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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

Both the MLU and block-52 are able to and are serious air threats to ANY IAF fighter. Are you aware of what exact equipment fit they have?
Suggest you look into it.

As for numbers of aircraft, they are sufficient for any engagement beyond a full scale war.

PAKISTAN Will lose a full scale war

PAKISTAN will lose a full scale war

Hopefully stating it twice should make it clear.
But in any scenario where we are losing, the nuclear weapons will come out.

Before the usual absurdity of "traitor PAF" and other unintelligent statements come out from certain quarters, please ask yourself on the budget of Pakistan Air force(if you know the EXACT figures versus IAF) , the economy of Pakistan (Versus India) and how much tax do you or your family pay, who do you vote and elect and so on.

All of these factor into what force structure you end up with at the end of the day. The rest is opinions which are 90% uninformed.

What the PAF has today and will have is the best it could get with the handicaps both external and internal.
Sir i am in 100% agreement with you but my opinion is still the same we should not rely on nukes and conventional capability should be for winning the war and not for even stale mate ... even for that if we have to eat grass or to freeze all unexplanable foreign and domestic assets of zardaris shareefs chudhries and all other criminals ...

This is do or die situation ... if we dont want to be another bagladesh and dont want to be satellite state of india then we should make ourselves strong ...
wanted to ask you one more thing can a block 2 be upgraded to block 3 in future or structural changes wont permit it.
Block 2 upgrading to Block 3 is only limited to avionics such as HMD/S , IRST , Advanced EW suites and better weaponry with a bit airframe modifications wherever possible to reduce weight. But things you wont see on upgraded block 1/2 are -

●AESA radar

●High composite usage

●More payload capacity


●Airframe changes
Thunder will continue developing, and possibly morph into the next generation aircraft in time, so no upper limit on lifetime Thunder acquisition can safely be placed at the moment, but a minimum of 250 is a safe bet.
The work on the post block 3 has already started in earnest. Whereas we'll acquire 5th gen through one channel or the other, there is need for indigenous next gen aircraft with our own AESA. And these are targets that recently our air chief was alluding to.
Sorry to hurt your feelings fellow brother but where did you get this fake news of Post block 3 upgrade work has started.
Sir i am in 100% agreement with you but my opinion is still the same we should not rely on nukes and conventional capability should be for winning the war and not for even stale mate ... even for that if we have to eat grass or to freeze all unexplanable foreign and domestic assets of zardaris shareefs chudhries and all other criminals ...

This is do or die situation ... if we dont want to be another bagladesh and dont want to be satellite state of india then we should make ourselves strong ...
Yes we should
Can we afford it?
That is the question. Regardless of all tall claims made, actual records including government and non government publications indicate that Pakistan does not have the budgetary capability to achieve this.

The rest is wishful thinking and not reality. Reality is right now there is a PAF tender where the incharge is insisting on a piece of equipment and not accepting alternative and not giving any reason for it-
You tell me, what is the reason for someone telling you they only want A and not telling you why?
Yes we should
Can we afford it?
That is the question. Regardless of all tall claims made, actual records including government and non government publications indicate that Pakistan does not have the budgetary capability to achieve this.

The rest is wishful thinking and not reality. Reality is right now there is a PAF tender where the incharge is insisting on a piece of equipment and not accepting alternative and not giving any reason for it-
You tell me, what is the reason for someone telling you they only want A and not telling you why?
So dear sir , what are your views on ACM saheb , As always claimed by Sir Mastan Khan before that all of these chiefs need to secur3 green cards and all. Is this true or you disagree with it?
So dear sir , what are your views on ACM saheb , As always claimed by Sir Mastan Khan before that all of these chiefs need to secur3 green cards and all. Is this true or you disagree with it?
Mastan Khan has an opinion just like all of us. Whether we agree with it or not is a different point. Most of us with a few exceptions express opinions and within reason are allowed to do so. If you have query regarding MKs post I suggest you ask him rather than Oscar. If you have a question by all means go ahead and we will endeavour to answer it.
So dear sir , what are your views on ACM saheb , As always claimed by Sir Mastan Khan before that all of these chiefs need to secur3 green cards and all. Is this true or you disagree with it?
I dont believe in making up things and accusations unless I am first party to it or the source is solid.

It is a national habit to assign conspiracies or make up stories to sound important- seems to follow Pakistanis around regardless of where they live.

As an example, massive conspiracies were thrown around even by some supposed informed circles on the fokker crash that killed ACM mushaf.

At the end it was NOTHING more than the pilot trying to show off his flying skills to the chief by making a lower than usual approach between two peaks- aircraft got caught in wind sheer common near such steep landmarks and slammed into the ground.

All 9/11 conspiracy theory and the rest are just the delusions of uninformed or attention seeking minds
All 9/11 conspiracy theory and the rest are just the delusions of uninformed or attention seeking minds
but jet fuel can't melt steel beams :P
Mastan Khan has an opinion just like all of us. Whether we agree with it or not is a different point. Most of us with a few exceptions express opinions and within reason are allowed to do so. If you have query regarding MKs post I suggest you ask him rather than Oscar. If you have a question by all means go ahead and we will endeavour to answer it.
i respected Sir MK from my first day on pdf and will always..he is very well educated person in the field of mil aviation or atleast Airforce issues...i was just seek8ng Sir Oscar's opinion too on this one as i was pretty confused on this statement.
Sir i am in 100% agreement with you but my opinion is still the same we should not rely on nukes and conventional capability should be for winning the war and not for even stale mate ... even for that if we have to eat grass or to freeze all unexplanable foreign and domestic assets of zardaris shareefs chudhries and all other criminals ...

This is do or die situation ... if we dont want to be another bagladesh and dont want to be satellite state of india then we should make ourselves strong ...


You are 110% correct---.

Conventional strength makes a monster out of pakistan---.

Nuclear strength---makes it a weakling---.

Look at Israel---no one knows about it nuc program---but look at its conventional strength---more than enough to smash thru all its enemies at one go---.

The question muslim pakistanis need to ask---why is the Yid so consumed by conventional strength---when it has enough resource to demolish all the middle east and more---.

The next question to be asked is---are the Yids following the Golda Meir's actions of following the example of Prophet Mohammad PBUH?

Pakistan and Paf has been resting on its laurels---and the U S has been digging deeper and deeper into where Paks nuc assets lay---.

They believe that out of 13 places / locations---the U S knows about 4 of them---that was 2 years + ago---.

But my information says that the U S knows between 7-9 locations by now.

Once all the sites are known---with its quick deployment force in GCC and those 10000 visas given---it thinks that within 30-60 minutes---once the word go is given---those sites would all be neutralized---.

Maybe a site or two be able to launch the first missiles---and that would be all---and these missile could be intercepted thru anti missile missile batteries---.

The thing is---that in order for your INSURANCE to work right---you ought to have a GUARANTEE---and that Guarantee is air superiority and heavy strike platforms---.

You know a very interesting thing---al the pakistan air force personal and some of theor cohorts on this board have not moved an inch from their beliefs that the Paf may have committed a folly----or there maybe error in assessment somewhere---.

Each one of those members is 100% solid convinced of the Paf's stand---and those members have not moved an inch from the stand they took for the last 10 years that I have talked to them---.

And that is extremely worrisome---. You have to look at it this way---an organization that bought a sanction prone aircraft---an organization that lived in sanction for 10 + years---an organization that has not bought single high performance aircraft in the last 15 1/2 years---how can that prganizations word be trusted---.

The more important issue here is---what kind of people are we dealing with who still live with conviction of what the Paf does---. That issue is the most intriguing---.

You are 110% correct---.

Conventional strength makes a monster out of pakistan---.

Nuclear strength---makes it a weakling---.

Look at Israel---no one knows about it nuc program---but look at its conventional strength---more than enough to smash thru all its enemies at one go---.

The question muslim pakistanis need to ask---why is the Yid so consumed by conventional strength---when it has enough resource to demolish all the middle east and more---.

The next question to be asked is---are the Yids following the Golda Meir's actions of following the example of Prophet Mohammad PBUH?

Pakistan and Paf has been resting on its laurels---and the U S has been digging deeper and deeper into where Paks nuc assets lay---.

They believe that out of 13 places / locations---the U S knows about 4 of them---that was 2 years + ago---.

But my information says that the U S knows between 7-9 locations by now.

Once all the sites are known---with its quick deployment force in GCC and those 10000 visas given---it thinks that within 30-60 minutes---once the word go is given---those sites would all be neutralized---.

Maybe a site or two be able to launch the first missiles---and that would be all---and these missile could be intercepted thru anti missile missile batteries---.

The thing is---that in order for your INSURANCE to work right---you ought to have a GUARANTEE---and that Guarantee is air superiority and heavy strike platforms---.

You know a very interesting thing---al the pakistan air force personal and some of theor cohorts on this board have not moved an inch from their beliefs that the Paf may have committed a folly----or there maybe error in assessment somewhere---.

Each one of those members is 100% solid convinced of the Paf's stand---and those members have not moved an inch from the stand they took for the last 10 years that I have talked to them---.

And that is extremely worrisome---. You have to look at it this way---an organization that bought a sanction prone aircraft---an organization that lived in sanction for 10 + years---an organization that has not bought single high performance aircraft in the last 15 1/2 years---how can that prganizations word be trusted---.

The more important issue here is---what kind of people are we dealing with who still live with conviction of what the Paf does---. That issue is the most intriguing---.

Plz transfer 20 billion dollars into PAF's account and I'll start the campaign to buy 50 Rafales and invest in the Russian PAK FA immediately. Heck, with that kind of money on the table France may even cancel its contract with India, who knows.

Oh wait, you don't have 20 billion dollars. You are a used car salesman. You have been promoting used aircrafts for PAF. And funnily enough, although you portray the PAF as a bunch of flying pussies, the PAF adopted a definitely aggressive posture in the aftermath of the uri attack and Mr. Modi was found bleating ineffective threats throughout. I remember @Windjammer posts saying the smaller JF-17s are making SU-30s turn their tails at the border.

The fact of the matter is, there is enough hate in India that they would fly a couple aircraft and engage in a limited precision attack... if they could. The haven't, and they can't.

Where I do agree with you is on the security of our nukes. We need to do more in two areas.

1. We lack strategic depth. Afghanistan could have been our strategic depth. The people responsible for this situation are criminals.

2. Air defence and missile defence. That means investing in the likes of S-400, NOT second hand Mirage-2K-9.
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Members: Kindly avoid personal attacks and non-serious posting that discussion must remain on subject with civility, manners and productive.



Please note that where a person has been employing car salesman like underhanded tactics and has collected a following around his toxic and accusatory stories, it is important to call out his profession because it becomes important.

I want to take this opportunity to register my utter amazement that retired and serving officers of upstanding character are labeled traitors and not once has a moderator intervened, yet the sentiments of a single user hiding behind an internet handle requires moderator notices?

This guy is responsible for sowing dejection and using despair to forward a certain agenda.. Mediocracy is a mentality, and if left to fester, becomes an ethos. What worries me is some youngster on boarding the message and then getting commission in PAF and rising in ranks with the wrong perceptions. If you guys csn do more to counter this toxic propaganda, I seriously have no wish to call out anyone's profession. Thank you.
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