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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

if JF-17 block-3 can match F-16 block 60, than the project can be called successful, otherwise its clearly wastage of money and time
Yeah because we r going to fight the 300 su 30, 120 mig29, 200 mig21 & 120 LCA with tomatos? jf17 was waste of money ? clearly all of the above can easily be matched in a2a role by thunder and are inferior to f16b60
no need to entertain every wild thought by anyone ....

JF-17 IS a success by any measurable scale of success in aviation industry ....
well people like you who dont respect difference of opinion are solely responsible for the miserable condition of Pakistan. so its useless to argue with u

Just forget J-10C, if PAF still can get F-16.
yes F16 still the best, but J10-c is better choice with assembly option in Pakistan as compare to JF-17 block-3
well people like you who dont respect difference of opinion are solely responsible for the miserable condition of Pakistan. so its useless to argue with u

yes F16 still the best, but J10-c is better choice with assembly option in Pakistan as compare to JF-17 block-3
Respect for "difference of opinion" is not the cause of Pakistan's ill. This is: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing"
Respect for "difference of opinion" is not the cause of Pakistan's ill. This is: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing"
well if some one cant bear different opinion from other people, than its mean the person is extremist, we have to admit that extremism caused us biggest damage than India.
shut up .... i didn't said anything aggressive or offensive about you ..... so watch your language ...
i just talked about mind set, i didn't went personal with you, But who you to advice others for ignoring my psot
But who you to advice others for ignoring my psot
first develop comprehension skills and learn how to communicate, before going judgemental about others ..... do you even know what a wild thought mean

Just tell where I advised anyone about 'you' or about 'your post' ..... it was a General Comment .... so end this off-topic postings and no need to reply me back I am not interested about your unnecessarily boosted ego .....
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Block-2 roughly comparable to an F-16 in size and role.But in Payload capacity, compared to the F-16, the JF-17 has half the bomb load, 8000 lbs where as F-16 has 16,000 pounds. It only has 20,000 lbs of thrust compared to the F-16’s 30,000 lbs due to which JF-17 top speed is mach 1.8

Block-3 version will be improved one due to AESA radar and a improved RD-93 Engine and this will bring the JF-17 up much closer to true parity with older models of the F-16 but still 20 years behind from today modern fighter jets.
If Jf 17 blk 3 can defeat mki's and M2000s on their own then their purpose is served. If it can match rafale or suprcede vipers then that is a big plus. But as we saw longer range missiles and radars will play a significant role. Even if they miss they will push enemy in defensive mode.
Block-2 roughly comparable to an F-16 in size and role.But in Payload capacity, compared to the F-16, the JF-17 has half the bomb load, 8000 lbs where as F-16 has 16,000 pounds. It only has 20,000 lbs of thrust compared to the F-16’s 30,000 lbs due to which JF-17 top speed is mach 1.8

Block-3 version will be improved one due to AESA radar and a improved RD-93 Engine and this will bring the JF-17 up much closer to true parity with older models of the F-16 but still 20 years behind from today modern fighter jets.
Do you know the cost of F-16 and JF-17 respectively?

And what do you want a lightweight fighter to be?
first develop comprehension skills and learn how to communicate, before going judgemental about others ..... do you even know what a wild thought mean

Just tell where I advised anyone about 'you' or about 'your post' ..... it was a General Comment .... so end this off-topic postings and no need to reply me back I am not interested about your unnecessarily boosted ego .....

Do you know the cost of F-16 and JF-17 respectively?

And what do you want a lightweight fighter to be?

Please understand the teen, he is in learning phase. :coffee:
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