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JUI(S) Head Maulana Sami-ul-Haq assasinated

What they should have done 10+ years ago they want to do it now, they always said that taliban are just mere rag tag bunch of no body. Unfortunately the way things stand now it's too late to alter the course of events.

Those who don't want peace are becoming so irrelevant in the present and future of afghanistan. The murder of Sami Ul Haq has no bearing on the ground reality in afghanistan. We should look at this from the same lense when mullah Omar's death was announced as peace negotiations were about to begin. Then there was the assassination of his replacement (forgot his name) which was said to be a blow to the taliban movement.
Peace talks is the only solution and U.S is quite keen but U.S's newly found partner India want that these talk happen without the help of Pakistan and killing of Sami ul Haq suggest the same, Sami had influence over Taliban and Pakistan through Sami could get better terms with Taliban,,, anyways we still have direct influence if we want.
Peace talks is the only solution and U.S is quite keen but U.S's newly found partner India want that these talk happen without the help of Pakistan and killing of Sami ul Haq suggest the same, Sami had influence over Taliban and Pakistan through Sami could get better terms with Taliban,,, anyways we still have direct influence if we want.
As i predicted , it inside job and it was ....

This Murder case is fishy. Stabbed and assassinated in his own house? Such precise information and strike from the assassins? His son, Servants Guards were suddenly missing from the scene for a few hours and some one just came in, Knew in which room he was exactly slit him and went away without anyone knowing without any evidence?

Why is no one thinking it as a crime and just riding the horses of Conspiracies. I bet one of the servants or family members are involved who took advantage of the unrest in the country.
He was not a high profile target as far as i think to be taken out by a foreign intelligence agency up to the extent to be targeted for assassination.
People from his very close circle killed him. It more look like a family feud. His son and guard already identified the person.
Sir how this great loss. He trained taliban and he said they are his children. He was asset during Afghan soveit war, but this is thing of past we used them when it was in the interest of Pakistan, but Now, we should not support their ideology because right now this is not in the interest of Pakistan. We need to discourage taliban mindset otherwise whole world will label us terrorist state and our sacrifices fighting against taliban & their mindset is in dangER.
I still can't believe people are mourning on the death of sami ul haq who openly says he is father of Taliban and he didn't rivert his decision after afghan soveit era. This is slap on sacrifices of our soldiers as Pakistanis are mourning on his death/assassination.
yaar himself he was a peaceful guy
you are making him guilty by association
he rejected violence. supported polio drive and never talked against the state of Pakistan

yes he is father, uncle , brother in law of Taliban
we all are if we belong to Deobandi school.

it just happens that students from his madrassah belonged to both Afghanistan and Pakistan. and Afghan taliban roots were traced back to his students.
people listened to him, including Afghan taliban. you want some one predictable to deal with the hostiles even if that person has sympathies for them

great loss because of potential impact and threat of violence. you see, murder of Mullah Mansoor by American blackops through deceit (first inviting him to come for peace talks) and also announcing the death of Mullah Omar by northern alliance pests ( during ongoing peace talks) was a big disservice to peace efforts, we dont have to sympathize with the dead but we must not dismiss the eventual chain of events that sent the peace efforts down the drain.

his matter is with Allah Subhan Taiallah. no one deserves a death like that.
may Allah Forgive him and May Allah protect us all and our country

All this drama by Rizvi and his goon courts aren't to be blamed.
We can proceed with the proper procedure over here. That's the right way. Going by the law is in the best interest of Pakistan. Book rizvi under traitors act and build a proper case against him and his close allies. Stop his funding by every mean necessary and take him to court for all he has said and done. Asia Bibi Was pardoned by the court not by one judge but by a bench of judges. So Assia Bibi isn't to be blamed.
These radical scams need to be uprooted at once. These scums are the main reason of giving Pakistan a bad name. All those protecting and advocating them in parliament or on media should also be booked for creating such an environment. They can't be given clean chit this time . Think of the minorities living here under the cloud of such terror. May Allah protect this country amen
It would be unwise to do so at this stage. It would fuel more riots which is the last thing that you want. Placating them is the right move at the same time prividing security to this poor woman.
If you look at the whole event it really brungs to light the jahslat of our masses towards understanding of Islam. Islam has punishments for blasphemy but also has punishment for slandering. The institution of one law without institution of the other brings to fore the munafiqat of the whole system.
If you had a law for slandering then it would be a very easy way to get people to understand that they need to report the incidence and then give a list of witnesses who will be honorable ones. The Police/Court would then initiate investigations and if necessary bring the culprits to justice.
Whereas no one doubts that the honour of Rasoolallah SAW is for all muslims to protect, there are still rules that need to be followed.
This incidence reminds me of a hadeeth of Rasool Allah SAW where He SAW said" you will follow the ways of the ummah(jews) that have come before you. Even if they have gone into the hole of a desert lizard you will do so. The jews were known for being selective in qhich laws they will follow and which law they will ignore and here we have a prime example of the duplicity of this ummah.
As to Maulana Sami ul Haq. Firstly Innalillahe wainna elaihe rajeoun. This is a shahadat so his family need to feel proud of the honour bestowed on the Maulana by Allah Izza Wa Jal. His death is probably opportunistic by forces who do not want the Taliban to sit with Russia,China,Iran,and Pakistan excluding USA and find a resolution of the problem without US support. The US has been known to derail the independant attempts at resolution of the Afghan crisis by drone attack on another leader in the recent past. Whether Indian or Afghan or indeed Iranian proxies were used needs to be determined. It is safe to say that the culprits may well have exited PakLand by now. The disappearance of his guards for a 15 minute window is very suspicious indeed and needs to be investigated more thoroughly. TheMaulana may have had his faults like all of us but at critical junctures he had come out with the right decisions and therefore deserves respect.
Let us hope we have some news of who was involved and this mystery is involved. It may play into the hands of the Government by taking attention away from their current financial difficulties.
Recently Pakistan released Taliban leaders and Moulana Sami had great influence over them, someone don't want peace between Taliban and Afghan Govt, neither US nor Afghan intelligence could be involved since talks with Taliban beneficial for both including Pakistan, in case if talks were succeeded Pakistan would have gain much influence over Afghanistan and R&AW don't want that.

USA released 4-5 Taliban leaders from Guantanamo, who are now in Qatar as part of the negotiation team.

Pakistan released one after request from USA. News has been published. Catch up before making stuff up!
USA released 4-5 Taliban leaders from Guantanamo, who are now in Qatar as part of the negotiation team.

Pakistan released one after request from USA. News has been published. Catch up before making stuff up!
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعون
Any news on the investigation being carried out IF any into this?
Nobody cares man. Stop your obsession with rule of law
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