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Jordanian politician fires rifle at fellow lawmaker in parliament

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Lolololol, thanks to Arabs, we saved the world from that plague, world should be thanking us buddy :)

The destruction of the Persian Empire is regarded by many as the most horrific event of all time, coupled with converting them to Islam, and replacing their own heritage.

We screwed them BIG BIG BIG BIG TIME.
You're a liar. If we make a search we find nothing

I ask the moderators to ban the MOSSAD trolls who post obvious lies. They can't continue making fun on everybody by spreading thing their lies.

At least the Jordanians are not executing their political prisoners as Mullahistan have been doing for decades now.

How many political prisoners were executed in Iran again in the 1980's? 10.000?

Typicall for the dogs of Israhell to behave with no limits


PressTV - Netanyahu, King Abdullah II hold secret meeting in Jordan: Report

Hussein of Jordania was a CIA member for 20 years.

King Hussein was a secret agent for the U.S. intelligence For twenty years

Jordan embarrassed as bombing reveals CIA link ,CIA Paid Millions to Jordan's King Hussein, who was a paid agent and a puppet
Jordan embarrassed as bombing reveals CIA link | World news | theguardian.com

Hussein de Jordanie. Vingt ans au service de la CIA - Libération
You're a liar. If we make a search we find nothing

I ask the moderators to ban the MOSSAD trolls who post obvious lies. They can't continue making fun on everybody by spreading thing their lies.

Typicall for the dogs of Israhell to behave with no limits


PressTV - Netanyahu, King Abdullah II hold secret meeting in Jordan: Report

Hussein of Jordania was a CIA member for 20 years.

Hussein de Jordanie. Vingt ans au service de la CIA - Libération

Following in his traitor father's footsteps
Lol at these Arabs going mad over this article. These backwards still carry knives in public (Yemenites), fire weapons during weddings, have an primitive knife-dance and think their honor lies in weapons. Anyone forget about that bedouin wanderer al-Hasani who was speaking tough about his AK? :lol:

You can get Arabs out of their deserts/tents, but you can't get the desert out of the Arab.
Lol at these Arabs going mad over this article. These backwards still carry knives in public (Yemenites), fire weapons during weddings, have an primitive knife-dance and think their honor lies in weapons. Anyone forget about that bedouin wanderer al-Hasani who was speaking tough about his AK? :lol:

You can get Arabs out of their deserts/tents, but you can't get the desert out of the Arab.
:lol: I see who's mad at whom:lol:
Well, At least we created your newly formed identity, we converted you by force, we re-formed your own culture.
Starving Iranians :omghaha:
'US sanctions to starve Iranian people to death' - YouTube
Haha, what is a "Iranian" anyway? You are a bunch of minorities and a people that hold the world record in being conquered. Your second biggest minority are Turkic conquerers that ruled you as dynasties. Add the Mongol, Arab etc. mixture.

A failed state whose main allies are other failed states such as Belarus, North Korea and other failed states.

You first met real culture and civilization when you encountered us Semites 2800 years ago in the Middle East (cradle of civilization) and copied nearly everything and the non-Persian Elamites. Everyone knows this nor can history change it.

Truth to your primitive Central Asia Nomad origin where you left no cultures.

Now ruled by a bunch of self-proclaimed Arabs.

We Arabs destroyed your Persia forever nearly 1500 years ago. It is dead. Alhamdulillah.

No matter how much you cry you will never be able to erase that, your language that is full of Arabic loanwords, the 1400 years of Islamic history, your scripture etc.

1 single Arab country (Iraq) out of the over 20 dealt with you and 1.000.000 of your fellow citizens.

Now your biggest achievement is bragging about the "achievements" of Arabs (HizbAlShaitan).

Let me not even get started about you Kurds, LOL. So useless that they are stateless.

Even the Shia Arabs hate your guts and were the first to fight you when you tried to invade Iraq.

If there is one thing we Arabs and Jews agree with by large then it is to cooperate in the destruction of your Mullahistan and the lunatic Mullah's that are ruling you as holy cows. And mark my words when I say that we will be successful once again. You are spineless people. Even your accent/language shouts "spineless" with big capital letters.


Lastly my family the Hashemites have one of the oldest and most ancient/respected lineages in the world. You are a Kurdish nobody and a immigrant in the Netherlands compared to that who probably does not even know the name of his great-great-grandfather.

You and your country are so irrelevant that 1 Arab country (KSA) alone yields more influence as a G-20 Major Economies member state and a country whose economy is bigger and more potent.

Besides being in the position of the two most holy sites for nearly 2 BILLION Muslims.

A comparison is even laughable and disrespectful.

Go back to your corner and cry a bit more and worship your late officer-son the "shah" who was ousted by self-proclaimed Arabs. Even inside Iran we are trolling you big time.

Worry about extending your so-called "influence" to world powers such as Belarus and North Korea. You have a few things in common with them the main one are being a failed, poor and sanctioned state. Besides being crime, drug and mut'ah infected.

Haha, what is a "Iranian" anyway? You are a bunch of minorities and a people that hold the world record in being conquered. Your second biggest minority are Turkic conquerers that ruled you as dynasties. Add the Mongol, Arab etc. mixture.

You mean after 1000 years of ruling in the Middle East, where we simply conquered all those Semite empires, and started the first world superpower? And you seem to forget that you have been ruled by Persians, Mongols, Turks and Europeans yourself.

A failed state whose main allies are other failed states such as Belarus, North Korea and other failed states.

Still the most stable and influential state in the Middle East.

You first met real culture and civilization when you encountered us Semites 2800 years ago in the Middle East (cradle of civilization) and copied nearly everything and the non-Persian Elamites. Everyone knows this nor can history change it.

Long before we arrived at the Iranian Plateau, there have been civilizations of Iranian-speaking people. Go ask any archeologist in Central-Asia about this. And we didn't copy one iota of Elamites, besides some linguistic elements.

Truth to your primitive Central Asia Nomad origin where you left no cultures.

Andronovo culture, look it up. Or you may want to watch this:

Origin of the Aryan Race - Historical Facts and Evidence - YouTube

Now ruled by a bunch of self-proclaimed Arabs.

Nobody in Iran, besides some mullahs, claims Arab ancestry. And even those mullahs claiming to be sayyed would laugh at you if you call them Arabs.

We Arabs destroyed your Persia forever nearly 1500 years ago. It is dead. Alhamdulillah.

You didn't destroy anything, besides an empire who was at the height of its power anyway.

No matter how much you cry you will never be able to erase that, your language that is full of Arabic loanwords, the 1400 years of Islamic history, your scripture etc.

Those loanwords are insignificant, and would be erased in the future. Want to bet?

1 single Arab country (Iraq) out of the over 20 dealt with you and 1.000.000 of your fellow citizens.

Since when was killing Iranians a goal of Arabs? Saddam wanted to take Khuzestan, but failed. He even had to retreat after two years, failing to achieve one pre-war goal. If you think that Iranians are ashamed of their casualties, you are wrong, as we cherish them. I would give another 1 million of my people tomorrow if it is necessary.

Now your biggest achievement is bragging about the "achievements" of Arabs (HizbAlShaitan).

You mean the Arabs we control, train and supply?

Even the Shia Arabs hate your guts and were the first to fight you when you tried to invade Iraq.

That is not what those Shia Arabs told the Iranians when we captured them. They were forced to fight. Anyway today we control those same Arabs.

We control both Damascus and Baghdad, and I am fine with that. Good luck with watching your fellow Arabs die in Syria, while we take the shots.
You are a funny Kurdish guy, Surenas. Do you play many computer games such as Age of Empires etc.?

Anyway keep having delusions. What I said cannot be changed since history is impossible to rewrite.

But keep thinking that your Iran ruled by self-proclaimed Arabs are heading in the right way and that you are on the top of the world.:laughcry:

What is it with you Mullah's and the glasses they always wear?


This is gold material.:laughcry:

Anyway let me direct you to a post I wrote earlier in this thread:

Jordan is a much more civilized and developed country than Iran and a ancient country. Ruled by honorable and ancient rulers and not a bunch of primitive savages.

We can talk about your new inventions instead. Such as this cutting machine.


Meanwhile in Jordan.

Aqaba fort by Stephan Alberola, on Flickr

jordan petra by Infoway - Web Development Company, on Flickr

Amman by ibiss, on Flickr

Aqaba beach, Jordan by Kristel Van Loock, on Flickr

And Jordan is a country flooded by all kind of immigrants (Palestinian, Iraqis and now Syrians) and do not live off oil and gas like the Iranian Mullah's do.
You just keep posting pictures, while I enjoy the spectacle in your Arab countries.
Hmmm .... Typical flame thread :flame:

That is because these Arabs are ashamed of their own behavior as seen in the Jordanian parliament, and try to put the attention on other things.

So lets stay on topic from now on.
That is because these Arabs are ashamed of their own behavior as seen in the Jordanian parliament, and try to put the attention on other things.

So lets stay on topic from now on.

Well your thread may have attracted a little less hostility from the "arabs" if it were not for your opening line in first post

Just saying :coffee:
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