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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

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1 « Pakisatan Forces Picture and Video
Does anybody know whether the JF-17 will be participating at the Dubai Airshow scheduled to be held in November?

Or any PAF A/C?
Does anybody know whether the JF-17 will be participating at the Dubai Airshow scheduled to be held in November?

Or any PAF A/C?

if they have the budget they usually do participate in the Dubai airshow. in the last version the K-8 team of Sherdils performed.
Thanks for posting so many Nice pics bro.
is it going to be fitted on JFT ?
LONDON July 26 news: July 25, according to Russian military news network reported that the British "Air Force Magazine," July 2011 on an issue of up to 24-page article detailing China and Pakistan jointly developed the JF-17 " Lightning "/ FC-1" Fierce Dragon "fighter, especially R & D history, the project progress, structural characteristics, although the apparent color of subjective tendencies and advertising, but without losing the fun. Russian readers may also cause some interest, because the "Fierce Dragon" superior performance, the price is not high, the attractiveness of the larger developing countries, export prospects.   "Air Force Magazine," that talking about the "Fierce Dragon" fighter project, can not ignore the fact that the Pakistan Air Force is involved in the development so far the only fighter. Pakistan Air Force Chief of Staff of Sulaiman stressed that this is Pakistan's nuclear tests in 1998 were U.S. and European sanctions against the special circumstances of the decision. He said: "Sanctions and (using) the increase is the development of new aircraft, the main reason for replacing aging aircraft, and cooperation with China is the most sensible for us is the most economically favorable decision."   JF-17 as a kind of a new generation of lightweight multifunctional fighter, in any weather conditions 24 hours a day fighting with. It uses the glass cockpit, with excellent ergonomics of the "hands on the bar" type flight control system can effectively reduce the pilot workload. "Fierce Dragon" maximum speed of 1.6 Mach, thrust-weight is relatively large, is an excellent fighter. As the Pakistan Air Force fighters after killing the target over the horizon do not have the ability, it has been possible to enhance and improve close air combat tactics, and reached a very high standard. According to unconfirmed information, in 2008, "Anatolian Eagle" exercise, the Pakistan Air Force F-16 aircraft results 3-0 win over Europe, "Typhoon" aircraft. Pakistan in the design of JF-17 without forget the full advantage of this air combat techniques, and using the Chinese developed a very advanced SD-10A medium-range air to air missiles, the fourth generation after the aircraft has been equipped with anti-air BVR goals. JF-17 can use the Chinese developed "Charlie-5E" short-range missiles and medium-range SD-10 air to air missiles, including the "Fierce Dragon" aircraft July 17, 2010 the first successful launch of "Charlie-5EII" missile, marking the entire aircraft project into a new and important phase. Prior to the Pakistan Air Force in April 2010 the "high standard" exercise, the "Fierce Dragon" has been fully demonstrated their ability to attack successfully throwing 500 pounds and 2000 pounds-level aerial bombs, hitting the target for the training venue.   Russian media noted that in 2010 the "Fierce Dragon" fighter extravaganza Farnborough Air Show air show before, many people are still the "Fierce Dragon" also need a lot of time as a research and development of a conceptual product, not enough to enter the European fighter market leading products, but also have not tried with the European fighter "Typhoon", "Gripen", "gust", or the U.S. aviation industry product F-15, F-16 or F-22 competition, snatch international market. As the "Fierce Dragon" the development side, Pakistan card Ratko Aviation Industry Group and China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation would want this product to occupy a larger market share, after all, this is a 21st century modern fighters, the price much lower than similar products in the West, the performance is no less, and is equipped with very advanced systems. Pakistan believes that the "Fierce Dragon" to help the Near East, Middle East, Far East, Africa and Latin America to achieve their long-awaited air changes. If necessary, the CMB can be also introduced two versions of the "Fierce Dragon", a number with a more affordable price, performance was no less of Chinese airborne radio equipment and weapons, a Western with a complex airborne radio equipment. In short, all by the client's budget and needs. Many countries now have the "Fierce Dragon" very interested, after all, the aircraft cost-effective for many developing countries is a good choice.   Russian media said, "Xiaolong" R & D dates back to the late 1980s. In 1989 the grounds of the United States to Pakistan to develop nuclear weapons freeze 71 F-16 fighter delivery agreement, while prohibiting the Northrop - Grumman to help Pakistan develop a new generation fighter aircraft "over 7", the Chinese F-7 aircraft the further development of model fighter. Since then Pakistan Air Force bitter experience, that as soon as possible to get rid of sanctions and endless blackmail the United States, decided to continue cooperation with China has independently developed light fighter. 1992 China and Pakistan signed the relevant agreement, agreed to three joint research project based fighter concept, the drafting of the new aircraft's performance and operational requirements, and create the basis for the development of the Palestinian National aviation industry, joint efforts to promote new products to third countries. 1995 agreed on the specific requirements of the new aircraft, the Pakistan Air Force fighters and China signed a memorandum of understanding to set up a new office responsible for project implementation. 1996 Pakistan Air Force "Super 7" fighter design is approved, two years after the Pakistani government signed a further agreement to implement the project-specific, the company decided to start with China as the production prototype to fly, code-named FC-1 "owl Long, "China to help train Pakistani Air Force pilots and engineers. Early in the project, the Palestinian side only 50% of the overall workload in the Pakistan Air Force to get 150 aircraft, will be one hundred percent by the Pakistani aviation sector is responsible for new aircraft production. But the United States and Europe in October 1999 because of India and Pakistan have conducted nuclear tests and the outbreak of armed conflict on bilateral sanctions, leading to "super 7" project in trouble again, Western companies involved in the project can not get the necessary export licenses, so that China and Pakistan is facing many new technical problems. Pakistan Air Force then decided to use China-made system to be replaced, but the initial progress is not smooth. In November 2000 Pakistan Air Force Chief of Staff Ali - Mir important recommendations, the overall progress of the project that led to the slow flying airborne systems and separate R & D platform itself, for go hand in hand, hoping to end of the project overall R & D fighter, airborne radio-electronic equipment was to achieve a more advanced level. Ten years later proved that this decision is correct.   Russian media said the Pakistan Air Force after seizing every opportunity to actively study the ability to install a variety of aircraft equipment and systems. August 25, 2003 China to achieve a "super -7" fighter's first flight. Pakistan Air Force said its "super -7" officially renamed the JF-17, the "Joint Fighter-17", intended to reflect the aircraft's Pakistani origin, the number "17" means it is more than the Pakistan army was the most advanced F-16 also advanced. The first prototype flight in eight months after the April 9, 2004 test samples of the second frame machine PT-3 launch in Chengdu, the next day the Pakistan Air Force pilots flew the first flight. The end of 2006, the Pakistan Air Force has been testing four prototypes, the first five have started ground testing. PT-4 and PT-6 equipped with China's radio-electronic equipment, including PT-4 August 2009 delivery on the Palestinian side, for flight certification in Pakistan, which became the basis of the JF-17 sample. After China re-design of JF-17 inlet, switch to non-separated Road supersonic inlet, the DSI using the most advanced technology to improve engine efficiency and reduce landing speed, reduced takeoff and landing roll distance, reducing the infrared radiation characteristics. This aircraft under adverse conditions of combat use is an important advantage, is the dream of Pakistan Air Force. At that time the only use of foreign aircraft in the United States similar to the inlet of the fifth generation fighter F-35.   In addition to China 4 prototype test, the eight small-batch production of the "Fierce Dragon" all delivered in 2007-2008, the Palestinian side. Use the first two transport aircraft delivered in February 2007, Kamla, after the successful assembly of Pakistan on March 2 in the aviation industry within the group completed its first flight, finishing on March 23 Pakistani flag, took part in the Pakistan National Day military parade . After the first production aircraft type "Fierce Dragon" (No. 07-101) also use a special pattern, painted in national colors of Brazil, and still in use. February 18, 2010 Pakistan Air Force JF-17 fighter pilot squadron incorporated into the 26th Air Force, before April of that year with 12 "Fierce Dragon", including the first flight of production aircraft. 26 unit responsible for assessing the "Fierce Dragon" flight performance testing airborne radio electronic equipment and weapons systems, training fleet pilots, most of them flying from the 7th Brigade, has experience serving in the air defense forces, driving the "Phantom IIIEA "or F-16 fighter, is rich in airborne radar using skills.   Russian media said the April 11, 2011 JF-17 project is completed another important phase of work. Pakistan Air Force 26th Air Force rotations to Peshawar, began to equip the new JF-17, all models of the future will be "Fierce Dragon" test. China and Pakistan prepared to "Fierce Dragon" throughout the service period of its five major modern improvements, priority is to install air refueling system, integrated infrared target acquisition and tracking system. Pakistan Aviation Industry Group is now the "Phantom" fighter install air refueling system, in order to master new technologies, gain the experience necessary to carry out similar to the JF-17 conversion work. Now the 26th Battalion priority for the new production of the "Fierce Dragon" fighter pilot training, but also for the Pakistani army is continuing significance of the airborne-ground weapons testing. Now weapons testing and other experiments are being conducted simultaneously. In order to ensure that the aircraft has a high operational effectiveness, "Fierce Dragon" equipped with a large number of various types of weapons systems, including conventional weapons and high-precision weapons, and the complex radio-electronic equipment and precision navigation system. In addition, the "Fierce Dragon" still in Chinese-made C-802 anti-ship missiles, the first phase of integration is expected to soon be tested. Advanced airborne radio electronic equipment to ensure the "Fierce Dragon" battlefield survivability, with aerial refueling capability to stay in the air after longer, with the border areas in Pakistan to implement any desired location against the ability to more effectively protect national security.   Pakistan aviation industry a few years to consider a variety of "Fierce Dragon" airborne radar configuration, including the Pakistan Air Force in a very popular Italian Grifo radar, had been in "Phantom", F-7P, F-7PG aircraft. Pakistan must be specifically requested radar receiver is compatible with airborne weapons systems, to ensure that medium-range air to air missiles can be used. Although the aircraft was originally certified to debug and radio electronic equipment was used when the Grifo S radar, but the Pakistan Air Force or for the first eight small group of "Fierce Dragon" chose China's independently developed KLJ-7 radar. This is a multi-standard Doppler radar, the main advantage is the compact, small size, search range, and advanced performance, high resolution, ideal for the "Fierce Dragon" fighter. JF-17 as the search target, the primary means to guide weapons, KLJ-7 radar, radio-electronic equipment by modern 1553/1760 interface and weapons systems integrated into a whole, and thus continue to enhance the performance of the aircraft have the potential to use both Chinese weapons, can use Western weapons, especially with China SD-10A air missile performance has increased significantly. In addition, the Pakistan Air Force is also considering using a similar medium-range missiles and Western airborne radio electronic equipment, to ensure that JF-17 become so frightened of enemy air defense platform.   Russian media said the first batch of 50 JF-17 aircraft, including eight in Chinese-made small batches, and the Palestinian side assembly 42 high-volume, full use of China airborne radio electronic equipment, plans to be delivered in early 2012 Pakistan Air Force. The second batch of 50 JF-17 procurement contract was May 19, 2011 signed. Pakistan still hoping to get Western airborne radio electronic equipment, because the JF-17's biggest advantage is that it's fully open, and never confined to a single configuration. In addition, Pakistan plans to gradually put national industries in the "Fierce Dragon" co-production projects in the proportion increased to 80%, including Kamla assembled in China KLJ-7 airborne radar. Pakistan Air Force, a senior official said: "Two years ago I had the French said, if you do not help us, not to provide radio-electronic equipment, then we will let you believe that a few years the Chinese people can also create a similar device results they did. "The fact that the Pakistan Air Force will not want to get some equipment from one country to delay the" Fierce Dragon "fighter production, the Palestinian side on this issue is very real. Now, China and Pakistan are still actively selling to the international market, JF-17, particularly the use of MiG -21, F-7, F-5, "Mirage III", "Phantom IV" of the country. "Fierce Dragon" has caused a high level of interest in many countries, this is not surprising, as it advanced, the price is not high, in line with cost-effective standards for most developing countries is a good choice. (Compiled: Shu-shan)

The Above Is From Google Translation

东方网7月26日消息:据7月25日俄罗斯军工新闻网报道,英国《空军月刊》2011年7月刊上有一篇长达 24页的文章,详细介绍中国和巴基斯坦联合研制的JF-17“雷电”/FC-1“枭龙”歼击机的情况,特别是研发历史、项目进展、结构特点等,虽然主观倾向和广告色彩明显,但也不失趣 味。可能还会引起俄罗斯读者一定的兴趣,因为“枭龙”性能优越,价格不高,对发展中国家的吸引力较大,出口 前景广阔。

  《空军月刊》指出,在谈论“枭龙”歼击机项目时,不能忽视一个事实,即这是巴基斯坦空军迄今为止参与研 制的唯一一种战斗机。巴空军参谋长苏莱曼强调,这是由巴基斯坦自1998年核试验后遭到美欧制裁的特殊情况 所决定的。他说:“制裁和(使用)费用增加是我们研制新飞机替代老旧飞机的主要原因,而与中国的合作对我们 来说是最明智也是经济上最有利的决定。”

  JF-17作为一种新一代轻型多功能歼击机,能在任何气候条件下全天24小时战斗使用。它采用玻璃座舱,配备人机 工程学性能出色的“手不离杆”式飞行操纵系统,可有效减少飞行员工作负担。“枭龙”最大速度可达到1.6马 赫,推重比较大,是一种出色的战机。由于巴空军战机此前不具备超视距杀伤目标的能力,所以一直在尽可能地提 高和完善近距离空战战术,并且达到了非常高的水准。据未经确认的消息,在2008年“安纳托利亚鹰”演习中 ,巴空军F-16飞机以3:0的成绩完胜欧洲“台风”战机。中巴在设计JF-17时没有忘记充分发挥这种空战技术优势,而且在使用中国研制的非常先进的SD-10A第4代中程空空导弹之后,这种战机已经具备了超视距杀伤空中目标的能力。JF-17能使用中国研制的“霹雳-5E”近程空空导弹和SD-10中程空空导弹,其中“枭龙”飞机2010年7月17日首次成功发射“霹雳-5EII”导弹,标志着整个战机项目进入了一个新的重要阶段。而在此前的2010年4月巴空军“高标”演习 中,“枭龙”已经充分展示了自己的攻击能力,成功投掷500磅和2000磅级别的航空炸弹,准确命中训练场 内的靶标。

  俄媒指出,在2010年“枭龙”战机高调亮相英国范堡罗航展进行飞行表演之前,许多人仍在把“枭龙”视 为一种还需要许多时间研发的某种概念性产品,尚不足以进军由欧美产品主导的歼击机市场,也未曾试图与欧洲歼 击机“台风”、“鹰狮”、“阵风”,或者美国航空工业产品F-15、F-16或F-22竞争,抢夺国际市场。作为“枭龙”的研制方,巴基斯坦卡姆拉航空工业集团和中国航空技术进出口总公司自 然希望这种产品能够占据较大的市场份额,毕竟这是一种21世纪的现代化歼击机,售价要比西方同类产品低得多 ,性能则丝毫不差,而且配备非常先进的系统。中巴认为,“枭龙”能够帮助近东、中东、远东、非洲和拉美国家 空军实现他们期盼已久的变革。如果需要,中巴可以同时推出两种版本的“枭龙”,一种配备价格更为实惠一些、 性能却毫不逊色的中国机载无线电设备和武器,一种配备复杂一些的西方机载无线电设备。总之,一切都由客户的 预算和需求而定。现在许多国家都已对“枭龙”很感兴趣,毕竟这种飞机性价比高,对许多发展中国家来说是个不 错的选择。

  俄媒称,“枭龙”的研发历史可以追溯到上世纪80年代末。1989年美国以巴基斯坦研制核武器为由冻结 71架F-16歼击机交付协议,同时禁止诺斯鲁普-格鲁曼公司协助中巴研制新一代歼击机“超-7”,该飞机是中国F-7歼击机的进一步发展型号。此后巴空军痛定思痛,认为必须尽快摆脱美国无休无止的制裁及讹诈,决定与中国合 作继续自主研制轻型歼击机。1992年中巴签署相关协议,商定联合战机研制项目三大基础构想,起草对新飞机 的性能和作战要求,创造基础促进巴民族航空工业发展,联合努力向第三国推销新产品。1995年商定对新战机 的具体要求之后,巴空军和中方签署了战机研制问题谅解备忘录,成立新办公室负责项目落实。1996年巴空军 对“超-7”歼击机的设计要求获批,两年后中巴政府签署了进一步落实该项目的具体协议,决定先由中国成飞公司生产原 型产品,代号FC-1“枭龙”,中方帮助培训巴空军飞行员和工程技术人员。在项目初期,巴方只占总体工作量的50%,在巴空军 得到150架飞机后,将交由巴航空部门百分之百地负责新飞机的量产。但是1999年10月美欧因印巴先后进 行核试验且爆发地区武装冲突而对两国实施制裁,导致“超-7”项目再次陷入困境,参与该项目的西方公司无法得到必要的出口许可,使中巴双方面临不少新的技术难题。巴 空军随即决定使用中国国产系统予以替代,但最初进展并不顺利。2000年11月巴空军参谋长阿 里-米尔提出重要建议,把导致整体项目进展缓慢的机载系统和飞行平台本身分开研发,争取齐头并进,希望到歼击机 整体研发项目结束时,机载无线电电子设备也能达到当时较为先进的水平。十年之后的实践证明这一决策是正确的 。

  俄媒称,巴空军之后抓住一切机会,积极研究能够安装到飞机上的各种设备和系统。2003年8月25日中 国实现了“超-7”歼击机的首飞。巴空军当天宣布,“超-7”正式改名为JF-17,即“Joint Fighter-17”,目的是反映这种飞机的中巴血统,数字“17”意味着它比巴军当时最先进的F-16还先进。在首架原型机首飞8个月后,2004年4月9日第二架试验样品机PT-3在成都升空,次日巴空军飞行员首次驾机试飞。到2006年底,巴空军已经试验了4架原型机,第5架已开始 进行地面试验。PT-4和PT-6装备中国无线电电子设备,其中PT-4于2009年8月交付巴方,用以在巴进行飞行认证,因而成为JF-17的基础样品。之后,中方重新设计了JF-17的进气道,改用无隔道超声速进气道,使用最先进的DSI技术,以期提高发动机功效,降低着陆速度,缩短 起飞和着陆滑跑距离,减少红外辐射特征。这对飞机在恶劣条件下的战斗使用来说是一个重要优势,是巴空军梦寐 以求的。当时国外唯一一种使用类似进气道的飞机是美国的第5代战机F-35。

  除了在中国进行试验的4架原型机外,8架小批生产的“枭龙”全部于2007-2008年交付巴方。首批两架使用运输机于2007年2月运抵卡姆拉,顺利组装后于3月2日在巴航空工业集 团内完成首飞,3月23日涂饰中巴国旗,参加了巴军国庆阅兵。之后首架量产型“枭龙”(编号0 7-101)也使用了特殊图案,涂成中巴国旗颜色,并且一直沿用至今。2010年2月18日巴空军JF-17歼击机试验中队编入第26航空大队,当年4月前已拥有12架“枭龙”,包括首架量产型飞机。第26大队 负责评估“枭龙”的飞行性能,试验机载无线电电子设备和武器系统,培训编队飞行员,他们中的多数来自第7飞 行大队,有在防空部队服役的经验,驾驶过“幻影IIIEA”或F-16战机,有丰富的机载雷达使用技能。

  俄媒称,2011年4月11日JF-17项目完成了另外一个重要阶段的工作。巴空军第26航空大队换防至白沙瓦,开始装备新型JF-17,今后将进行所有型号“枭龙”的试验。中巴双方准备在“枭龙”整个服役周期内对其进行5次大的现代化改 进,优先方向是安装空中加油系统,整合红外目标搜索和跟踪系统。目前巴航空工业集团正在为“幻影”歼击机安 装空中加油系统,以便掌握新技术,获得必要的经验,从而对JF-17进行类似改装工作。现在第26大队的优先任务是为新生产的“枭龙”歼击机培训飞行员,同时还要继续进行 对巴军来说具有重大意义的机载空对地武器的试验。现在武器试验正在和其他试验任务同时进行。为了确保战机具 备较高的作战效能,“枭龙”大量配备各型武器系统,包括常规武器和高精武器,以及复杂的无线电电子设备和精 确导航系统。另外,“枭龙”还在进行中国国产C-802反舰导弹的第一阶段整合工作,预计很快就将进行试射。先进的机载无线电电子设备能保证“枭龙”的战场 生存能力,具备空中加油能力后可以在空中停留更长时间,从而具备在巴边界地区任何需要的地点实施打击的能力 ,能够更加有效地保护国家安全。

  巴航空工业部门几年来考虑了多种“枭龙”机载雷达配置方案,包括在巴空军中很流行的意大利Grifo雷 达,此前已在“幻影”、F-7P、F-7PG飞机上使用。巴方特别要求雷达接收机必须与机载武器系统兼容,保证能够使用中程空空导弹。虽然飞机最 初调试和无线电电子设备认证时曾经使用过Grifo S雷达,但是巴空军还是为最初8架小批“枭龙”选择了中国自主研制的KLJ-7雷达。这是一种多制式多普勒雷达,主要优点是结构紧凑、尺寸不大、搜索距离远、性能先进、分辨率高,非常 适合“枭龙”战机。作为JF-17搜索目标、引导武器的主要手段,KLJ-7雷达无线电电子设备通过现代化的1553/1760接口与武器系统整合成一个整体,进而具备了继续提升飞机性能的潜力,使其既能使用中国武器,也能使 用西方武器,特别是配备中国SD-10A导弹后空战性能大幅提升。另外,巴空军还在考虑使用西方类似中程空空导弹和机载无线电电子设备,确保 JF-17成为令敌方胆战心惊的防空平台。

  俄媒指出,首批50架JF-17战机,包括在中国制造的8架小批产品,以及巴方组装的42架量产型,全部使用中国机载无线电电子设备, 计划在2012年初交付巴空军使用。第二批50架JF-17采购合同已于2011年5月19日签署。巴方仍然希望能够得到西方机载无线电电子设备,因为J F-17的最大优势就在于它的充分开放性,从不局限于单一配置方案。另外,巴方计划逐步把民族工业在“枭龙”联 合生产项目中的参与比例提高到80%,包括在卡姆拉组装中国KLJ-7机载雷达。巴空军一名高官表示:“两年前我曾对法国人说过,如果你们不帮助我们,不向我们提供无线电电子 设备,那么我们将会让你们相信,几年后中国人也能造出某种类似设备。结果他们做到了。”这一事实表明,巴空 军不会因为想从某国得到某种设备而延缓“枭龙”战机的生产,巴方在此问题上非常现实。现在,中巴双方还在向 国际市场积极推销JF-17,特别是使用米格-21、F-7、F-5、“幻影III”、“幻影IV”的国家。“枭龙”已经引起了许多国家的高度兴趣,这一点也不令人惊讶,因 为它性能先进,价格不高,符合高性价比标准,对多数发展中国家来说是个不错的选择。(编译:书 山)
Thunder’s Next Squadron!
Posted on September 20, 2011 by Najam Khan

PAF’s plan to acquire 150 JF-17s is fast becoming a reality as progress continues in the joint Pakistan-China defense venture. Ever since the roll out ceremony of JF-17 Thunder in Nov 2009, the assembly lines of PAC, Kamra are going ahead of their projected milestones.

By mid April 2011, JF-17 was flying in the No.16 and No.26 Sqn from Kamra and Peshawar, respectively. Since Thunder is operating in different roles in both these units, one may expect different levels of evaluations of JF-17 being done within these units.
No.16 Sqn serves as Test & Evaluation Flight wing. It is responsible for conducting T&E of each and every aircraft that leaves the assembly lines. They start with statically running the engine and then conducting ground runs of aircraft before clearing it for flight. In the later stages more tests are added in the T&E process, depending upon the performance of each aircraft at different levels of flight. After successfully completing the defined T&E flight hours, the aircraft is cleared for operational use.
No.26 Sqn is tasked with Multi Role assessment of JF-17 Thunder. Apart from conducting next stage T&E flights, the unit also performs air defence role. Its pilots and ground crew have been pre-occupied in carrying out pilot training, operational, test and evaluation duties.

At least 33 examples of JF-17 Thunder have been delivered to PAF. With a rate of two aircraft per month rolling off the production lines, it is evident that a third squadron of JF-17s will be set up, soon.
Which unit will form the third JF-17 squadron remains shrouded in mystery. But is seems very likely that it will be either one of the ageing F-7P and Mirage-III/V squadrons.

F-7 in PAF:
F-7P is a modified version of F-7MP aircraft developed by Chengdu Aircraft Corporation. After conducting test and evaluations in both Pakistan and China, PAF received first batch of 20 F-7P aircraft in early 1989. All these aircraft were modified to meet PAF’s requirements, which included Martin Baker Mk10L ejection seat, Macroni Type226 Skyranger radar and ability to carry Aim-9 sidewinder missiles. Navigation and communication system was also updated.
By 1993 160+ F-7s were flying in various squadrons of PAF. In early 2000s, F-7s original Skyranger radar was replaced by Italian FIAR Grifo 7 fire-control radar, which had a range of more than 55km. This upgradation was done at Kamra Avionics and Repair Factory (KARF- now Avionics Production Factory (APF)) at Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC).

Today F-7P equips the Combat Commanders School, No.2, 14, 18 and 19 Squadron.
Mainwali AB based No.18 and No.19 Operational Conversion Unit (OCU) are tasked with initial fighter training of young pilots which have recently passed out from No.1 Fighter Conversion Unit (FCU). With basic and intermediate level knowledge about aircraft radars and its performance in various modes of operation, formation flying and combat training these young ‘rookies’ are taught in both Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground missions. For this purpose these units operate single and dual seat F-7P aircraft.
Both F-7 units will perform operational conversion duties with current F-7P aircraft for at least another five years which will later be replaced by double-delta winged F-7PG aircraft.

No.2 and No.14 Air Superiority Squadrons operate from Masroor AB, Karachi and Minhas AB, Kamra. Both are tasked with defending southern and northern region of Pakistan, respectively.
No.2 Sqn received F-7P in 1990. Some more FT-7s were added to their inventory in 1993. Over the years No.2 Sqn has taken part in various exercises including Sea Spark exercises with Pak Navy, Inspired Alert exercises with the US Navy, Saffron Bandit and High Mark. It has also participated in close air support role in Pak Army’s exercises too.
Being a unit that operates on sea and coastal areas, its aircraft is configured with corrosion resistant WP-7C engines. For JF-17 to be added to this unit, PAC/CAC will most likely make the necessary changes to the engine for it to be better suited for routine training and patrol missions over the Arabian Sea.

No.14 Sqn ‘Shaheens’ received F-7P in September 1993 when it relinquished its F-16s (which were evenly distributed in the remaining F-16 squadrons) due to sanctions faced by the country. 14 Sqn is playing an important role in maintaining routine combat air patrols over Northern region of Pakistan, including the capital Islamabad. During Nuclear ADA (1998), Operational Sentinel 2001/02 and tensions with India 2008, 14 Sqn was deployed to Chaklala for air maintaining round-the-clock air defence patrols. The Sqn also routinely deploys to Skardu for keeping a check on activities up North.

No.14 Sqn has the honour of being PAF’s third oldest and second fighter squadron to be made after independence in 1947. Over the past six decades Shaheens have made their name in all the battles of Pakistan. It will not be surprising to see induction of JF-17 in this squadron. Inclusion of JF-17 in 14 Squadron will boost the air defence of northern sector of Pakistan.
Pakistan Air Force’s Combat Commanders School (CCS) is composed of a Mirage and F-7 Squadron. The purpose of CCS Mirage and F-7 squadrons is to sharpen the skills of pilots who are proficient in Mirage and F-7 aircraft. The advanced tactics are taught in multiple air-to-air, air-to-ground attack and network centric warfare.
For this purpose Air Combat Manoeuvering Instrumentation Range (ACMI) and Electronic Warfare Test and Training Range (EWTTR) are also used for tactical training in real-world combat scenarios.

CCS F-7 squadron is flying F-7P since 1993, whereas CCS Mirage is flying Mirage-IIIEA since 2003. All the pilots that join these squadrons have an extensive experience of the aforementioned types. It is too early to speculate about induction of JF-17 in CCS, before re-equipment of JF-17 in other squadrons and extensive operational experience on the type is gained.

Mirages in PAF:
Pakistan Air Force’s association with Mirages’ started after the 1965 war when the then PAF leadership decided to look elsewhere for combat aircraft. The initial procurement included 24 Mirage-III aircraft received in 1967/68. PAF’s thirst for more Mirages continued to increase in coming decades. The past 44 years have seen Pakistan buying over 200 Mirage-III/V aircraft and related equipment from France, Australia, Libya, Lebanon and Spain. All the procurements that subsequently took place were made with two main objectives; condition and hours on the airframe. Mirage Rebuild Factory (MRF), PAC Kamra has always provided a helping hand in keeping old air frame operational. Over past few decades MRF have overhauled and delivered 150+ Mirages to PAF.
Mirages have been the workhorse of PAF for over four decades. The structural life of several old Mirages has reached its end and in June 2010, No.5 Sqn Mirages were re-equipped with F-16 Block52 aircraft. Despite its age, Mirage equips half a dozen operational squadrons in the PAF which include No.7, 8, 15, 22, 25 and 27 Squadron.
Masroor AB based No.32 Wing operates three Mirage squadrons; No.7, No.8 and No.22 Sqn, whereby each unit having been assigned its own dedicated role.

No.7 tactical attack squadron is equipped with Mirage-IIIEA aircraft. All these Ex-RAAF Mirages had undergone ROSE-1 upgrade in Mirage Rebuild Factory, PAC Kamra in 1996 which added some 12 years of life to them. No.7 Sqn is a specialist in all-weather deep strike and tactical attack missions. Over the past decade No.7 Sqn has participated in various national and multi-national exercises which include High Mark (2005, 2010), Al-Saqoor-I (2006), Falcon Talon (2005 and 2009), Bright Star (2009) and Falcon Air Meet (2010).
No.7 Squadron pilots have also conducted the test of Air Launched Cruise Missile Ra’ad in 2007 and flight trails of in-flight refueling with IL-78 tanker in Exercise High Mark 2010. This squadron is expected to continue to operate in the tactical attack role in the foreseeable future.

No.8 Squadron is PAF’s only tactical and maritime support squadron. The unit operates Mirage-VPA2/3 aircraft. Having no combat aircraft in Pakistan Navy, No.8 Sqn takes on the responsibility for carrying out naval support missions. The unit’s Mirage-VPA3 aircraft are equipped with AM-39 Exocet anti-shipping missile capable of striking targets and enemy vessels from a range of 70 kms (35 miles). No.8 Sqn has been operating Mirages since almost three decades, several of which were upgraded at PAC in 2004/05.
For JF-17 to be a replacement of this naval support unit, it has to have the capability of anti-shipping strike. Albeit flight trails of JF-17’s anti-shipping missile C-802/803 are scheduled to start in near future, till then No.8 Sqn will continue to defend naval and aerial frontiers of Pakistan.

No.15 Sqn has been operating Mirage-VPA aircraft since 2002 from Rafiqui AB. Most of these aircraft have earlier served in two or three different squadron over more than past 3 decades.
No.15 Sqn being a Tactical Attack Squadron has also conducted various tests of Joint Stand-Off Weapons (JSOW) such as the H-weapon (H-2/4). Today, this unit also operates reconnaissance pods, which it received from re-distribution of No.5 squadron’s equipment. Being a user ‘old timers’, No.15 Sqn has can be considered as the next potential squadron to receive Thunders. 15 Sqn is located in the Southern region of Pakistan. Such strategic placement of Thunders will boost PAF’s round-the-clock vigilance of Pakistan’s territorial borders.
PAF Base Rafiqui also operates F-7PG and ROSE-III upgraded Mirage-VEF aircraft. Having both air-to-air and air-to-ground radar modes, state-of-the-art avionics, an effective countermeasures and electronic warfare suite, Thunder will be a good a competitor against other resident units at Rafiqui.

No.22 Sqn is the third Mirage squadron based at Masroor. Unlike its other counter parts (No.7 and No.8) it is not a tactical attack squadron, rather it’s an operational conversion unit (OCU). No.22 OCU is tasked with conversion of pilots onto Mirage aircraft. No.22 OCU has been flying Mirage-IIIEE/EL aircraft since 2004, all of which were subsequently upgraded to ROSE standard in 2003/2004.
With Forward Looking Infra-red (FLIR) placed under the cockpit, No.22 OCU conducts both day and night training missions. The role of this dedicated Mirage conversion unit holds a very important position in PAF and is expected to do till 2015.
No.25 and No.27 Sqn are equipped with ROSE-III upgraded Mirage-VEF and Mirage-VDD aircraft. Both units have a tactical night attack role, which is performed by using Night Vision Goggles (NVG) and Forward Looking Infra-red (FLIR) capability.
No.25 Sqn currently operates from Shahbaz, Jocababad, where as No.27 Sqn operates from Rafiqui, Shorkot. These units also operate from remote forward bases, maintaining round the clock air defence of the aerial frontiers in routine exercises and deployments. But it is the night strike and surgical strike capability that makes them superior over other version of the type!
As a rapidly evolving program, the planned modifications in JF-17 include integration of Helmet Mounted System, addition of re-tractable air-to-air refueling probe, WS-13 engine, integration of modern-day air-to-air, air-to-ground and air-to-sea weapons and Infra Red Search and Track (IRST).

Besides the above mentioned capability enhancements, PAF also plans to integrate JSOW and Pakistan’s own Ra’ad cruise missile in future as well. Such an integration will make it an all weather multi-role aircraft able to counter multifarious and multidimensional threats.

With the crucial phase of JF-17s weapons testing and trials well under way and once fully operational, the Thunder will provide the PAF with a true offensive punch both qualitatively and will form the backbone of the PAF well into the 21st Century.

PAFwallpapers Blog
Who can tell me a little more about MAR1 radiation missiles from Brazil and new jamming pods ? like how many of them were procured
Thanks in advance !
Who can tell me a little more about MAR1 radiation missiles from Brazil and new jamming pods ? like how many of them were procured
Thanks in advance !

100 Mar1's ordered from brazil ,contract signed in 2008 worth $108 million, so far all have been received instead of all the fuss by our eastern neighbour, currently going through integration on jf-17
Sir TaimiKhan,
Will you share please, how log our JF-17 can enter / penetrate in India & Afghanistan ?
(From Point A to B & Back from B to A Distance ?)
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