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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

Prove to me " there's hardly any risk of PAF divulging info about critical Chinese tech to other nations".

I'm saying this based on the fact
Dude do u understand English? Did u not see those statements separated by commas?

Let me break it down for u...

"I'm saying this based on the fact that China/Pak have a common enemy in the neighborhood, Pak doesn't oppose Chinese interests nor poses a threat in any way, and there's hardly any risk of PAF divulging info about critical Chinese tech to other nations."

^^this above is what was said in the post...
Now let's take the first part
I'm saying this based on the fact that China/Pak have a common enemy in the neighborhood

...this means that I'm basing my speculations(that came before this paragraph) on the FACT that China/Pak both have a common enemy in the neighborhood. Did u get that? I cannot break it down in any simpler terms

What follows after is separated by commas...SEPARATED

If I wanted to write all three statements as FACTS it would go something like this...

"I'm saying this based on the facts that China/Pak have a common enemy in the neighborhood, Pak doesn't oppose Chinese interests nor poses a threat in any way, and there's hardly any risk of PAF divulging info about critical Chinese tech to other nations."

Did u notice the difference? I changed it to Red/Bold and capitalized/really enlarged the letter S to emphasize that the word "fact" would have to be plural in order to mean more than one(hence including the other two statements as facts)

Now go read it again...and really pay attention to how the word "fact" is used as singular for that statement and that statement ALONE. Anything else in that post is not claimed as a FACT.

So again I ask u...since u r taking such an issue with what I have said as a fact...
Prove to me that China/Pak don't have a common enemy(India) in their neighborhood
I didnt say Pak and China doesnt have a common enemy. Its your fallacy.
No it's not my fallacy...u took an issue with what I claimed as a fact did u not?

Then I showed u what I had claimed as a fact, which was Pak/China having a common enemy(India).

So logic follows that u took an issue with my above statement being presented as a fact.

The onus is on u to prove it otherwise...that is unless u would like to admit that u misunderstood my original post and have needlessly wasted ur time and mine.
Be it if there is or there isnt. Its your assumption.

Dont try to blend it into "based on the facts". Which again is your fallacy.
Lol it is a fact that China and India are enemies and it is a fact that Pakistan and India are enemies.

U can think what u like but it doesn't change the FACTS. If u would like to prove it otherwise be my guest. Don't needlessly waste my time by quoting me. I'm not responsible for ur lack of comprehension skills.
Lol it is a fact that China and India are enemies and it is a fact that Pakistan and India are enemies.

U can think what u like but it doesn't change the FACTS. If u would like to prove it otherwise be my guest. Don't needlessly waste my time by quoting me. I'm not responsible for ur lack of comprehension skills.
@Cookie Monster he is trying engage you in unnecessary and off-topic debate to derail the thread ignore him
Again its your assumption. I did not say Pak and China doesnt have common enemy.

The original discussion was with security interest of the chinese.

Stop twisting your argument and coming out with fallacy "based on the facts".

You are responsible for your comprehension skills.
Stop saying fallacy bcuz u clearly don't know what it means.

As for the FACT vs FACTS...
Do u not get simple singular/plural concept? R u that stupid?

If I claim a fact...it would be exactly that...

This is ur lesson of the day...learn singular/plural

Once that gets through ur head, which I can see will take a while, ur next lesson would be learning about commas.

@Cookie Monster he is trying engage you in unnecessary and off-topic debate to derail the thread ignore him
I assume u've dealt with this idiot before? Is he actually this stupid or is he just acting like this to derail the thread?
Yes i agree that Pak is deeply involved with the project. Why dont you prove me right? We can go both ways.
You are arguing for the sake of arguing. What is the point. You are derailing the thread. So Iam reporting you as a possible false flagger and someone who derails threads for no rhyme or reason.
SO much for "throwing slang unnecessarily"

Go through this, you will find some useful info in it.

It is a joint project in a true sense. A team of 35 engineers were sent to Chengdu back in 1996 to work, share and learn from more experienced Chinese friends. Of course they have had an aviation industry since fifties and we had none. We had to start from somewhere.


If you still insist, read here..

Pakistan has sent a dozen aeronautical engineers in Chengdu, China, to work for sino-pakistanese aircraft manufacturing cooperation in AVIC subsidiary. They are designing and producing FC-1 fighter aircraft, also called JF-17 Thunder in Pakistan.

Besides learning from chinese experience, pakistani experts give chinese teams operational directions so they can integrate them in the design of the aircraft.

Very interesting and informative discussions have been done on this specific thread. I have been following this thread or the previous episodes of this thread for many years now.
Kindly for our sake (silent readers) and others too don't derail the thread. Agree to disagree and move on.

I have no issues with Pak engineers working on JF17 with evident of Pak being able to assemble in Pakistan.

Now that you are proven wrong, it is time to admit it and let the thread stay on topic.
Looks like mb seats are being installed ??
No ejection seats currently ??

Yes this is when ejection seats were being installed .... the black and white picture is much recent as seats are installed.... i didnt take the pic my friend send it to me
Since when did i said Pak engineers didnt worked on JF17?

Stop derailing the thread.

Yes you did a couple of pages ago.

Yea just like JF17 is designed by Pakistani engineers in Chengdu :tup:

Show some dignity and share something useful, else spare the thread.
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