
But then, someone with say 500 or 1000 posts without a negative could be in.
It's a matter of tweaking my broad suggestion into something fair and workable!

Have a great day, Tay.

P.S. Maybe it's your tongue-in-cheek nick that has prevented you from getting pluses? :P
while what you have created here is a logical work-around and is understandable, there is a simple solution.

the 'seniors cafe' section is undemocratic and naive :

1. it is not necessary for senior members to be automatically sensible and kindly, nor is it necessary for junior members to be automatically trolls and generally uneducated people... this all is proved by so many examples.

2. it is not reasonable to disallow junior members from participating in discussions where so-called senior members gather... how can cliques and stand-offish behavior be allowed in a forum that otherwise is quite lenient??

the idea of 'seniors cafe' must be abolished and what instead must be done is forcing the exit of members who are hate-mongers, war-mongers and terrorist supporters ( from any country, including mine )... this forum has potential to be recognized in offline peace creation and this can be achieved through effective policing and not through segregating members.


@WAJsal @haviZsultan @Joe Shearer

@Levina @Zibago @django

@Mentee @BDforever @Bilal9

@Spring Onion @Ammara Chaudhry

@Irfan Baloch @WebMaster

I don't really like this idea of 'senior cafe'. Many members are sane than the some senior members and still can't utter their thoughts or share their information there. Because they got no title of SM.
We watch discussions in Seniors Cafe but cannot participate due to being juniors obviously. But there're some points that make us give our comments and talk about them. So in this thread we will pick the points and posts with links from there and debate here.

First is the case about comments of sir @Atanz in the thread:

India-Pakistan Trade: A Roadmap for Enhancing Economic Relations | Page 2

where the respected member talked about declaration made that 1947 was full on fiasco.

Sir 1947 was a fiasco if only two parties were involved. But there was third party the Britishers. Former two's ultimate objective was to get freedom one way or the other and they took the other. So 1947 was a complete success. If someday in future Pakistan and India get united their national monuments will still remain there reminding the freedon struggle.

One example is BD's Sher e Bangal, even after 1971 he is Sher e Bangal telling about their original and ultimate freedom struggle.

This has the potential of becoming a full-scope debate about south Asia, warts and all. Just a match, a single flicker of fire at this time, but there is a lot of dry tinder lying around.

Nothing wrong with you opening this thread. I am for all to engage in discussion. The more the better. However I don't quite agree with your referance to the "Britishers". If your trying to say that British would have stayed on in British India the answer is no. The writing was on the wall even by 1920s and British knew this.

It would have been simply impossible for British to contine ruling over 1/5th of humanity for much longer. The only issue was timing - earlier rather than later. After WW2 the British were worn out. The age of colonialism was over and the world was moving toward new age of post colonial economic enslavement which is what was put in place after 1950s and still continues to exist in one form or another today.

So if you think the British leaving was achievement I would beg to differ. They also left tiny Sri Lanka, they even left the filthy rich Brunie few decades later which has less people than at anytime in London underground. They left Africa and they even left the tiny islands in West Indies like Barbados.

So the British leaving was forgone conclusion. Maybe ML or more particular Congress brought the clock earlier by few years but at cost of millions of lives.

From point of speculation I think it would have been better if Nehru had agreed with the Cabinet Mission Plan in 1946. As you know it included right of provinces to secede within 10 years. I think most of the westerly provinces like NWFP or Sindh any maybe Punjab would have seceded and gone separately or joined some loose block. That to my thinking would have been infinitely better. I for sure instinctively not in favour of union with India.

I would prefer if the situation had reverted to way it was before the "Britishers" came marching into Punjab, Sindh etc in 1840s.

Ps. If you want to look at examples where the colonialists did not want to leave and the natives had to kick them out you need to look at French in Algeria or in Vietnam. Or possibly South Africa and Zimbabawe/Rhodesia.

There are several people - Linlithgow, for instance - who recorded their belief that Britain should stay on until the 1970s or longer. It is certain that in the 1920s, there was no question of any exit; that emerged very, very late in the day. If you are acquainted with the later history of any of the ICS, IP or British Indian Army officers who returned to Britain, look them up. Nobody who knew they were leaving would have landed up in such awkward predicaments as the vast majority of the British administrators did from 1947 onwards.

Sure, they left other colonies. It was this monumental departure that set the tone. Having left India, why would they balk at Cyprus? Also, please look at the dates. Even after the Indian example had set the tone, the British took another decade or more to release other colonies.
There are several people - Linlithgow, for instance - who recorded their belief that Britain should stay on until the 1970s or longer. It is certain that in the 1920s, there was no question of any exit; that emerged very, very late in the day. If you are acquainted with the later history of any of the ICS, IP or British Indian Army officers who returned to Britain, look them up. Nobody who knew they were leaving would have landed up in such awkward predicaments as the vast majority of the British administrators did from 1947 onwards.

Sure, they left other colonies. It was this monumental departure that set the tone. Having left India, why would they balk at Cyprus? Also, please look at the dates. Even after the Indian example had set the tone, the British took another decade or more to release other colonies.

Plus Indian freedom struggle goes way back to 1757, from Puli Theval, Tipu Sultan, Bhagat Singh to Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. Not to ignore 1857 and political struggle afterwards. Obviously there was element of divide and rule, would the people ask for separate land if there were no Brits? We've been living together for centuries not for decades.

Whatever plans the British had, Indians were building up towards freedom.

@Atanz sir the idea of Pakistan was give by Dr. Allama Iqbal, he actually promoted the idea that fate was not a static thing. It changes hundred times in a moment:


Nishan Yehi Hai Zamane Mein Zinda Qoumon Ka
Ke Subha-O-Sham Badalti Hain In Ki Taqdeerain

"It is the sign of living nations their fate changes day and night"

At one occasion he said 'Saare jahan se acha Hindustan hamara' and at other occasion he said they wanted a separated land. What would he say today.
You've bigger role to play in united India. See:

I. 200 million Pakistani Muslims + 200 million Indian Muslims = 400 million Muslims alone, then

II. 30 million Sikh. You convince them and they're on your side.

III. 20 million Bhudhs and Jains. Also offer them better attractions.

This all happens in the center, almost 50% representation. Muslim majority states/provinces are intact. Its Indians still who are asking for united India. Is it not a great and win win offer?

I thought the first one
came almost automatically, as a result of full inscription or intro or something?
I'll check on that.

There was an initiative by respected @S.U.R.B. to give a positive to newbies after a sociable intro. It was good but didn't continue due to some glitches. Need to resume after tackling the issues whatever.
The so called 'seniors cafe' is totally absurd. A relatively junior member may be much more knowledgeable and able to discuss issues far more analytically than many of the senior members who have become seniors solely due to their being on PDF for a longer period. This doesn't make sense. An illiterate troll would be able to post in the seniors cafe just because he's been on PDF for a longer period and promoted to 'General' by default, not due to his intellect and analytical acumen.

Thus I feel that the 'Seniors Cafe' is pointless and needs to be done away with. To prevent trolling, this section could be better policed by the mods.

My two bits.
You've bigger role to play in united India. See:

I. 200 million Pakistani Muslims + 200 million Indian Muslims = 400 million Muslims alone, then

II. 30 million Sikh. You convince them and they're on your side.

III. 20 million Bhudhs and Jains. Also offer them better attractions.

This all happens in the center, almost 50% representation. Muslim majority states/provinces are intact. Its Indians still who are asking for united India. Is it not a great and win win offer?

There was an initiative by respected @S.U.R.B. to give a positive to newbies after a sociable intro. It was good but didn't continue due to some glitches. Need to resume after tackling the issues whatever.

In fact, it is irritating to contemplate the situation today. I could go into detail, but even this former safe haven is compromised; I don't feel like getting into one of those bare-knuckle battles that were commonplace even a few years ago.

The so called 'seniors cafe' is totally absurd. A relatively junior member may be much more knowledgeable and able to discuss issues far more analytically than many of the senior members who have become seniors solely due to their being on PDF for a longer period. This doesn't make sense. An illiterate troll would be able to post in the seniors cafe just because he's been on PDF for a longer period and promoted to 'General' by default, not due to his intellect and analytical acumen.

Thus I feel that the 'Seniors Cafe' is pointless and needs to be done away with. To prevent trolling, this section could be better policed by the mods.

My two bits.

There is some meaning to this division, irrational though it may seem. It is among the new-comers that one sees the worst excesses, and in some cases, this abrasive quality is worn down by the passage of time.

We do need a niche, a corner where we can discuss things without strident and shrill interruptions.
There is some meaning to this division, irrational though it may seem. It is among the new-comers that one sees the worst excesses, and in some cases, this abrasive quality is worn down by the passage of time.

We do need a niche, a corner where we can discuss things without strident and shrill interruptions.

Sir PDF is not the only forum to begin with. Lot of boards are here around and people have become mature posters. Now if a person happens to come to this forum he has to wait for the post count and bear the flawed right/wrong discussion. It is painful as well as illogical.

In fact, it is irritating to contemplate the situation today. I could go into detail, but even this former safe haven is compromised; I don't feel like getting into one of those bare-knuckle battles that were commonplace even a few years ago.

Is the world changed or India has changed? What i know India is the same for thousands of years. Its the beauty of Sanathana Dharma to welcome everyone, ignore their drawbacks and accept their qualities. You can talk in detail but united India is the way.
the 'seniors cafe' section is undemocratic and naive :
If somebody's serious about a discussion then it can done even on a chit-chat thread like "whatever".
The senior's cafe serves many purposes
1) Only limited ppl can access the thread, this keeps the suicide trolls at bay. Suicide troll IDs are created with the sole intention of trolling and, are mostly new ids. Mods usually give'em permanent bans
2) This encourages the members to post more often on the forum,which ensures a steady flow of traffic to this site.
There's some economics behind this decision..you see.
Webby is a smart guy. lolzz
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