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JUI(S) Head Maulana Sami-ul-Haq assasinated

When you love to take part in international great game...U don't allow such bullshit in your country that has been going on for quite days...

This is one big **** up after OBL raid....ONE BIG **** UP.

Who is responsible for all this mess?


I feel sorry for Khan and his visit of China

@MastanKhan @Irfan Baloch @Sheepistanis @tps77 @others
Quite a big F up
Any info or speculation, if its speculation then I most likely suspect NDS op organised by CIA.Kudos Hazrat

We need to teach these swines another lesson however whilst US and Gangadesh are present in Afghoulistan then no doubt NDS will have some sort of capacity, not the most professional yet adequately effective.Kudos bhai

Retribution will follow. These pigs think they can win a lost war LOL We are going to make it as ugly as they want it to be.

The dagger is symbolic.

On one fateful 2nd Muharram. A similar dagger struck the heart of Islam.

Its a pattern for those who wish to be supersticious.

I don't believe this is done by someone who's a Muslim. It could be CIA because Maulana Samiul Haq was a mediator between Pakistan and the Taliban of Afghanistan. Who-else other than america would want to unsettle the relations as well as the peace in the region to prolong their stay in this important region from strategic point of view.

Rest in peace (1937-2018)
It is disappointing that not a single major/prominent religious party (to my knowledge) has spoken about respecting the SC's decision, and avoiding chaos/anarchy - something that is extremely disliked in Islam.

IK's government needs some allies from religious groups who can speak up and give the religious "sheeple" some reason to reconsider some of the poisonous rhetoric coming from the likes of TLP.

Jahils are in numbers and no religious party or Islamic Scholar will make such a statement. If he does, there will be backlash against him and his party.
All they have to do is to ask the Jahil awam for peaceful protests without damaging public and private properties.
Any info or speculation, if its speculation then I most likely suspect NDS op organised by CIA.Kudos Hazrat

We need to teach these swines another lesson however whilst US and Gangadesh are present in Afghoulistan then no doubt NDS will have some sort of capacity, not the most professional yet adequately effective.Kudos bhai
Reports are coming of 2nd marriage but it could be NDS but the way he was attacked it's very unlikely it was NDS or RAW
I don't believe this is done by someone who's a Muslim. It could be CIA because Maulana Samiul Haq was a mediator between Pakistan and the Taliban of Afghanistan. Who-else other than america would want to unsettle the relations as well as the peace in the region to prolong their stay in this important region from strategic point of view.

Rest in peace (1937-2018)

What our awam, politicians and media don’t understand that these things do not happens randomly. Whoever is involve may have planned this few years back. The unrest created by TLP gave them an opportunity to executed their plan. It’s a huge loss for Pakistan.
No, the Maulana is unrelated to the situation with Asia bibi. He is an opportunity killing for another reason
@niaz @Indus Pakistan @araz @Slav Defence

I did not agree with a lot of things that Maulana Sami ul Haq said, primarily because he preached an extreme form of Sunni Islam. Electoral Manifesto of his “Mutahidda Deeni Mahaz” under which he took part in the 2013 elections included banning co-education, training all Muslims for jihad and that all high officers of the state must be held by Sunni Muslims; basically, he wanted to convert Pakistan into a Sunni Theoretic State. His madrasah produced some hardliner Taliban commanders include Mullah Omer himself and he acted on behalf of TTP in 2014 with GOP in peace talks with the Taliban. He, however, issued a Fatwa in favour of the Polio vaccination.

Ideological difference aside; Maulana Sami ul Haq was a Muslim and Islamic scholar of note and therefore deserved respect. As a liberal Muslim, I am against the use of violence and strongly condemn the cold-blooded assassination of Maulana Sahib. My full sympathies with his family and I pray to Allah to bless his soul.

I had heard rumours that some of the Afghan clerics had approached Maulana Sami ul Haq to use his good offices to bring Afghan Taliban to the negotiating table. Either this or sabotaging PTI efforts to resolve Asia Bibi crisis may have something to do with his murder. Whatever, the heinous crime is certainly the work of anti-Pakistan elements and not good for Pakistan.
I think I will now have to create a secret organization. Project True Islam. Too many lies and too much reliance on hadith's instead of the Quran, which in consequence has been the center of turmoil in the Muslim World.
Rather misinterpretation and lack of education in deen.
The assassins seem to belong to powers that do not want the Afghan war to end and America keep feeding that non-stakeholder in Afghanistan, want terrorism to continue, and want to perpetuate instability in Pakistan.Local criminals being used by a foreign and local mafia. Very obvious that the first doubt should go towards our neighbor (I.....a) who don't want to leave Afghanistan easily and his dream seems to come to end to reach central Asia countries after this Peace agreement.
Maulana Samiul Haq, considered 'father of Taliban', killed in Pakistan

Maulana Samiul Haq, also known as the 'father of Taliban', was reportedly killed in Pakistan's Rawalpindi.

Muslim cleric Sami ul-Haq, known as the "Father of the Taliban" for having taught some of the Afghan Islamist movement`s leaders, was killed on Friday in a Pakistani city, a relative and his deputy said.

Unknown attackers shot the prominent cleric, who runs an Islamic school in northwestern Pakistan, his deputy Yousaf Sha and nephew said. They said he was visiting the capital Islamabad this week, but further details of the shooting were unclear. Some local media said ul-Haq was in the neighbouring city of Rawalpindi when he killed.

Samiul Haq was the chief of Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam and died in an assassination attempt, news agency PTI reported.

He has twice been a member of the Senate of Pakistan from 1985 to 1991 and again from 1991 to 1997.

Samiul Haq had close ties with the Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar.

He was also the head of Darul Uloom Haqqania seminary in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's Akora Khattak, Dawn reported.

Sir how this great loss. He trained taliban and he said they are his children. He was asset during Afghan soveit war, but this is thing of past we used them when it was in the interest of Pakistan, but Now, we should not support their ideology because right now this is not in the interest of Pakistan. We need to discourage taliban mindset otherwise whole world will label us terrorist state and our sacrifices fighting against taliban & their mindset is in dangER.
I still can't believe people are mourning on the death of sami ul haq who openly says he is father of Taliban and he didn't rivert his decision after afghan soveit era. This is slap on sacrifices of our soldiers as Pakistanis are mourning on his death/assassination.
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