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Jordan’s King Abdullah accuses Israel of opposing nuclear plans


May 9, 2007
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King Abdullah II on Wednesday accused Israel of disrupting Jordan’s nuclear program which is aimed at meeting its dire energy needs and powering water desalination plants, in an exclusive interview with AFP.

“Strong opposition to Jordan’s nuclear energy program is coming from Israel,” the king said.

“When we started going down the road of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, we approached some highly responsible countries to work with us. And pretty soon we realized that Israel was putting pressure on those countries to disrupt any cooperation with us.”

Jordan signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1994.

“A Jordanian delegation would approach a potential partner, and one week later an Israeli delegation would be there, asking our interlocutors not to support Jordan’s nuclear energy bid,” Abdullah said during the interview at his palace.

Jordan, which imports 95 percent of its energy needs, is struggling to find alternatives to unstable Egyptian gas supplies, which normally cover 80 percent of the kingdom’s power production.

Since 2011, the pipeline supplying gas from Egypt to both Israel and Jordan has been attacked 14 times, with a consequent disruption of supplies.

With desert covering 92 percent of its territory, the kingdom is one of the world’s 10 driest countries and wants to use atomic energy to fire desalination plants to overcome its crippling water shortage.

“Nuclear energy will be the cheapest reliable way to desalinate water,” the king said.

Energy experts in Jordan have demanded the country drop its ambitious plans to generate atomic power, following the nuclear disaster in Japan last year.

“Jordan will go only for the most secure, latest-generation reactor,” the monarch said, answering the critics.

“These are far safer than earlier models, and have multiple features that help them withstand extreme conditions. Japan’s Fukushima disaster involved an old-generation plant.”

A 9.0 magnitude earthquake hit Japan’s northeast coast on March 11, 2011, and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant began leaking radiation into the air, sea and soil, contaminating farm produce and making its way into tap water.

The plant was swamped by a ferocious tsunami that left almost 13,500 dead and 15,000 missing. Tens of thousands more were made homeless.

“The fact is that worldwide, more plants are being set up. Countries know their people need energy,” the Jordanian monarch said.

He said the the nuclear power plant that the government seeks would cost about 3.5 billion dinar ($4.9 billion) “for a plant that would constitute one third of the total power capacity generated in Jordan today.”

“The attacks on the Egyptian gas pipeline over the past two years have cost us already JOD2.8 billion. That could have paid for almost one reactor,” he added.

Jordan is currently weighing an offer by a consortium formed by French nuclear giant Areva and Japan’s Mitsubishi as well as a proposal by Russia’s Atomstroyexport to build the country’s first nuclear plant.

A joint venture between Jordan Energy Resources Incorporated and Areva discovered in June more than 20,000 tons of uranium in central Jordan.

he must be the dumbest leader any country has ever seen
Jordan has very good relationship with US and it can ask US firms to build the Nuke plant for them if they refuse.... France will definitely help them before they go to Russia.
theres nothing that jordan can do lol, as if USA cares about them. In the middle east Israel will always come first for USA.
Iram must be laughing its *** off..
Why is he stupid? I'm sure what he said is absolutely true.
i dont think this is stupid maybe now is the perfect time for jordan to ask for anything from the US while the syrian crisis is not yet over they can demand or they can stop supplying weapons and stop helping rebels enter syria
To me, it seems that the nuclear capability would become a norm in the Middle East with other countries besides Israel acquiring it. If anything, it will have a sobering affect when the concept of mutually assured destruction is thought through. The current military and nuclear disparity in the region actually adds to the instability.

The Arab countries need to do what they must to get this capability. Unless all these countries are on equal footing, there won't be any lasting peace, not for the Arabs and certainly not for the Israelis. The alternate is an impossibility which is to get the Israelis and Iranians to give up whatever they may have.

At the end of the day, peace can only be had amongst equals.
If anything, it will have a sobering affect when the concept of mutually assured destruction is thought through. The current military and nuclear disparity in the region actually adds to the instability.

I disagree. It is the very disparity that is preventing the region from going up in flames because the Arabs, even though they have the absolute numerical superiority, fear the nuclear capability of Israel and hence remain within their borders. Once the Arabs go nuclear, very soon its boom-boom time.

And what 'equal-footing' you are speaking about ? Do the Israelis have the numbers of the Arabs for an equal footing to be there ? There can never be an equal footing once the Arabs go nuclear and neither US nor Israel would allow the situation to escalate to that point.

Also when the Arabs cant even get the concept of democracy around their heads there is no point trusting them with nukes. :disagree:
With desert covering 92 percent of its territory, the kingdom is one of the world’s 10 driest countries

Sounds like a great place for solar, with China pushing prices down and efficiency up why not use some of that desert?
I disagree. It is the very disparity that is preventing the region from going up in flames because the Arabs, even though they have the absolute numerical superiority, fear the nuclear capability of Israel and hence remain within their borders. Once the Arabs go nuclear, very soon its boom-boom time.

And what 'equal-footing' you are speaking about ? Do the Israelis have the numbers of the Arabs for an equal footing to be there ? There can never be an equal footing once the Arabs go nuclear and neither US nor Israel would allow the situation to escalate to that point.

Also when the Arabs cant even get the concept of democracy around their heads there is no point trusting them with nukes. :disagree:

War over what? One needs to understand that the past wars were primarily over land grab and occupation of Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian lands by Israel. Since the 73 war, most of the neighbours of Israel no longer have such territorial disputes or ambitions over Israel. The challenges are with the Palestinian issue and my post does not suggest that Hamas get access to such weapons.

Arab countries think through logically just like any others. Lets get over the hollywood stereotype that paints an idiotic picture of the Arabs or Iranians. Everyone is concerned about self-preservation and as such when each side knows the outcome would be assured mutual destruction, the appetite for war will also be extremely limited.

Lastly, democracy is not a pre-requisite for nuclear weapons. If USSR/Russia and China can handle these weapons, why are Arabs, even without democracy, an exception? You cannot discount the Arabs on the basis of superficial assumptions.

A nuclear Saudi Arabia or Egypt would mean war with the united states and Israel. Unless a friendly country agrees to sell them ready to us:whistle:

How they get it and who will stand in their way were besides the point of my post. Lets say Iran gets them, do you think Israel and US would wage a war against KSA and Egypt or for that matter, Turkey, for getting the same? This a down the rabbit hole situation.

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