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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

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Based on your reply, I think you need to start a new thread and talk these things there because it's quite off topic.

OK, let's be honest with everyone. There are some harsh numbers we need to bear in mind. The GDP(PPP) of India in 2009 is 3,526 billion, Pakistan 439 billion. The growth of India's economy this year is at least 7.4 percent, Pakistan 2.0 percent last year. So it seems to me that it's more and more impossible for Pakistan to catch up with Indian with it's air fleet (or everything else).

In my view, what makes a country strong is not just it's air force but eventually it's economy. The few airplanes PAF missed (if really was the case) 8 years ago is just a trivial stuff. What the country missed in the last decade is what really tragic. So I hope you can stop crying for the past, there is future you need to worry about.


I didnot get it---you wanted to say what.

Oh my my my----it is a trivial stuff ain't it now---slowly and gradually we are being strangulated from both sides---and for you it is trivial stuff.

Sir---it is your first post addressed to me---please be respectful---as I don't know you from adam---and I have not been rude to you---I don't see any reason for you to be insulting to me---you don't like what I have to say---bring your research---bring your reasoning---but don't be condescending to me.

You have barely been on this board for two months and I have not seen any major participation on your part so far---so why don't you open yourself up here and give us the oppurtunity to tear up your analysis.

My colleague---just because I feel the pain of my motherland different than you and many others---it doesn't make me an outcast---it doesn't make me a pariah either---it doesnot make me a bad person---.

The past is like the foundation stones of a building---the solid and consolidated the past is---the successful the future will be---a successful future just doesnot pop out of nowhere---it is the habbits that need to be changed for a better future.

You think that the nation who screwed up in the past all the time, won't screw up again----suddenlt they will become enlightened---.
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This is news to me. When did this happen? Why did PAF bother to purchase 500 AIM-120s specifically for BVR employment?

The point about Gripen is a straightforward one. PAF has always liked F-16s more than the Gripens. When Gripen was approached, we were under US sanctions that prohibited us from the F-16s and Gripens owing to the use of US origin engines.

Hello Blain2,

Thanks for coming to the party. Did they call you for re-inforcement. How have you been? Are you married by now? If so---how is the married life!

The question---why don't you ask that from two of our esteemed retd air force officers. Muradk and pshamim---they can answer better than me.

So they had sanctions on us---did we force the u s to lift the sanctions when they asked for our help----absolutely not----did we put a condition of releasing air bases if the sanctions were removed---no we didnot---. We could have given them two primary bases and for the other 3---we could have put it on the pak citizens---told the americans---my citizens are extremely angry---I can give you so much but not all----why don't you release my F 16's and I will give you some more.

Pakistanis proved to be the worst of the deal makers when it counted the most---paf wasted years checking out the grippen knowing upfront that there were sanctions involved---they could have worked at things a little better to get the sanctions removed---. Swedes were unhappy with the pak putting them together for about two years---that is the reason for no more deals---.

Taking a pro-active approach against the taliban / al qaeda 6 years in advance would have been a better venue.

As for the 500 amraams---we don't have a single one in stock---and the plane still has to show up---now what kinds of restrainst we have in using the amraams---only time will tell.

And again---we are still depending on systems that we are yet to own---come on son---give me a break---is this how the future and destiny of a nation is carved---that the young men of my nation are building palaces of wonder and imaginations---on what is gonna be tomorrow---. It is good to have imagination but to have ones life revolving around whats gonna be---

Your comment about no tank or airplane has won---is so totally out of context to what I have been saying---.that it does not dignify a response

Your comments about the jf 17---are words of emotion---and nothing more---you know they are shallow words---.

The last two paras of your post don't meet upto the calibre of posts that were expected of BLAIN2---.

There is nothing old fashioned about what you are saying----yes the JF 17 is indeed a matter of pride for pakistan---yes it a potent aircraft in its own calibre---and NO IT IS NOT THE SILVER BULLET that we needed---.

You people keep twisting and turning what I have been saying---you read something that goes against your belief---you guys go red in the head and then stop listening to what I am saying.

This plane will never ever reach that stage of threat where the enemy will have to think twice---regardless of whatsoever radar system it has or the electronic warfare system it has---for the reason---the plane is limited by its size---there is no package in the eastern hemisphere which can make this plane an extremely formidable threat against the first line of enemy strike planes.

If china had such a package---they could have already used it on the J 10's---.

Paf is going to face the isareli elctronic systems this time---possibly israeli opertators as well---it is a totally different ball game.

Blain says---no tank or plane has won a war---I never said---that--twisting my words---I said a weapons system must make the adversary think and bring it to the peace table---seems like you want to read what you want to.

NOW YOU GUYS WANT TO SHUT ME UP REAL BAD---- I will give you an oppurtunity---and be honest with yourself.

You say---weapons don't bring peace---I say they do---remember the cold war---I don't think so---the poster in question was in his diapers as were most of you---silly---it were the weapons of equal destruction that ultimately kept war away---.

Almost missed it---the F 16 weapons system stopped a so called attack on pakistani nuclear sites by the indians due to the fear of retaliation---that was in pak news a few days ago---BLAIN2---you are totally wrong in what you stated---

So---here is your vote----if and it is a big big if---pakistan gets a batch of 230 F 15 SILENT EAGLES with all its pomp and glory package---I have 230 so you have one on one agains the su 30 fleet---then you get those fine fine 4 german subs that you had been negotiating for so long---what is the chance of india showing a more peace loving posture----I would say---looking at the past examples---pretty high.

Now on the reverse---what is the chance of pakistan changing its stance from a very defencive and controlled to a very offencive and right in your face kind of aggression---I would say---extremely high.

So tell me otherwise and bring your proof of reasoning to the table.:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

Reading all your recent posts i have derived the following points that you are stressing upon,

Your Point: PAF had the opportunity to buy anything during the early 2000's but they thought there was no threat of an Indo-Pak war in the near future so they did not.

My Point: Haven't they been proven right? Since there have been plenty of occasions when the two countries came close to a war but didn't fight. In the same way, i do not predict a war between the two countries for the next decade as well. Reason? it is not because they are afraid of the JF-17 or our age old air fleet, it is because they also fear that a war will lead to compete or semi complete destruction of both countries. Also India will be the major loser in case of a war because of their currently booming economy. So if we do not have a war for the next 10 years PAF has plenty of time to assess, reassess and re reassess the situation and update and upgrade the JF-17. In the current war that we are fighting against terrorism, the current role of JF-17 is sufficient and that is why these planes have been inducted, for ground support.

Conclusion: Since we are not at war with India for the time being and there is no immediate war, we have enough time to improve the JF-17 from its current version. Believe me the current JF-17's have only been inducted to satisfy the current requirement of ground support against terrorists and nothing more. This current JF-17 is not the finished product not by a long shot.

Your point: If PAF had 250 Grippens or Euro Fighters or F-15 Strike Eagles than India would have submitted to our superiority and agreed to talk.

My Point: This is absurd because

1. We have never in history nor we can in future match India plane to plane and resource to resource because frankly speaking they are 5 times bigger with much much stronger economy and
2. it is silly to think that even if we can match them in the army the overall out look will remain the same i.e two atomic powers against each other who will not attack each other in fear of total loss.

I think JF-17 is a huge platform for our Airforce Engineering Core to work on and as it evolves into a better fighter plane, we have uncle Sam to fill in with a squadron or two of advanced "ready to go" fighter planes
f-86 saber..you people are refusing to accept PAF's bad decisions.
Look into the past 20/22 Years and if you read my previous posts i already explained in past 22 years PAF spent around approximately 2.8 billion dollars on buying K-8s, F-7P/PG, second hand mirages and upgrades excluding F-16s (Thunders on soft loans). Not a single Pakistani member disagrees that thunder is good plane. And it is silly to think PAF in 22 years spend whole heartedly innocently on that above mention stuff clearly we could have by now atleast 3 squadrons of M-2000 variants. corruption has taken place.
Your Point: PAF had the opportunity to buy anything during the early 2000's but they thought there was no threat of an Indo-Pak war in the near future so they did not.

My Point: Haven't they been proven right? Since there have been plenty of occasions when the two countries came close to a war but didn't fight. In the same way, i do not predict a war between the two countries for the next decade as well. Reason? it is not because they are afraid of the JF-17 or our age old air fleet, it is because they also fear that a war will lead to compete or semi complete destruction of both countries. Also India will be the major loser in case of a war because of their currently booming economy. So if we do not have a war for the next 10 years PAF has plenty of time to assess, reassess and re reassess the situation and update and upgrade the JF-17. In the current war that we are fighting against terrorism, the current role of JF-17 is sufficient and that is why these planes have been inducted, for ground support.

Conclusion: Since we are not at war with India for the time being and there is no immediate war, we have enough time to improve the JF-17 from its current version. Believe me the current JF-17's have only been inducted to satisfy the current requirement of ground support against terrorists and nothing more. This current JF-17 is not the finished product not by a long shot.

Put in another way what you mean is that PAF is playing a huge catching up game and is betting on the contention of no war for the next 10 years --- time enough for the JF-17 to probably mature to do what it is supposed to do --- denial of air superiority in the Indo-Pak context. But what about the upgrades that the IAF will bring to the table?

For actual deterrence Pakistan relies on the threat of MAD. That speaks a lot in terms of conventional offensive capabilities. That is odd because i do not see India doing the same vis a vis China, either now or in the future.

I remember a piece by senior TT Fatman17. In that article and subsequent posts it was argued that the Indian army was hesitant in launching an attack against Pakistan due to major weapon systems facing obsolescence. In contrast IAF gave the go-ahead. Therein lies the difference.

Similar stuff could be said in the Sino-Indian context and as Indians we feel it --- militarily we will experience this for the next 20 - 30 years --- leave aside economic disparity.

This is a long cry from '65 when PAF had enough aircraft with offensive capability. I think that this is what MK is trying to say or at least feels about.

India is placing MKIs for offensive roles in the Indo-China border even though a huge disparity exists. This sends out a message --- and future aircraft acquisitions will only serve to reinforce this point. Again here India is hoping for no conflict against China due to current difference in capabilities but the thought of offense does exist. Infrastructure does not exist along major parts of the Indian side of the border with China --- this was a purely defensive decision but remedial measures are now being initiated.

Contrast this with the talk of JF-17 being the backbone/workhorse of the PAF. Had similar thought prevailed in the IAF then Mig-29 or LCA-Mk2 would be stationed in the airbases meant to counter China and the MKIs would be for Pakistan. Could not PAF ask the Chinese to supply BVR missiles to equip the Chinese supplied aircraft?

I am not sure what is MastanKhan's line of thought --- no offense intended. But it seems that PAF has developed a strategy of maximal deterrence --- is this in line with the overall strategy of the armed forces of Pakistan?

I am no expert but i hope i get the main points across. Thanks.
if the mirage-2000 was / is such a great force multiplyer as everyone thinks it is then why was it not exported in great numbers just like the mirage III/V?. and why the IAF has restricted itself to only 60 a/c wheareas every single platform ever inducted by IAF was / is excess of 100 a/c?. and why is Taiwan grounding its mirage-2000's and opting for the F-16C/D? and why has Qatar decided to sell-off its 12 mirages and there are no takers, why?

1-cost - each a/c even when offered to PAF during BB time was gonna cost US$60m each and by the way, the french wernt offering the BVR at that time - just a souped up Matra 550.

2-down-time - the a/c likes to be under the shade most of the time (meaning under maintenance)

so then 2 sqdns of mirage-2000's would have saved pakistan?

pls dont beat a dead-horse!
Put in another way what you mean is that PAF is playing a huge catching up game and is betting on the contention of no war for the next 10 years --- time enough for the JF-17 to probably mature to do what it is supposed to do --- denial of air superiority in the Indo-Pak context. But what about the upgrades that the IAF will bring to the table?

For actual deterrence Pakistan relies on the threat of MAD. That speaks a lot in terms of conventional offensive capabilities. That is odd because i do not see India doing the same vis a vis China, either now or in the future.

I remember a piece by senior TT Fatman17. In that article and subsequent posts it was argued that the Indian army was hesitant in launching an attack against Pakistan due to major weapon systems facing obsolescence. In contrast IAF gave the go-ahead. Therein lies the difference.

Similar stuff could be said in the Sino-Indian context and as Indians we feel it --- militarily we will experience this for the next 20 - 30 years --- leave aside economic disparity.

This is a long cry from '65 when PAF had enough aircraft with offensive capability. I think that this is what MK is trying to say or at least feels about.

India is placing MKIs for offensive roles in the Indo-China border even though a huge disparity exists. This sends out a message --- and future aircraft acquisitions will only serve to reinforce this point. Again here India is hoping for no conflict against China due to current difference in capabilities but the thought of offense does exist. Infrastructure does not exist along major parts of the Indian side of the border with China --- this was a purely defensive decision but remedial measures are now being initiated.

Contrast this with the talk of JF-17 being the backbone/workhorse of the PAF. Had similar thought prevailed in the IAF then Mig-29 or LCA-Mk2 would be stationed in the airbases meant to counter China and the MKIs would be for Pakistan. Could not PAF ask the Chinese to supply BVR missiles to equip the Chinese supplied aircraft?

I am not sure what is MastanKhan's line of thought --- no offense intended. But it seems that PAF has developed a strategy of maximal deterrence --- is this in line with the overall strategy of the armed forces of Pakistan?

I am no expert but i hope i get the main points across. Thanks.

My friend just answer one question and that would be it, keeping all emotions and patriotism aside, please tell me do you think that Pakistan with its age old fleet of fighter jets and obsolete weaponry surrender to India in case of a war? What will happen if (God forbid) Pakistan is on the verge of loosing the war? We will use our nukes and no matter if India is able to wipe us off the face of the earth in return the damage caused to India will be enough to push them back by at least a 100 years with reference to economic growth. Is your Govt. stupid enough to ignore this? This is not the place to drag this discussion any further and quite frankly your involvement in this discussion was completely unnecessary I am sorry if i sounded rude.

f-86 saber..you people are refusing to accept PAF's bad decisions.
Look into the past 20/22 Years and if you read my previous posts i already explained in past 22 years PAF spent around approximately 2.8 billion dollars on buying K-8s, F-7P/PG, second hand mirages and upgrades excluding F-16s (Thunders on soft loans). Not a single Pakistani member disagrees that thunder is good plane. And it is silly to think PAF in 22 years spend whole heartedly innocently on that above mention stuff clearly we could have by now atleast 3 squadrons of M-2000 variants. corruption has taken place.

Brother luftwaffe, Sir Fatman17 has already shed light on the technical aspect of acquiring M2K and I'll only remind you of the backstabbing nature of the French which we have recently witnessed. As Sir Blain2 as so accurately said JF-17 is SANCTIONS PROOF these two words should be enough to divert any sort of criticism away from it.

No one is denying there is corruption as it is the plague that has made us suffer since the beginning. But under current circumstances, JF-17 is the best possible thing
if the mirage-2000 was / is such a great force multiplyer as everyone thinks it is then why was it not exported in great numbers just like the mirage III/V?. and why the IAF has restricted itself to only 60 a/c wheareas every single platform ever inducted by IAF was / is excess of 100 a/c?. and why is Taiwan grounding its mirage-2000's and opting for the F-16C/D? and why has Qatar decided to sell-off its 12 mirages and there are no takers, why?
Wrong mate. IAF wanted more of the M2000's. Infact the current MRCA program was infact not meant to be what it is now-IAF wanted more M2000's exclusively. However, till the time MoD got around to talking with France, the lines were being shut. It was due to this that the global tender was released.

The main intention initially was to buy 126 more M2K's.

1-cost - each a/c even when offered to PAF during BB time was gonna cost US$60m each and by the way, the french wernt offering the BVR at that time - just a souped up Matra 550.

2-down-time - the a/c likes to be under the shade most of the time (meaning under maintenance)
IAF has been very VERY happy with M2K's. India tried to buy the Qatar M2K's, but the price we quoted was too low.

IAF has also been very happy with their maintenance. I suppose it can be argued that compared to M2K's, all other aircrafts have even worse maintenance issues( except maybe the Su now as its built here) therefore IAF is happy. But happy IAF has been nonetheless.

so then 2 sqdns of mirage-2000's would have saved pakistan?

pls dont beat a dead-horse!

In light of the number and quality of aircrafts IAF is fielding against PAF, i doubt 36 planes would have made much of a difference. Had they been 36 planes which were better than any other plane IAF fielded(like Rafale), it would have been different. But M2000's are no longer the best planes in the subcontinent.
My friend just answer one question and that would be it, keeping all emotions and patriotism aside, please tell me do you think that Pakistan with its age old fleet of fighter jets and obsolete weaponry surrender to India in case of a war? What will happen if (God forbid) Pakistan is on the verge of loosing the war? We will use our nukes and no matter if India is able to wipe us off the face of the earth in return the damage caused to India will be enough to push them back by at least a 100 years with reference to economic growth. Is your Govt. stupid enough to ignore this? This is not the place to drag this discussion any further and quite frankly your involvement in this discussion was completely unnecessary I am sorry if i sounded rude.

Hi Saber,

My thought is that an Indo-Pak war will likely not escalate to the point of MAD. This is precisely what JF-17 is supposed to prevent. It is not in India's interest to ensure (if she can) that such a stage is reached. Only a limited conflict is the goal. If JF-17 does not do sufficient air denial as the backbone of the PAF then MastanKhan's views come into play.

I am not arguing about sanctions of Grippen/F-16/Mirage etc as that is known to the senior posters and ex-servicemen who are members here.

I did not think that my post was completely off-topic as it was in line with what MK said and the Indo-China view point was introduced to bolster my argument.

And yes i am aware that this thread is mostly for discussion amongst Pakistani members and my posts were going to be an extremely rare occurrence. I liked MK's way of putting his point across.
Hi Saber,

My thought is that an Indo-Pak war will likely not escalate to the point of MAD. This is precisely what JF-17 is supposed to prevent. It is not in India's interest to ensure (if she can) that such a stage is reached. Only a limited conflict is the goal. If JF-17 does not do sufficient air denial as the backbone of the PAF then MastanKhan's views come into play.

I am not arguing about sanctions of Grippen/F-16/Mirage etc as that is known to the senior posters and ex-servicemen who are members here.

I did not think that my post was completely off-topic as it was in line with what MK said and the Indo-China view point was introduced to bolster my argument.

And yes i am aware that this thread is mostly for discussion amongst Pakistani members and my posts were going to be an extremely rare occurrence. I liked MK's way of putting his point across.

Any war in which reaches to the point where both air forces will be involved will not be a limited conflict let me assure you this. So any war is either likely to be a full scale one or none at all (At least not one involving the air forces) rest assured.
if the mirage-2000 was / is such a great force multiplyer as everyone thinks it is then why was it not exported in great numbers just like the mirage III/V?. and why the IAF has restricted itself to only 60 a/c wheareas every single platform ever inducted by IAF was / is excess of 100 a/c?. and why is Taiwan grounding its mirage-2000's and opting for the F-16C/D? and why has Qatar decided to sell-off its 12 mirages and there are no takers, why?

1-cost - each a/c even when offered to PAF during BB time was gonna cost US$60m each and by the way, the french wernt offering the BVR at that time - just a souped up Matra 550.

2-down-time - the a/c likes to be under the shade most of the time (meaning under maintenance)

so then 2 sqdns of mirage-2000's would have saved pakistan?

pls dont beat a dead-horse!

You are right that the costs are high for French fighters, but you didn't understand why!
Like malaymishra123 said, IAF is more than happy with the fighter, its quality and performance. So are Taiwan, or Greece and even the maintenance is not a big deal with them, the Rafale was even developed to have the same maintenance times and cost like the M2k.
The problem are the costs of French weapons mainly, because unlike US counterparts, they will be produced in small numbers only. Taiwan would love to buy more M2ks, or even Rafale, but their problem was the high costs of MICA missiles and their low life compared to US missiles on their F16s.
You can see the same problem in the Brazilian FX2 competition now too, although the Rafale is an expensive fighter, the big part of the costs are for spares and weapons, where fighters with US weapons are clearly more cost-effective.

I didnot get it---you wanted to say what.

Oh my my my----it is a trivial stuff ain't it now---slowly and gradually we are being strangulated from both sides---and for you it is trivial stuff.

Sir---it is your first post addressed to me---please be respectful---as I don't know you from adam---and I have not been rude to you---I don't see any reason for you to be insulting to me---you don't like what I have to say---bring your research---bring your reasoning---but don't be condescending to me.

You have barely been on this board for two months and I have not seen any major participation on your part so far---so why don't you open yourself up here and give us the oppurtunity to tear up your analysis.

My colleague---just because I feel the pain of my motherland different than you and many others---it doesn't make me an outcast---it doesn't make me a pariah either---it doesnot make me a bad person---.

The past is like the foundation stones of a building---the solid and consolidated the past is---the successful the future will be---a successful future just doesnot pop out of nowhere---it is the habbits that need to be changed for a better future.

You think that the nation who screwed up in the past all the time, won't screw up again----suddenlt they will become enlightened---.


I'm not insulting you in anyway. Just cool down.

I think my point is quite clear. PAF simply has not enough fund to induct a modern aircraft fleet to catch up with IAF, even if there is no corruption, even if they put all the money efficiently to buy all the modern toys. Let's face it. The gap will be getting bigger and bigger. You think your smart move if adopted by PAF will stop it? No way.

The thing is, First of all the problem does not lie in the military area and we need to see a bigger picture. Second, Pakistan need to avoid to drop into the trap to compete with India for military hardware because anyone who can do mathematics will tell you its a doomed race. JF-17 in my opinion is a good move by the PAF because it's a long term investment. It will bring Pakistan more than just hardware.

Last, I don't need to be licensed to comment on your post but still sorry if you feel my tone's harsh. I don't mean to be rude or disrespect.
Any war in which reaches to the point where both air forces will be involved will not be a limited conflict let me assure you this. So any war is either likely to be a full scale one or none at all (At least not one involving the air forces) rest assured.

Don't agree, Kargil was also a limited conflict and the only reason why PAF didn't pose their fighters was the lack of BVR capabilities.
Now with BVR capable F16s, they would use them of course too and there will be 1 on 1 of PAF and IAF fighters again, but that doesn't mean it would end up in a full fleged war.
I think and hope that both sides a smart enough to never let it come to a full fleged war, but smaller conflicts are possible as our past often showed.
jf-17 program cost 500Mn
means 250 million from pak

can any one tell me how many f-16/gripen/j-10B/rafale

max 5 f-16
5 gripen
5-7 j-10B
and 3 rafale

we got a fightter just for 250Million investment

and we can upgrade this into a true 4.5th generation fighter in future

I'm not insulting you in anyway. Just cool down.

I think my point is quite clear. PAF simply has not enough fund to induct a modern aircraft fleet to catch up with IAF, even if there is no corruption, even if they put all the money efficiently to buy all the modern toys. Let's face it. The gap will be getting bigger and bigger. You think your smart move if adopted by PAF will stop it? No way.

The thing is, First of all the problem does not lie in the military area and we need to see a bigger picture. Second, Pakistan need to avoid to drop into the trap to compete with India for military hardware because anyone who can do mathematics will tell you its a doomed race. JF-17 in my opinion is a good move by the PAF because it's a long term investment. It will bring Pakistan more than just hardware.

Last, I don't need to be licensed to comment on your post but still sorry if you feel my tone's harsh. I don't mean to be rude or disrespect.

Nothing becomes long term investment unless a country effectively look to maintain Confidence building measures with its sorrounding countries. Building an Airforce with modern jet will not going to put opponent on defensive or to agree to your conditions rather it will only going to intensify major arm race which will become much more then a liability then an assets.
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