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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

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Any news on new hard points for targeting pods and jammers??
http://img252.iBy Siva Govindasamy

China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation (stand W110), which markets China-made military aviation products globally, is in talks with several countries to sell the Hongdu L-15 advanced jet trainer and Chengdu JF-17 fighter.

"We are talking to about five to six countries for each aircraft, and air force pilots from some of them have already flown test flights," says Ma Zhiping, president of CATIC. He is unable to say when the first deals will be signed, but he adds that there will be several "traditional and non-traditional" customers in the coming years.

Ma declines to specify which countries are interested, and would only say that they are mainly in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and South America. At the show, the Chinese delegation had meetings with countries including Iraq, Sudan, Mauritania, the United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, Pakistan and Egypt. Outside the show, they have also met officials from countries including the Philippines, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Venezuela

"Different countries have different requirements and we have to try to cater to them. This includes operational and financial requirements. We provide very capable aircraft at a very reasonable price compared to what else there is in the market," says Ma.

"One of the biggest problems for many of our customers is financing. Many are developing countries and their payment abilities are limited. We work with the Chinese government in these cases to help them get cheap credit."

For potential JF-17 customers, China is willing to help them set up an assembly line or produce components for the aircraft. This will be similar to the arrangement with Pakistan for the JF-17, and earlier with Egypt for the Hongdu K-8 intermediate jet trainer and light attack aircraft.

"Some of the countries want to develop a defence industry, and we can do with them what we have done with Pakistan and Egypt," says Ma. "We have been selling aircraft for the last 30 years, but it is only in the last 10 that we have really started to make a mark in the international markets.

"Our presence in Dubai has doubled from the last time we were here, and that shows how serious we are. We will make an impact in the market for military products the coming yearsmageshack.us/img252/5323/45060499.jpg
considering venezula blindly buying chinese products this definitely a possibility..
its better for venezula to go for russian air craft than chinese ..
russia will offer other weapons too

" LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS ". The cat is out of the bag----what comes out of the rumour mills has no stamp of validity in it---just a word of caution and keeping the ears open for further tidbit---like filling in a jigsaw puzzle.

The impact of this news is way different than anything else that has come out so far---the way it has been delivered---and the place from where it has been delivered---the manner of the information obtained---.

Not all news releases have the same effect---most of them don't even see the light of the day---others are so extremely explosive in nature that those who are not even interested, are in tune.

This is what this news has done---. I also want to remind my colleagues that don't take this check and run to the bank to cash it---the deposits are not there yet.
The FC-1 / JF-17 features a ‘glass cockpit’ with three large multifunctional displays (Chinese Internet)

" LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS ". The cat is out of the bag----what comes out of the rumour mills has no stamp of validity in it---just a word of caution and keeping the ears open for further tidbit---like filling in a jigsaw puzzle.

The impact of this news is way different than anything else that has come out so far---the way it has been delivered---and the place from where it has been delivered---the manner of the information obtained---.

Not all news releases have the same effect---most of them don't even see the light of the day---others are so extremely explosive in nature that those who are not even interested, are in tune.

This is what this news has done---. I also want to remind my colleagues that don't take this check and run to the bank to cash it---the deposits are not there yet.

Mastan and Adeos.
While i understand and sympathize with your point of view, I still think the posts went through, neither Pshamim, nor Usman nor HKhan give any impression about this having been a great discovery and in fact some of Munirs posts are equally revealing. One of the first thing that stuck in my mind was that there were a few confirmations of things which were already on the forum. There was some technical information which would not have mattered much to most people. I think on this forum nabil has previously hinted at a lot of what was said about a yr ago as well as other sources have divulged the same. I do see where you are coming from , but i dont see the point to worry about it too much. Lets leave it at that and move on.

" LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS ". The cat is out of the bag----what comes out of the rumour mills has no stamp of validity in it---just a word of caution and keeping the ears open for further tidbit---like filling in a jigsaw puzzle.

The impact of this news is way different than anything else that has come out so far---the way it has been delivered---and the place from where it has been delivered---the manner of the information obtained---.

Not all news releases have the same effect---most of them don't even see the light of the day---others are so extremely explosive in nature that those who are not even interested, are in tune.

This is what this news has done---. I also want to remind my colleagues that don't take this check and run to the bank to cash it---the deposits are not there yet.

Sir jee,

are you a poet?
The impact of this news is way different than anything else that has come out so far---the way it has been delivered---and the place from where it has been delivered---the manner of the information obtained---.
Sir, which news are we talking about here? The dual-seat version? The news regarding the SD-10s? The supposed export reports?

Also, why is this ground-breaking news? Isn't this mostly stuff we all expected sooner or later?
Sir, which news are we talking about here? The dual-seat version? The news regarding the SD-10s? The supposed export reports?

Also, why is this ground-breaking news? Isn't this mostly stuff we all expected sooner or later?


Thankyou for posting it on the other place---it did stir up some sh-it.


World of espionage is like a crossword puzzle--the news comes in with bits and pieces and all those pieces are put together on a wall paper not knowing which one would fit where---over the period of time---the wallpaper gathers dust waiting for something spectacular to happen.

Secondly---there is a lots of misconception as to how an enemy or an opponent carries out its spying missions against the opponent----and it is most UNLIKE what people see in the movies.

Most of the information is gathered from disgruntled workers---workers who are sitting together at a coffee shop---a tea house---a liquor bar and venting out their grieviences---or just simply talking too much under the influence of wine and liquor---and just the slip of the tongue lets the secret out---that kind of information and leakage is what any business complex or the government fears the most regarding any sensitive issue.

With this un-intentional leak---now some blackmail also comes into picture as well.

Then the next one is children and family members of personale working in sensitie places---they have over heard their elders talking about stuff that had no reason to eavesdrop---now they want to show how knowledgeable they are---and to get a leg up---they will spill the bean on a web-site like this.

All that news that you were talking about---was rumours---it may happen---it may not happen---information---disinformation.

This news---the way it has come out is legitimate---the timing of the news---due to the focus of interested and not so interested parties on Zhuhai has given this news legs that it never had---this news is like a bombshell--given the timing----the location of the interview.

It would definitely increase the interest of the buyers.


Thanks for your post---pshamim is a good man---Hkhan and Usman---let me not indulge.

Keeping pshamim out---the other two have never come up with anything original----.

The paf had put a lid on what had been coming out of the assembly line for awhile---it was a pressure cooker out there---and this pressure valve should never had been released in such a callous manner.

Now we have given our enemies a two years handicap---.
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