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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

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Oh really? Source?

Straight from the horse's mouth. An Engineer in the Aeronautics team of JF-17, designation withheld upon request. The team that went to China to start the project.

Cant give more as it will have that person royally screwed if not already.
hey bro, can you tell me what is the progress of JF-17 block iii ? and what will be its price ?

There is no progress apart from basic concepts. At this point there is no finalized configuration and hence no final price. That being said, there is very little chance of it being "stealthy" as is shown in such fantasy photoshops.
There is no progress apart from basic concepts. At this point there is no finalized configuration and hence no final price. That being said, there is very little chance of it being "stealthy" as is shown in such fantasy photoshops.

What of an AESA integration, fitting in the cooling unit would be dicey with the amount of space, no?
There is no progress apart from basic concepts. At this point there is no finalized configuration and hence no final price. That being said, there is very little chance of it being "stealthy" as is shown in such fantasy photoshops.

Damn, we have big interest in JF-17 :(
Damn, we have big interest in JF-17 :(

It's still good for what it is, and it will be "stealthier" than the other blks, but it won't be a stealth aircraft like the PS picture.

Still, that PS photo looks cool, too bad you can tell it's fake.
What of an AESA integration, fitting in the cooling unit would be dicey with the amount of space, no?
yara it's a waste of money , why use AESA when the KLJ-7 has 100km + range and the AWACS can share data with JFT ?
yara it's a waste of money , why use AESA when the KLJ-7 has 100km + range and the AWACS can share data with JFT ?

Range is not what sets an AESA apart. :disagree: Otherwise there are perhaps 2 or so A-ESA sensors that can "outrange" the bars and yet the MKI upgrade includes an AESA.
Range is not what sets an AESA apart. :disagree: Otherwise there are perhaps 2 or so A-ESA sensors that can "outrange" the bars and yet the MKI upgrade includes an AESA.
We have the Saab 2000 Erieye and KJ-200 !!!
Modern MSA will give as much range as AESA of a similar sort. That's not what sets it apart.

Even so, KLJ-7 is sufficient for our needs in the immediate future.
AESA upgrades given the current crunch and the numbers that PAF has tasked the JF-17, it's not feasible to have costly upgrades.
What of an AESA integration, fitting in the cooling unit would be dicey with the amount of space, no?

The cooling is the only issue keeping AESA integration from happening. The radar is there, the power for it is there.. just no space to fit the cooling.

We have the Saab 2000 Erieye and KJ-200 !!!

Think of it this way, the difference between an AESA radar is the same as the difference between a older digital camera and a newer one with the same megapixels. Both get the same picture, except one just does it much faster.
The cooling is the only issue keeping AESA integration from happening. The radar is there, the power for it is there.. just no space to fit the cooling.
so we're looking at some major changes in the airframe specially the nose and the fuselage ?
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