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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 2]

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hey people,
i think JF-17 should use this or atleast two pylons for missiles.
look at here.china's aircraft carrier.its gud c that china is making there own aircraft carrier.how much carrier does china hav,wangrong?
i would like to see chinese navel ships n carrier in indian ocean and on GAWADAR port,soon.is it going to happen WANGRONG.

This is training air craft carrier means its just a plat form that looks like air craft carrier so that they can train their crew good and intelligent idea chines will reveal their mighty air craft carrier only when it will be completed and ready for sea:china:
Block 15/30 i dont think there is a Block 10 fighter:enjoy:

no dear, it is just that we have blk 15s! but still ther are block 10 in existance!
however the blk 15 and 30 are the ones that were most excessively produced and then comes the blk 52 that is why most of the people just know about them
i hope this will help!

no dear, it is just that we have blk 15s! but still ther are block 10 in existance!
however the blk 15 and 30 are the ones that were most excessively produced and then comes the blk 52 that is why most of the people just know about them
i hope this will help!


i mean did PAF had Block 10 Falcons?
no one has yet answered my question
when Thunder will be exported will it be watered down?
I haven't seen any report or news article saying WS-13 is on western patterns up till now.

I have read in past that at Zhuhai air show analysts were shocked to see that WS-13 does not look like RD-33 which was contrary to general belief.

Do you see any resemblance with RD-33??


the engine for J10 is ws10a.its design was finalized last year and should be being mass-produced now.but first batch of J10 adopt russian al37.
PLA ordered 300 russian engines al37.but some guys brag that over 100 J10(about 3 or 4 regiments) has entered into service.if true,those russian engine should almost be used up( one j10 sould have two engines,one used and another backup).

the engine for fc-1 for time being is russian rd93.but ws13 should be its final engine.

as for ws13,it is very interesting.

the core engine of ws13 is in fact the core engine of project of 'TIANSHAN 21".

the project of TIANSHAN 21 is one of the competitors for chinese next engine after ws10a.
its T/W ratio is set to 10,while that of al37 and ws10 is just less 8.so,if surviving,TIANSHAN21 would be more advanced than ws10 and russuian al37,maybe par with recent model m88 on refale.
but the project of TianShan21 was given up by PLA after its core engine rolled out,because some more attractive projects were raised up.

so the institute concerned was very frustrated and depressed at the decision of PLA and felt it very pitiful to put the core engine of Tianshan21 aside after investing so many $.

at the time,the project of FC-1/jf-17 started and are looking for a new engine instead of unreliable russian rd93.
so the institute in charge of TianShan21 decided to cooperate with CAC and develope a new engine at the base of abandoned core engine of TIANSHAN21.that is ws13.

it is reported that

the developement of a new engine usually takes at least one decades.but if its sub-sys are mature,the time for developement of course can be shortened.so is ws13.
that is why CAC and pakistanian are so confident that the project of fc-1 won't be delayed by engine problem or the embargo from russian

China’s Taihang engine performance datas compare with foreign main engine fighter.

View attachment 2ff267744c371347a2b2cd190296577c.jpg

U.S. Global strategy network cited from a paper said: China, in the next 5-10 years will break out of its dependence on Russian-made engines to achieve military independence.

The article said that nowadays China buy from Russia two engines: AL-31, 3.5 million U.S. dollars, RD-93, 2.5 million U.S. dollars. RD-93 is used to jointly developed JF-17 fighter planes. between China and Pakistan, similar to the U.S. F-16 levels of

The article also mentioned, the Chinese engineers have been working hard to master the engine’s manufacturing technology. China has developed AL-31F air engines, WS10A engine, also the WS-13 engine to replace the RD-93 engines. It has been some years for China to introduce foreign (engine) technology, although this effort is not always successful.

The article went on to say that over the past decade, China has invested heavily to develop an engine manufacturing capacity, but as Russians encountered the technical problems during the process of engine development and design, a similar problems encountered by the Chinese people

U.S. media also concluded that China's aero-engine research and development has several major advantages. First of all, China knows very well the errors Russia committed during cold war so China can avoid a lot of similar error; Second, China also has a better way to access to Western manufacturing technology; Finally, China has a special condition the Soviet Union did not have, it is possible for China to develop its own engine manufacturing capabilities in the market economy. Different from planned economy in the Soviet command economy in1970s, China's engines R & D are more efficient in market environment.

BTW, not even Russians claim that either of WS-10 and WS-13 is copy of their products.
RD-93 is imported engine and the order has been placed not long ago, I don't believe that Chinese are able to rebuilt whole of RD-93 by todate! let alone cloning it!
With such facts, claim of copy does not make sense to me at least.
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I have read in past that at Zhuhai air show analysts were shocked to see that WS-13 does not look like RD-33 which was contrary to general belief.

Do you see any resemblance with RD-33??



BTW, not even Russians claim that either of WS-10 and WS-13 is copy of their products.
RD-93 is imported engine and the order has been placed not long ago, I don't believe that Chinese are able to rebuilt whole of RD-93 by todate! let alone cloning it!
With such facts, claim of copy does not make sense to me at least.

Sir, that is not WS-13 engine, nor ws-13 has been shown at any exhibition so far rather confirmed pictures of WS-13 are not even available, the pic is of a WS-10A engine shown during the Zuhai 2008 Air Show, and WS-10A engine is based on the core of CFM-56 western engine, the same engine core employed in the B-2 or B-1 series of American bombers, plus many of the Boeing aircraft's engine are based on this core.

WS-13 is not a copy of RD-93, its said that it is based on it, meaning some kind of design is related to RD-93 but not completely.

Plus the article u posted does not says anywhere that WS-13 has been made on a western engine design, rather it employs the basics of an old abandoned chinese futuristic engine, plus some features of RD-93.

WS-10A and WS-13 are totally two different engines.
Originally Posted by hasnain0099
i mean did PAF had Block 10 Falcons?
no one has yet answered my question
when Thunder will be exported will it be watered down?

as taimi khan said, we have blk 15 F16 and not the blk 10! this is quite wel know fact friend!
and about the JF17 exoprt, i guess it is a bit too earl to say anything! it have huge upgrade potential and was designde keeping in view the export market, it can home various types of engines, radar and weapons so can be customized according to customers needs with out altering the main design! that is what makes it a good platform from export markret!
let the first one or o squadrons inducted, the spec of blk II come out and then we can debate on its future with some facts!
i hope you get the point and the answer to your questions!

By Prasun K. Sengupta

Pakistan on June 30 began the licenced-assembly of the JF-17 ‘Thunder’ new-generation light multi-role combat aircraft (MRCA), with the Pakistan Air Force’s (PAF) Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal (ACM) Rao Qamar Suleman, saying that this would help retain the ‘balance in airpower’ in South Asia. ACM Rao said this while formally inaugurating the final assembly facility of the JF-17 at the state-owned Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) in Kamra. “The aircraft would add to the PAF’s operational capability manifold and help retain the much-needed balance in airpower in the sub-continent,” he said.

Pakistan and China had signed an agreement last March for the licenced-production of the first 42 JF-17s, and ACM Rao said that these new aircraft would begin replacing the PAF’s existing Nanchang A-5IICs and Chengdu F-7Ps and Dassault Mirage IIIPs. The roll-out of the first indigenously-assembled JF-17 is scheduled for this October. “The JF-17 programme has two main objectives — strengthening of our national security through indigenous production of new-generation combat aircraft, and building up Pakistan’s aviation industries. The programme has so far made very significant progress on both these counts,” ACM Rao said. “Most of the technical-industrial infrastructure for building the JF-17s is complete, and both Pakistan and China are looking at third-party export sales in big numbers,” he added.

The JF-17 has been jointly developed by a consortium of companies comprising PAC and China Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC), Chengdu Aircraft Group Corp (CAC) and its Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute, China Aero Technology Import and Export Corp (CATIC), and China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp (CASIC). The first two JF-17s were airlifted to Kamra from Chengdu in early March, 2005. The aircraft were subsequently assembled at PAC’s brand-new JF-17 assembly line at Kamra (which was commissioned on 6 April 2005) and were ready for flight tests by March 18. The same day, these two aircraft were publicly rolled out for the then Chief of the Air Staff of the PAF, Air Chief Marshal Tanvir Mahmood Ahmed. The first eight JF-17s are fitted with CETC-built KLJ-7 airborne multi-mode X-band monopulse radars, but two of CETC’s state-owned research institutes in Nanjing and Wuxi (No14 Institute and No607 Institute) subsequently won the bid for supplying the improved KLJ-10 multi-mode X-band monopulse radars.
The PAF in future is expected to select the Vixen 1000ES AESA radar made by Italy’s Galileo Avionica (the Italian unit of SELEX Sensors and Airborne Systems and part of the Finmeccanica group) for installation on board at least 100 JF-17s as well as on board the 40 Chengdu FC-20 medium-MRCAs. The PAC had licence-assembled 15 JF-17s in 2008 and another 20 this year. Later this year, the PAF will have its first operational JF-17 squadron — 26 Sqn — which will be deployed at Peshawar and this will be followed by 16 Sqn
. By 2018 the PAF will receive about 240 JF-17s to equip eight squadrons.

The PAF has to date committed to acquiring 150 JF-17s in its present configuration (which has a single-axis fly-by-wire flight control system for yaw, and not for pitch or roll), whilst China is expected to buy 250 for the PLA Air Force depending on the outcome of on-going flight trials. Pakistan will initially produce 50 per cent of the aircraft locally, progressively increasing to 100 per cent of the airframe. The unit price of a JF-17 will be kept under USD 20 million. Potential export customers for the JF-17 Thunder include the air forces of Bangladesh, Egypt, Ghana, Iran, Libya, Mynamar, Nigeria, North Korea, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
By Prasun K. Sengupta

The PAC had licence-assembled 15 JF-17s in 2008 and another 20 this year. Later this year, the PAF will have its first operational JF-17 squadron — 26 Sqn — which will be deployed at Peshawar and this will be followed by 16 Sqn. By 2018 the PAF will receive about 240 JF-17s to equip 8-eight squadrons.

The PAF has to date committed to acquiring 150 JF-17s in its present configuration (which has a single-axis fly-by-wire flight control system for yaw, and not for pitch or roll),

Why can't indian "analysts" leave aside things they have no knowledge of?

PAC assembled 8 aircrafts prior to 2009 and will assemble 6-8 this year.
JF-17 has FBW in all axis. Even if some believe it has in one axis, it is the pitch axis and not yaw as this guy would like us to believe.
Oops.. He is not an Indian at all. He is from Malaysia. Read this from Muradk.

Sorry friend I am not being rude Its just when you don't know don't say it, It just separates you from who you are, We have more than 8 , and PAC will produce more than 6. The 4 you are talking are 5 we already have them 2 are completed 3 are in Phase 6. There are 8 phases the thunder has to goto becoming a complete Fighter, That includes all the avionics, Radar and **** load of stuff Which Pakistan has chosen for its Thunders.:cheers:
Why can't indian "analysts" leave aside things they have no knowledge of?

PAC assembled 8 aircrafts prior to 2009 and will assemble 6-8 this year.
JF-17 has FBW in all axis. Even if some believe it has in one axis, it is the pitch axis and not yaw as this guy would like us to believe.

The FBW in yaw axis was reported by Jane's in one of their articles on the improved PT-04 version of the JF, but the same article also said it would later be upgraded to FBW in all axis.

I like how he KNOWS the PAF have chosen the SELEX Vixen AESA radar, just like he KNOWS the JF-17 has a FBW rudder only. :lol:
Oops.. He is not an Indian at all. He is from Malaysia.

Being "based in malaysia" doesn't make you malaysian just like I live in France but I am not a French.

Read this from Muradk.

Read what?

I do not see any mention that this guy is from malaysia or that PAC assembled 15 aircrafts in 2008 or will manufacture 20 this year (2009) or that JF-17 has FBW in Yaw only.

What should I read?
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