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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

So, the spine does contain additional avionics and not the fuel. The green panels are compartments to house additional fuel.


What is the source of this pic to confirm jf b being in pac kamra ??

The pedestal fan in the background.
So, the spine does contain additional avionics and not the fuel. The green panels are compartments to house additional fuel.


The pedestal fan in the background.
first time i am reading green panels show fuel area, originally i thought it mean composite use
i am wondering why taking so much time for block 3(2 years if 2019/20 is true time frame) if no structural changes are to be made
So, the spine does contain additional avionics and not the fuel. The green panels are compartments to house additional fuel.


The pedestal fan in the background.

Green areas are composite panels not fuel sources. And there are both avionics and fuel located in the spine, obviously in different areas.

first time i am reading green panels show fuel area, originally i thought it mean composite use
i am wondering why taking so much time for block 3(2 years if 2019/20 is true time frame) if no structural changes are to be made
I think the major reason is that they are changing many of the key components, especially the FBW system and radar with a possibility of the engine. They are also somewhat changing the structure to be more in line with Jf-17b. All of those things take time to test and certify amd then they need to construct and test it in the tge actual bird with a pilot whom you dont want dying because you rushed the testing of these systems
first time i am reading green panels show fuel area, originally i thought it mean composite use
i am wondering why taking so much time for block 3(2 years if 2019/20 is true time frame) if no structural changes are to be made

These panels are made from composites and they serve dual purposes, also contain fuel cells to store fuel. Refer to this, the green colored fuel cells on early blocks.
These panels are made from composites and they serve dual purposes, also contain fuel cells to store fuel. Refer to this, the green colored fuel cells on early blocks.
View attachment 456632
so fuel under the seats and on the central stabilizer..should compensate for the lost given wing size increases and fuselage being more lengthy

They are also somewhat changing the structure to be more in line with Jf-17b.
this would interesting, adding 1-2 hard points under fuselage?, more fuel?, CFTs?..let see
so fuel under the seats and on the central stabilizer..should compensate for the lost given wing size increases and fuselage being more lengthy

this would interesting, adding 1-2 hard points under fuselage?, more fuel?, CFTs?..let see

Its too early to say, but changes are quite evident, and usually such alterations are done to accommodate something new be more fuel or hardpoint. MY guess is that it is going to be a bit of both.
i would be surprised if i dont see at least 1 more hard point/ or 2, rd mk/93ma and much more fuel and change in dimensions to extent like jf-17b
its both a requirement and would explain the lag period of 2+ years?, otherwise jump would have been as smooth as block 1 to 2
So, the spine does contain additional avionics and not the fuel. The green panels are compartments to house additional fuel.
Half of spine has fuel, plus Tail has fuel in B version :D.
On side note, unlike earlier Jf17, B version tail is entirely made up of composite material.
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Wonder how long before the say "**** it" and just call it JF-19 or JF-21. It seems to have quite a lot of differnces from baseline Thunders.
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