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John Kerry calls Shivshankar Menon to express regret about Devyani's treatment; defends US laws

Lol....true. The Indian prosecutor knows his audience! I wonder if he knew she would take it to this level. Real Desi office sh!t!
pretty rich coming from a nation who drone attacks people in AF-PAK border.
from 21'st edition of davidson medicine,page no 246

A rare but important effect of chronic alcohol misuse
is the Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome. This organic brain
disorder results from damage to the mamillary bodies,
dorsomedial nuclei of the thalamus and adjacent areas of
periventricular grey matter. It is caused by a deficiency
of thiamin (vitamin B
), which is most commonly caused
by long-standing heavy drinking and an inadequate
diet. Without prompt treatment (see below), the acute
presentation of Wernicke’s encephalopathy (nystagmus,
ophthalmoplegia, ataxia and confusion) can progress to
the irreversible deficits of Korsakoff’s syndrome (severe
short-term memory deficits and confabulation). In those
who die in the acute stage, microscopic examination of
the brain shows hyperaemia, petechial haemorrhages
and astrocytic proliferation.

this should settle it

There again i highlighted your source, two different conditions.

This settles your absolute stupidity of trying to understand things way beyond your capabilities, i suggest you go back to school and gain some intellligence
Lol....true that! Thanks to a few egos we get this entertainment.

That, there, is the beginning of the Bollywood version of the movie.
I already posted the US made-for-TV version earlier.

This Bollywood version still needs a few more twists and turns -- maybe there's a drug smuggling ring involved somewhere, somehow.

Maybe the DA and the consular officer used to be neighbors, back when they were kids, and both had forgotten...

Ideas, people!
Though she is from a consular office and has a different set of procedures in case of a legal trial, I think she deserves it from an Indian perspective. She brought the typical exploitative and cheating Indian 'maalik/maalkin' mentality over into USA, where she thought she could harrass and cheat her domestic help.
Instead she got a case against her.
If she is guilty of it, I say lock her and her dirty attitude towards those who are lesser than her in income and social status.

Long time no see, are you back after a ban ?

From an 'Indian' perspective, the US embassy in India gave a visa to a maid after knowing that her employer's salary was 4,000 $ a month. So it was clear from DAY 1 that the maid was going to be 'underpaid' as per US Laws.

The question is then WHY DID THE US EMBASSY in India issue the visa to the maid knowing fully well she would be 'exploited' in the US ?

Clearly if anyone is guilty it is the US embassy in India for permitting this Visa fraud. What action as the US taken against its embassy officials ?

HOWEVER, If you feel compelled to believe in a more 1970's Hindi movie kind of situation of 'Maalkin' and 'Naukar', even then the right procedure would be to deport the official back to India for action. Legal or Administrative.

Unless of course you want to US to peep into your own house and preach to you about 'morality' and tell you how to live your lives as per US customs without ANY of the BENEFITS of being a US citizen.

Pick a side real quick.
pretty rich coming from a nation who drone attacks people in AF-PAK border.
Damned right we do...we don't whine like little b!tches...we kill the foreign muck who would stand before us...
That, there, is the beginning of the Bollywood version of the movie.
I already posted the US made-for-TV version earlier.

This Bollywood version still needs a few more twists and turns -- maybe there's a drug smuggling ring involved somewhere, somehow.

Ideas, people!
Please....send me the screen-play. We gonna roll in the Benjis! I assume you got some sick dance numbers!
That's all fine if you specifically accuse her of all this, but how is treating her as a foreigner going to help in all this? Treat her like you treat any other corrupt Indian Leader! What's with this questioning her Nationality every time??
regarding the second part, your strawman invitations are best left unanswered!:agree:

How is she 'treated' as a foreigner ? How do we 'treat' a forigner ?

We rape them ? strip them ? molest them ? try to sell cheap goods to them ? over charge taxi fares for them ?

Which of these 'standard' Indian behavior did Sonia Gandhi have to 'suffer' in India to gain your unwavering sympathy ?

Sure her choosing to stay an Italian citizen for the longest time after coming to India after marrying the Indian PM's son has nothing to do with this case :lol:

Of these yevil yindooo banias.
There again i highlighted your source, two different conditions.

This settles your absolute stupidity of trying to understand things way beyond your capabilities, i suggest you go back to school and gain some intellligence

are u so foolish to realize that they occur with alcohal and effects are visible in totality and not in isolation of one another??

wernicke's progresses to korsakoff only and b1 can't do shit
Damned right we do...we don't whine like little b!tches...we kill the foreign muck who would stand before us...

Calm down now, a sitting US senator was shot down by the Russians and you guys did exactly that, whine!

Even the resolution calling for more whining at the UN was shot down by the Russians.

now again, your killing only happens on banana republics.
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