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JF-17 You Beauty !!!!

I doubt the Saudis were or are ever seriously interested in the Thunder.

The Egyptians on the other hand may be a realistic option depending on the politics of the day.

Welcome to the forum---oh I am sorry---you have been here over 2 years and only 13 times participated here.

So---you are the Ge Kiyani of this board---kept his mouth quiet and became the CinC of pak military.


It was the job of the Paf heirarchy to understand the problems that they would face when they started to produce this aircraft and brought it up for sale.

Before you make a sales pitch---you first need to learn about the mindset of the party interested in your product---what do they want---what are their hot buttons---what turns them on.

To the egyptians / saudis---never show them a product that is not a Tier 1A---means it needs to have all the bells and whistles and it needs to be a complete package---.

Which means---a 2 seater up front---followed by a single seater---. You want to capture their trainer market---and then you want to capture their other market---.

So---basically---the two seater is more important is sales than a single seater---the twin seater leads the way to the sale of a single seater---.

Now this is a 12-15 years setback---how are you going to recover?
They were thinking of Pakistan's needs only.. the export idea hit them later on.. this explains the set back in exports.. they got on a learning curve and they definitely lost some time.. but hopefully they will make up for it when all the export deals are approved and signed..

I doubt the Saudis were or are ever seriously interested in the Thunder.

The Egyptians on the other hand may be a realistic option depending on the politics of the day.
I know what makes you say that, but when the Saudis promise, they deliver, you can expect it without the slightest doubt..
Why do you guys listen to Mastan Khan anyways ... ignoring his posts doesnt take anything away from any topic or thread

47 years old---and with the screen name GriffinsRule---hardly any posts in 2 1/2 years---showing reaction to post on Paf.

What's your rank & serial number fly boy?
I doubt the Saudis were or are ever seriously interested in the Thunder.

The Egyptians on the other hand may be a realistic option depending on the politics of the day.
I doubt it; Egyptians have no money - they are being bank rolled by KSA and serve them, they will opt to purchase anything of much higher value or potency.

Somebody else catching up with you, eh?
COme chaps.... cut it out. other things to discuss.
I agree with you about Egypt having no money and being used by Saudi/UAE.

However, if things do change politically, EAF is a possibility. Firstly, there is precedence for dealing with the Chinese and producing in Egypt with the K-8. Also, JF-17 would seemingly be a perfect replacement for their Mig-21/F-7 and Mirages much like with the PAF.

Its so unfortunate, the stupid in fightings and politics amongst muslim nations that benefit others and keep themselves down.
JF-17M s/n 1704, now 4 jf 17 M is ready for delivery.


I doubt the Saudis were or are ever seriously interested in the Thunder.
JF-17 fits more to geographically small countries, with abundant man power.
Saudi requirement is twin engine, longer loiter time, more pay load and powerful radars.
JF-17 suits more to Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Yemen etc.
Better make money off of HABIBIS while the sun is still shining (Oil money)
JF-17 fits more to geographically small countries, with abundant man power.
Saudi requirement is twin engine, longer loiter time, more pay load and powerful radars.
JF-17 suits more to Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Yemen etc.
JF-17 fits more to geographically small countries, with abundant man power.
Saudi requirement is twin engine, longer loiter time, more pay load and powerful radars.
JF-17 suits more to Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Yemen etc.
Saudi Arabia was operating the F-5s too.. it still needs a second line air power to help in protecting regional targets along with point air defences, and also the need for a light fighter to support land brigades..
If aim-9 can go on f6, ft5 and f7 then .. anyway it can be a mistake as well just put wrong weapon in front of jf but it’s possible may be with alsepod ??
If aim-9 can go on f6, ft5 and f7 then .. anyway it can be a mistake as well just put wrong weapon in front of jf but it’s possible may be with alsepod ??

They key question is which version is it? If it is laser guided then a laser pod will be needed for targeting.

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