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LOL, as I said you can keep inventing quotations and lies. Nobody is ashamed here of anything. I think every user here can testity to that. I think that I have said everything already and never hidden anything. Yes, my father is a Saudi Arabian Hijazi while my mother is a Yemeni originally form Hijaz as well. Not long ago I learnt that my great-grandmother on my mother's side was probably an Yemeni Jewish convert to Islam. But I also have ancestral ties to other nations including Iraq and some of my father's ancestors were even born in Turkey. Unlike you I can trace my lineage to antiquity on both sides of the family.

Besides keep writing nonsense about us Arabs. You are just exposing yourself.

Much like the Iranian Mullah's that rule you.
Oh, yes. I forget about you prentending to have Turkish roots. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You belong in a krankenhaus.

You lied about your ancestry on every forum you stepped on.

You really need help. Unlike you apparently I do not frequent 1000 different forums. I solely use this one and unlike you then I am consistent. As I said keep inventing quotations and associating me to some other individuals or numerous individuals. I was accused of being a Jew and Iranian before by similar trolls. A few days ago I was called a Mossad agent by the user Sun Piwa.

Why the hell should I care?

Besides we can clearly see that you ran out of arguments.:omghaha:

Once again what is the problem with daggers or swords that solve as ancient traditional clothing?

Do you prefer the baggy pants that you Kurds wear?
This is going to be my standard reply to al-Hasani in every Iranian topic he opens or react:

Truth about al-Hasani aka al-Hashimi:

Al-Hasani (Al-Hashimi) on Skyscrapercity:

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

I am Al-Hashimi and my father is half Iraqi from the Al-Hashimi and Al-Sammar tribes and half Saudi (Hejazi) from the Al-Abassi and Al-Hassani tribes. My mother is half Spanish and French.

Just like I am proud about my mother's European ancestry (Spanish and French).

Al-Hasani on Defence.pk:

My father's family are sadah and from Makkah (where I was born) while my mother's family (Yemeni) have ties to Tarim an Sana'a and what I have observed is that there is great affinity between Yemen and Hejaz.

His fellow Arab Iraqi friend even confronted him a while ago here with his false claims over his ancestry:

BTW Al-Hashimi why were you pretending to be Half Iraqi in the SSC forum?

Al-hasani..since you can't remember your fabricated 'iraqi' character...here it is..



Another Iraqi about Hashimi's disorder:

Al-Hashimi (Al-Hasani) is very well known for his tribal cheap talk. He was once a member on the "skyscrapercity" forum pretending to be Hashimi of Iraqi origin who's family lived in the KSA from the paternal side. He also claimed that his maternal side was half-spanish and half-french.

He always would try to find faults when speaking about Iraq and other non-semetic, non-hijazi groups, and he is very known to be anti-shia, anti-Iranian (or Ajami's as he calls them).

He would get upset when there is news of dead terrorists. He mentions the same few ideas over and over again. semitic, arab, tribes, iranian, shia. He typed tens of pages arguing about race and ethnicity, how the arabs from the arabian peninsula are superior to everyone else.... Here he is, continuing his plight against everyone else.

Let me give you a few example of the replies he got. This is of course before he got banned for of spamming the forum with anti-shia and anti-Iraqi BS.

Replies to Al-Hasani's rants on Skyscrapercity by the Iraqi members:

Any debate with al-Hashimi is useless. Even you say 1+1=2. He is going to get the Semitic, Ajami, najdi, "original" Arabs factors to prove you wrong. Lol. Don't take it personal.

No one is having any inferiority complex except you, you're the one spreading pan Arabism and Bedouin propaganda faster than Aids. We are Iraqis, not Saudis, Kuwaitis or whatever nationality you have a fetish for.
You've stirred **** with every member on this site, you're so arrogant and close minded it's a miracle you grew up in Europe.

Finally, I don't give a rats *** if you are white, black or yellow all I know is that your best interest are not with Iraq, but with Saudi Arabia/Hejaz.
Btw, we've all seen you're picture you look nothing like an Iraqi or even half European, you look 100 % Saudi.

This post is not meant to hurt you, but you have to wake up, humble up and stop acting like a pathological liar

Al-Hashimi is coming out with the most bizarre, incorrect, and categorically ahistorical nonsense about Kuwait, that it is simply embarrassing. This forum is junk with his likes

My god, I have never met anyone like you before in my entire life.

Biggest hypocrite in the world.

As usual, more bullshit from you and a repeat of your other crap posts containing no relevant information to what we are talking about and making baseless claims.

I have outed you to whole forum for the mentally retarded, pathological liar that you are. My work is done here.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...syria-news-discussions-373.html#ixzz2eb6USK5l

Supposed half Iraqi (proved to be false), supposed half European (proved to be false), and now all of the sudden half Yemenite (which is probably correct).

Truly pathetic. You are mentally ill my friend.

Sure, have some fun. I already confronted that nonsense once before and now.

I am a Iranian Kurdish immigrant living in Netherlands like yourself. Are you now satisfied and the 100 other individuals that similar trolls, most lately Sun Piwa is inventing about numerous people?

Keep trolling now that you have lost another discussion for the 100th time in row.

Sure, have some fun. I already confronted that nonsense once before and now.

I am a Iranian Kurdish immigrant living in Netherlands like yourself. Are you now satisfied and the 100 other individuals that similar trolls, most lately Sun Piwa is inventing about numerous people?

Keep trolling.

Everyone knows, even the Arab members, your true nature and identity. Did you know there are people who can help you with your pathological lies and inferiority complex?
Do you know that you can get help against inventing lies here and your obsession about us Arab and Islam and learn not to expose yourself in every single debate?

As I said there have been a lot of trolls on this forums (famous for that and other false flaggers) that have a habit of making absurd claims or accusations about various users - many times us Arab users. I have been accused of being a wide range of people (former users here - all found out to be a hoax by the moderators) etc. by all kind of individuals that I have never encountered let alone spoken to. The latest one is Sun Piwa who has a habit of accusing every individual of being a Jew or Mossad agent and me of living in Israel. I would not be surprised if you were the same individual.

Just like many of the Iranian troll users. Azeri boy, Feyen etc. The list is long.

Other than that.


Don't be ashamed. I can easily point out to the similarities, bizarre ideas and rhetoric of your account here and your former account on Skyscrapercity. Don't force me to do that too.

Truth about al-Hasani aka al-Hashimi:

Al-Hasani (Al-Hashimi) on Skyscrapercity:

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

I am Al-Hashimi and my father is half Iraqi from the Al-Hashimi and Al-Sammar tribes and half Saudi (Hejazi) from the Al-Abassi and Al-Hassani tribes. My mother is half Spanish and French.

Just like I am proud about my mother's European ancestry (Spanish and French).

Al-Hasani on Defence.pk:

My father's family are sadah and from Makkah (where I was born) while my mother's family (Yemeni) have ties to Tarim an Sana'a and what I have observed is that there is great affinity between Yemen and Hejaz.

His fellow Arab Iraqi friend even confronted him a while ago here with his false claims over his ancestry:

BTW Al-Hashimi why were you pretending to be Half Iraqi in the SSC forum?

Al-hasani..since you can't remember your fabricated 'iraqi' character...here it is..



Another Iraqi about Hashimi's disorder:

Al-Hashimi (Al-Hasani) is very well known for his tribal cheap talk. He was once a member on the "skyscrapercity" forum pretending to be Hashimi of Iraqi origin who's family lived in the KSA from the paternal side. He also claimed that his maternal side was half-spanish and half-french.

He always would try to find faults when speaking about Iraq and other non-semetic, non-hijazi groups, and he is very known to be anti-shia, anti-Iranian (or Ajami's as he calls them).

He would get upset when there is news of dead terrorists. He mentions the same few ideas over and over again. semitic, arab, tribes, iranian, shia. He typed tens of pages arguing about race and ethnicity, how the arabs from the arabian peninsula are superior to everyone else.... Here he is, continuing his plight against everyone else.

Let me give you a few example of the replies he got. This is of course before he got banned for of spamming the forum with anti-shia and anti-Iraqi BS.

Replies to Al-Hasani's rants on Skyscrapercity by the Iraqi members:

Any debate with al-Hashimi is useless. Even you say 1+1=2. He is going to get the Semitic, Ajami, najdi, "original" Arabs factors to prove you wrong. Lol. Don't take it personal.

No one is having any inferiority complex except you, you're the one spreading pan Arabism and Bedouin propaganda faster than Aids. We are Iraqis, not Saudis, Kuwaitis or whatever nationality you have a fetish for.
You've stirred **** with every member on this site, you're so arrogant and close minded it's a miracle you grew up in Europe.

Finally, I don't give a rats *** if you are white, black or yellow all I know is that your best interest are not with Iraq, but with Saudi Arabia/Hejaz.
Btw, we've all seen you're picture you look nothing like an Iraqi or even half European, you look 100 % Saudi.

This post is not meant to hurt you, but you have to wake up, humble up and stop acting like a pathological liar

Al-Hashimi is coming out with the most bizarre, incorrect, and categorically ahistorical nonsense about Kuwait, that it is simply embarrassing. This forum is junk with his likes

My god, I have never met anyone like you before in my entire life.

Biggest hypocrite in the world.

As usual, more bullshit from you and a repeat of your other crap posts containing no relevant information to what we are talking about and making baseless claims.

I have outed you to whole forum for the mentally retarded, pathological liar that you are. My work is done here.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...syria-news-discussions-373.html#ixzz2eb6USK5l

Supposed half Iraqi (proved to be false), supposed half European (proved to be false), and now all of the sudden half Yemenite (which is probably correct).

Truly pathetic. You are mentally ill my friend.
And then I'm not even speaking about you showing a fake pic of your supposed AK-47 here on Defence.pk to threaten other members. You are 20-years old, and probably the finest example of the modern internet guy who walks around with a personality disorder.
I do have a Ak47 and other weapons. That is correct. I did not threaten any member here. I just said that if he wanted to "deal" with me then I had the right to protect myself and my family. The pictures spoke on their own and the lunatic got the message. You got a problem with that?

Btw are you not the user Feyen who claimed to be Azeri and Pakistani?


Double users are not allowed. You reappeared right after he was banned and you always do that when your Surenas user is banned.

Or are you going to invent more fantasies and accuse me of being a double user or some other user here?


Just wait. I'm going to post the similarities of your claims and backward tribal rants on Skyscrapercity and Defence.pk to show how pathetic you truly are. An Arab who was ashamed of his Yemenite background and claimed European and Iraqi descent.

Just wait a minute.

You are free to post anything you want. You are just a simple troll that makes false accusations like many other trolls here. I do not care about that. I know that you are a double user and probably not even Kurdish or Iranian and a world class troll.


That is you with all due probability. You are probably also Azeri Boy and many of the other Iranian trolls.
I never claimed Azeri or Pakistani descent. I was born in Pakistan though. I'll dare you to quote me saying otherwise.
You are all those double users while I have never made one single double user here (every moderator can confirm that) and I have always been consistent.

You are with all probability that Feyen user (now banned) and before all those Azeri Boy, "Cyrus the Great" etc. trolls.
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