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Junior's Cafe

2) This encourages the members to post more often on the forum,which ensures a steady flow of traffic to this site.
There's some economics behind this decision..you see.
Webby is a smart guy. lolzz

sadly, this method of income generation, economically sound though it is, has also brought in so many wrong kinds of people who if we talk to face-to-face and then get back to our friends we will definitely say "what a psychopath that person was !!".

such psychos often gang-up on me and so many times i have to repeat what i said two days ago, two months ago and almost two years ago at the time of my joining.

however, there has been good policing on the forum in recent days, including one just yesterday by @WAJsal ... my thanks to him.

If somebody's serious about a discussion then it can done even on a chit-chat thread like "whatever".
The senior's cafe serves many purposes
1) Only limited ppl can access the thread, this keeps the suicide trolls at bay. Suicide troll IDs are created with the sole intention of trolling and, are mostly new ids. Mods usually give'em permanent bans

as @Ammara Chaudhry and @Pulsar have said, and i too said in my first post, just getting the post-count up and becoming senior member doesn't necessarily mean that the member has also become intellectually better than the time he or she joined.

and i give the example of milspec and 'chinese dragon' ( tta's from india and china, respectively ) to depict that historically there has been some confused assignations of titles just because a member knows more military news or is the most sarcasm-using member.

As for what Salik was asking for, there is it seems to me a much simpler solution.
Do we want a café for sane members to chat away from the noise of trolls foraging?
If so, I respectfully suggest that it be based on the ratio of positive to negative ratings.

i too once had more negative ratings than positive... then, i was the same as now but perhaps just a bit less tolerant than now, but those who assigned me the negatives are the same now too. :)
i give the example of milspec and 'chinese dragon' ( tta's from india and china, respectively ) to depict that historically there has been some confused assignations of titles just because a member knows more military news or is the most sarcasm-using member

Whoa!!! Whoa!!!
I am not taking that.
I like both Milspec and Chinese dragon. They completely deserve the titles.
I remember my first debate with Chinese dragon, i must say it was the first time I felt a foreigner had more knowledge about my country than myself...or atleast he made me feel so.
I apologised for being rude to him after I realised that the facts posted by me were wrong.
Milspec is class apart. I am very proud of the Indian TTAs on the forum.

Let me clear it I don't know these 2 members beyond the forum, I am clearing the air because you might feel that my loyalty to them as a freind may have blinded me.
No, I don't know them at all!!!

This method of income generation, economically sound though it is, has also brought in so many wrong kinds of people
But it's webby's call. :)
Whoa!!! Whoa!!!
I am not taking that.
I like both Milspec and Chinese dragon. They completely deserve the titles.
I remember my first debate with Chinese dragon, i must say it was the first time I felt a foreigner had more knowledge about my country than myself...or atleast he made me feel so.
I apologised for being rude to him after I realised that the facts posted by me were wrong.
Milspec is class apart. I am very proud of the Indian TTAs on the forum.

i have clear ideological differences with the two of them, and they will remain until the two expel their thinking that is filled with cruel sarcasm, hate-mongering, militarism, callousness and anti-empathy.

at this moment i can only give you the cliched line - let's agree to disagree. :)

Let me clear it I don't know these 2 members beyond the forum, I am clearing the air because you might feel that my loyalty to them as a freind may have blinded me.
No, I don't know them at all!!!

okay. :)

But it's webby's call. :)

that's true.

as it is, he is taking risks in running a site that has been named by taliban as enemy site.
clear ideological differences with the two of them,
Not done Yaar.
Merely because their views are divergent from your's doesn't mean they don't deserve their titles.
I am nobody to defend their titles but I think both milspec and Chinese dragon contribute well to this forum. I have learnt a lot from Chinese Dragon.
Jamahir, you lil cartoon. Those who don't toe the line of socialism and those who don't go ga-ga about your heroes are not anti-humanity. Hehehehe

he is taking risks in running a site that has been named by taliban as enemy site.
Oh my!!!
My sympathies with him.
Poor webby gets a lot of brick bats from both Indians and Pakistanis. Lol

Lets keep this thread away from this and let op focus on the core discussion..
1) this thread was posted in members club. So some off topics are allowed.
2) At times you do need one or 2 off topic posts to explain your views.

You forum-Nazi!!! 8-)
and i give the example of milspec and 'chinese dragon' ( tta's from india and china, respectively ) to depict that historically there has been some confused assignations of titles just because a member knows more military news or is the most sarcasm-using member.

LOL.. @MilSpec @Chinese-Dragon .....what on earth did you guys do to poor Jamahir to rile him up this much? Every second thread I find him complaining about you guys. :lol:
LOL.. @MilSpec @Chinese-Dragon .....what on earth did you guys do to poor Jamahir to rile him up this much? Every second thread I find him complaining about you guys. :lol:

aao, thakur, aao.

Oh my!!!
My sympathies with him.

yeah, remember that posting of the long vid that had the then taliban spokesman, shahid something, talking ?? one of the senior mods ( horus, must be ) had specifically posted it for the mention of pdf in the vid.

and then that thread had many of the pakistani members making insult upon insult to the taliban, just so that the taliban read these insults when visiting or logging-in to pdf. :D

the question is, if the taliban is not just being readers, who can that member be?? hmm??

Poor webby gets a lot of brick bats from both Indians and Pakistanis. Lol

yeah, his is a sisyphus task. :lol:
I really like this idea.However, it's either "Junior's cafe" or "Senior's cafe", there is no such thing as "Junior's senior cafe" :)
This idea is very creative and I appreciate it.Let's make it sticky for you so that all serious posters could tag us here for good conversation.

Thread rules: Trolling is not allowed

Thread rules: Trolling is not allowed

What? But but ... Boss, are you implying that elsewhere it is? :unsure:

:ashamed: More seriously, I take it that you are suggesting a new Café.
If that's the case, we could have two different systems and check over the long term which is best!
Very interesting if so as it opens a myriad of possibilities.

All the best to you and yours, Tay.
What? But but ... Boss, are you implying that elsewhere it is? :unsure:

:ashamed: More seriously, I take it that you are suggesting a new Café.
If that's the case, we could have two different systems and check over the long term which is best!
Very interesting if so as it opens a myriad of possibilities.

All the best to you and yours, Tay.
Tay sir,
I regret that why didn't I noticed that before. See, we already have loads of threads at member's section where people can freely talk over anything that is related or off topic.
However, we don't have any thread where only serious conversation between young posters could take place.
If we use this thread right and avoid in wasting it like "naswar corner" or "whatever" thread,then it would serve as a platform for all serious posters that are new.They won't get unnoticed:)

The new members should not emphasis on count to become senior member but quality indeed so from the start such posts may help to improve the quality posting as soon as the member becomes Senior. However, am happy with current policy and new members should not rush only to become senior while lacking quality though quality posts would serve the purpose as well though we all are here to share and learn indeed.
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