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Jordanian Armed Forces JAF

Oi @BLACKEAGLE - Why do you guys use Humvees ? I hear they are very fuel un-economical....would the Turkish Otokar Cobras be a better choice ? :unsure:

Jordan should have become a partner in the JF-17 program along with Oman to have a single fleet of fighters. Also this will inject more money in the project and we might be able to see the JF-17 having a dual seat in the first block-I along with composite and RD-93B(98KN).

So China, Pakistan, Jordan and Oman will have an equal share in the program of 25%... 
Why not Jordan launch its own Automotive Corp that will be able to make commercial vehicles like Cars, SUVs, SUTs, Vans, Coaster, Buses, Trucks and other automotive equipment. Also they can export to other countries like Syria too..
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It seems Jordanian Air Force would most likely replace F-5s with the further purchase of Dutch F-16s 16 in number, still A squadron is need to fill the gap with the retirement of F-1 Mirages, though it seems Jordan is putting all the eggs in the same basket.
It seems Jordanian Air Force would most likely replace F-5s with the further purchase of Dutch F-16s 16 in number, still A squadron is need to fill the gap with the retirement of F-1 Mirages, though it seems Jordan is putting all the eggs in the same basket.
Some Mirage-F1 still in active service as well as F-5, I have seen a bunch of them in airbases by Google Earth and recent drills.
Some Mirage-F1 still in active service as well as F-5, I have seen a bunch of them in airbases by Google Earth and recent drills.

Dude judging by most of Jordan's Military Equipment being of US or British Origin don't you think that you guys are on a precarious slope ? We, in Pakistan, found out to our disadvantage in the 1965 War when we were sanctioned by the United States & found our spares dwindling right before our eyes without so much as a nut or a bolt coming from the United States or any of her allies ! Heck even after the war we had to acquire the F-6s from China because we weren't even getting any spares after the War & had to ground most of our F-104s & the F-86 Sabres because of that !
Dude judging by most of Jordan's Military Equipment being of US or British Origin don't you think that you guys are on a precarious slope ? We, in Pakistan, found out to our disadvantage in the 1965 War when we were sanctioned by the United States & found our spares dwindling right before our eyes without so much as a nut or a bolt coming from the United States or any of her allies ! Heck even after the war we had to acquire the F-6s from China because we weren't even getting any spares after the War & had to ground most of our F-104s & the F-86 Sabres because of that !
That's why KADDB is there.
Some Mirage-F1 still in active service as well as F-5, I have seen a bunch of them in airbases by Google Earth and recent drills.

Not saying It should be an eastern aircraft such as Chinese JF this time around but perhaps F-1s could be replaced with Rafale but the price tag for a squadron is high enough, alternate Gripens but swedes are known to be punishers in any conflict they would completely suspend support/spares. Seems clearly Jordan has its hands full for atleast few years as F-16s are being upgraded and later on dutch F-16s will be delivered could go for MLUs. It is either "remain with F-16s" the idea is to increase capabilities so additional squadron would not be needed in place of F-1s or it is funds not avail since F-16s are being procured and upgraded.
Not saying It should be an eastern aircraft such as Chinese JF this time around but perhaps F-1s could be replaced with Rafale but the price tag for a squadron is high enough, alternate Gripens but swedes are known to be punishers in any conflict they would completely suspend support/spares. Seems clearly Jordan has its hands full for atleast few years as F-16s are being upgraded and later on dutch F-16s will be delivered could go for MLUs. It is either "remain with F-16s" the idea is to increase capabilities so additional squadron would not be needed in place of F-1s or it is funds not avail since F-16s are being procured and upgraded.
The goal was to acquire as many as 80 F-16 but it was delayed. As for now, this goal has been achieved. I don't we are thinking of any other FJ other than F-16 for the next 5 years.
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